I was born at my grandfather's funeral. In fact, during my grandfather's funeral, my mother was pregnant but she was crying and she was agitated because of the death of our grandfather. As a result, she started having contractions and she gave birth to a baby that I am, just in front of my grandfather's coffin. I was born with a scar of my grandfather on my body. The people of the family said that I was the spirit of the incarnated grandfather.
When I was still a child, witchcraft began to manifest in my life through clear dreams. I had dreams that were actually the realities of the spiritual world of sorcerers. There are two kinds of sorcery: active or conscious witchcraft and subconscious witchcraft that manifests in dreams.
One day I dreamed of a mango tree that was in our compound. I dreamed that on this tree there was a staircase reaching the top of the tree. In this dream, I started climbing this tree through the stairs. When I reached the end of the trunk of the tree, I saw many people on the branches of this tree. Those people who were gathered above that tree were my neighbors and the people in my neighborhood. In fact, these people were sorcerers.
When I joined them on the branches of the tree, I saw a fallen angel. He was dark. He touched my shoulder and said, "Here is my beloved son who will honor our master." Then the angel wounded me by making a sign on my foot. This sign represents the eye of Lucifer. In fact, this mystical sign made me able to see beyond the optical eyes. My spiritual eyes were opened; I had become capable of seeing the invisible world, the worlds of spirits.
After wounding my leg, this angel collected my blood and asked me to sign a golden book with my blood. I did exactly what he asked me. So I signed the pact with the devil. This alliance made me pass from subconscious sorcery to conscious or proactive witchcraft. Following this, I began to leave my body and travel in space and hyperspace. I began practicing the astral journey and the astral projection. Later in the world of sorcerers, I was offered human flesh on a plate, which I had to eat. And since I had no choice, I had to eat human flesh as is customary for anyone who is initiated into witchcraft.
Then I was asked to offer a white fowl. I did not know that the white fowl was a human. When I brought them a white fowl, the high priest of this brotherhood of sorcerers began to make incantations in front of a magic mirror. And I saw the images of all the members of my family projected into this magic mirror. Then the high priest took the white fowl I had brought and cut off its head. As soon as he did this, I saw my aunt in the mirror react with pain. She began to agonize as if she was suffering atrociously.
I looked at it in the mirror and then I saw the members of my family who took her to the hospital urgently for medical care. While my aunt was in the hospital, I was instructed by the high priest to drink the blood of the white fowl and as I drank its blood, my aunt gave up the ghost in the hospital. I was appointed the governor of sorcerers in the astral world as a consequence of this human sacrifice.
I was responsible for initiating children of my age into witchcraft. I was 6 years old at the time. I had to spread witchcraft among children. I used comics as a tool to initiate children into subconscious witchcraft.
I used cartoons like "Dragon ball z", like "Dora" or "Bubble Mermaid" and also "Bubulle Illite". These cartoons make children rebellious and stubborn to their parents. First, the children will begin to dream since the unconscious sorcery is manifested in clear dreams. But once these children move from subconscious sorcery to active sorcery, they must provide us with information about their families. So, when their parents get their wages, we worked to generate problems that will cause them to spend their money, and in the end, they do not do anything significant with that money.
I passed on witchcraft to other children through food. Once a child eats this food, it turns into human flesh and this mystical flesh activates extra sensory faculties in the child and opens his eyes and ears to the invisible world.
One day I gave food to a friend to initiate him to witchcraft. After he had consumed it, I was sure he was awakened spiritually. At night I came out of my body and traveled out of my body to his house to call his spirit out of his body because I assumed that his spiritual eyes and ears were already open. When I reached his house, I tried to call his spirit but he did not answer. I called his spirit several times, but he did not react. I did all sorts of ceremonies and rituals to get him out of his body so as to take him to the big gathering of sorcerers, but he did not answer. Then I called for help from an experienced wizard of our brotherhood to resolve this situation.
When he came, he brought a magic mirror and began to invoke the spirit of this child to appear on the magic mirror, but instead of the child's spirit appearing on the mirror, we saw a pair of shoes appear on the mirror. We were confused; we could not understand the meaning of this. Then my colleague who was a senior sorcerer transformed into an owl. He flew over and penetrated inside the house of this child to get him out. I was there waiting for them, but they were not coming out. I waited for them from midnight to five in the morning, but they still did not come. When it was dawn, I had to go back into my body. I understood that my colleague was stuck inside that house.
In the morning, I learned that there was a funeral in the neighborhood and it was my sorcerer colleague who had died. Later, there was an emergency meeting in the astral world to determine the cause of his death. We found out that the parents of the child I was trying to initiate into witchcraft were born again Christians. We discovered that recently they had bought a new pair of shoes for a preacher who had come to preach in their church because the pastor's shoes were not in good condition. When they had offered the shoes to this preacher, he was so merry that he prayed for them. I want to remind Christians that supporting the work of God can lead the Lord to protect and preserve what is precious to them.
There are seven levels in subconscious sorcery, and these seven levels are manifested in dreams. Once you are initiated or used in unconscious witchcraft, you begin to dream that you are participating in meetings and gatherings. You dream that you are eating with people you do not know. In reality, your mind actually participates in meetings and night celebrations. You also dream that you are married and have children. If you dream that you are flying in space like "Superman", it means that your mind is making astral journeys in hyperspace or in the astral world. You also dream that you drink wine but this wine is actually human blood. All these dreams are the manifestation of unconscious witchcraft.
While I was only 7 years old something happened to me. I went with my parents to an animist church of which we were members. As we were coming home, I was abducted. I was trying to cross the boulevard when I was kidnapped and thrown into a jeep. The author of this kidnapping was an American occultist of high level. He took me with him to the province of Bas-Congo. When he took me to his lodge, he made an incantation in front of a magic mirror, and I saw images of my family appearing in this mirror. I was watching my family who was looking for me all over the city. I watched how local television was broadcasting information about my disappearance. Then this American began to initiate me into occultism.
He took care of me from 7 years to 9 years. While I was under his responsibility, I did many esoteric courses. Later, he took me to South Africa where I was introduced to red magic and yellow magic. The purpose of these occult initiations and courses was to prepare me to meet Lucifer. When I reached the age of 12, my American occultist master told me that it was time for me to meet the great master Lucifer.
In this planet, the devil has three temples on earth. The first temple is under the Atlantic Ocean, around Cape Verde. The second temple is called "the temple of Dai" which is located in the basement of India. This is the seat of the world government of Lucifer and the residence of its prime minister. The third temple is in the basement of Great Britain. At this point, I was no longer a sorcerer but a satanist; there is a difference between a sorcerer and a Satanist. A sorcerer serves the devil but only works with demons, while a satanist attends meetings and gatherings regularly with the devil.
As I had become ready to meet Lucifer, we, therefore, made a trip to the white house of Lucifer under the Atlantic Ocean. Once we arrived under the ocean in the submarine kingdom, my master warned me not to greet anyone in the street, for fear of dying. What is sad is that I saw men of God in this kingdom of Satan under the ocean. I saw Catholic priests in this temple and even Christian musicians. The devil has succeeded to establish his throne in many churches on earth.
After going through this mysterious kingdom, we entered a gathering where there were many people. Once we sat down, I noticed a character that was humanoid who was sitting on a throne, he was extremely handsome. My master told me it was the devil, Lucifer. I thought the devil was ugly, but my master told me that the image of luciferin literature is just an illustration. But Satan can take as many forms as he wants.
During this gathering in the white house of Lucifer, there were so many new Satanists that were consecrated. Then the devil said, "Bring me the mystical child." I was taken before the devil. I knelt before him and he placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "Here is my beloved son, who will honor his master." Then the devil told me that the first condition to be his missionary was that I should be married. I was only 12 years old. The devil called a goddess named Linda who resides in Britain. She is responsible for the design of artificial nails, powders, artificial eyelashes, beauty products that make women attractive. When the siren Linda approached, I noticed that she was taller than me, but she made a magical prayer, and she grew shorter and shrunk down to my height.
My wedding with her took place in our cemetery, and the feast took place under the fall of the local river. There were many people at this marriage, including Christian musicians. After the marriage in the underwater kingdom, my wife and I traveled to the satellite world which is one of the parallel worlds of the devil. That is where we made the covenant of blood. We swore never to betray Lucifer. I was responsible for targeting and destroying young people. I had the power to bewitch young people by leading them to make blood pacts.
One day we were in a meeting in the Congo River. There were two young people who loved each other so much that they decided to make a blood pact by collecting their blood in a bottle and then throwing it into the river. We who were in a meeting collected this bottle and started celebrating their marriage. After some time the young people decided to get married. On the day scheduled for the celebration of the wedding, the couple was returning from the hairdressing salon to go to the place of celebration. Along the way, they had an accident and died on the spot. While the people were crying, we were putting wedding rings on their fingers.
The satellite world is a parallel world that is also called the cellular world. It is from this kingdom that the technology of mobile telephone originated. I was the representative of this kingdom in my country. Network codes like 555 or 999 or 777 are simply 666.
After my consecration in the white house of Lucifer and my marriage with the siren Linda, the devil gave me 999 demons to work with me in various operations and missions. I had received the title of a malefactor. The devil then gave me a hexagram, a six-pointed star. My mission was to destroy the living churches of Jesus Christ with this star. I had to fight the true Servants of God. I had to detract their preaching; instead of preaching the word of God as written, they would have to tell their lives, their travel experiences, and all kinds of teachings that have nothing to do with the Bible.
Here are the functions of the six branches that constituted the star I had received:
1st branch: My first mission was to incite Christians to doubt the Word of God in order to weaken their faith. For without faith it is impossible to please God, and faith comes from the Word of God that is heard. There was a demon who worked with me to harden the hearts of Christians during preaching. This demon is named Thomas Ankara. This demon urges Christians not to obey the Word of God. This demon also pushes Christians to go late to church, knowing that angels come to church in time with a blessing for Christians.
2nd branch: My second mission was to prevent Christians from reading the Word of God. I was helped by the Hindu demon Ankara. We made sure that Christians did not read the Bible, but rather other books like "Watchtowers". Reading the Bible is one of the pillars of the Christian life. During the preaching of the Word in the church, I deployed demons that had the size of mosquitoes to distract people and push their thoughts to travel.
3rd branch: My third mission was to prevent Christians from praying unceasingly as recommended by the Bible in 1Thessalonians 5:17. Once a Christian loses the habit of praying, it becomes difficult to get this habit again, and when such Christians try to pray, they lack words, they find it difficult to concentrate; a feeling of restlessness surrounds them. The first thing I did to prevent a life of prayer among Christians was to put unbelief in them. This distanced them from their leaders and the Word of God. That is why you will see some brothers who were very zealous in their life of prayer weakened, this is the mission of the devil in the church. These brothers were victims of the bite of the spiritual mosquitoes I had received from the devil to spread to the church, in order to keep Christians away from God.
4th branch: My fourth mission was to deploy the demons of fornication in groups of the church, such as the choir, the group of worship and intercession. I sent my wife Linda to seduce the brothers. When she did not succeed, I transformed myself into a woman and did it. In case I did not succeed, I would start to overload their thoughts, pushing them to watch pornographic movies. Pornographic films in black magic are a sexual initiation because they are acted by demons. These films are devoted to the world of Polium. When you watch them, you are contaminated. You feel great sexual desires to the point of not being able to control yourself. We then work on your thoughts as a means to lead you to masturbation. The fact is, in black magic, when you masturbate, you are actually having sex with 600 demons. After this act, 300 demons leave and 300 remains, and keep you in fornication. You begin to love sex without control and restraint.
The intercession group was my main target because they are one of the pillars of the church. The stronger they are, the stronger the church. I attacked the intercession group by sending the mermaid, Linda. When she failed, I sent the siren Jacqueline. When she failed, I used beauty products, eyelashes, lotions as open doors to reach the intercessors. I used these products in case they were designed by sirens.
Products such as eyelashes extension are designed by the mermaid Linda. And products like lipsticks are designed by the mermaid Jacqueline. Many makeup and beauty products are demonic and make women appealing. The simplest way to enter the intercession group was through the beauty product because many of these products are designed by the sirens and goddesses of the underwater world.
Thanks to these beauty products, I could push the brothers to covet and desire the sisters in the intercession groups. Once the brothers and sisters in the intercession groups fell into sexual immorality, I sent demons of fornication inside the group. From the moment when sexual immorality enters the group of intercession, the group is invaded by the demons of prostitution and their prayers become impotent because of sins.
The leaders of the churches were also my targets. Among the 999 demons the devil had given me, I had a demon called Maria, a woman of great beauty. The latter turns into a physical woman and goes into churches to ask for information in order to seduce pastors. Hence, the importance of discretion. She also likes to go to the pastors for consultations. Generally, when she arrives, she gives the impression to the pastors that her problems are related to her intimate parts. If you are not vigilant, you will immediately fall with her into immorality. And when you fall into fornication as a pastor, the whole church is drawn into immorality. These fornication demons have so much possessed pastors today that some even have a bed in their office. And when a pastor falls into immorality, it becomes very difficult for him to preach sanctification. Yet without sanctification, no one will see the Lord.
I also attacked groups of worship to prevent their songs and praises from reaching the throne of God. I sent Linda to cause fornication in the worship group so that their worship would be rejected by God.
5th branch: In my fifth mission, I worked with two goddesses. One is called Dalila, she is the demon of homosexuality. When he enters a man, he leads him to behave like a woman. The second is called Cynthia, she is the demon of lesbianism. When he enters a woman, she behaves like a man, and begins to dress like a man; even her manners and personality change. I also tried to encourage Christians to listen to worldly music. Know that the music of the world is a great gate for demons. When you listen to or sing the music of the world, you call demons in your life.
6th branch: This branch was intended for false prophecies. There is a demon called Martadela who very often possesses Christian women and urges them to give prophecies that come from the devil. Beloved, the prophecies of God never come to divide the church. When a prophecy divides the church, it does not come from God, but from the devil. You need discernment.
In addition to my mission against the disciples of Jesus Christ, I had to offer thousands of people to the devil as a sacrifice. I had to kill by accidents, by illness, by miscarriages. Many motor accidents are simply human sacrifices. The devil had given me several conditions:
Firstly, in order to carry out his mission, I did not have to run when rain threatened to fall and I should not be wet by rain. I was astonished when he gave me a horn with a mirror on it. Using this horn I could check the weather. For example, around 6 am if it indicated that it was raining at around 12 pm, I had to go back before 12h so that I did not get soaked by the rain.
Secondly, I had to sacrifice 12 people each year through the money on which I was making incantations. I went to different community areas, I threw the money and the number of people who picked it was the number of people who died. Therefore, do not seek to have a life of ease. You have to work. The Bible says that the one who does not work should not eat.
Thirdly, I could not sleep outside my lodge; as soon as that time rang I had to go home. After that, the devil gave me 7 demons and told me that these demons had to possess anyone who was to enter my lodge. One of these demons is called the breaker of breakers. His mission was to destroy people's projects. When he came to where you were, I was able to listen to your conversations. If you had, for example, a project to receive the money I would block the project. Do not be astonished at the cases of those who have retracted without real reason, after having made a firm promise to render you a service.
Grace be with you all who have Jesus Christ as Master!
NEXT: Paul Adam 2 Testimony Of An Ex-Satanist
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