SISTER JEANNETTE ALL THAT MATTERS IN HEAVEN IS THE FATHER I met the Lord Jesus in a difficult time when nothing was working for me. My life was complicated. I could not understand what was happening to me. I was in lack. I often saw people in the street proclaiming the good news of the gospel. I was skeptical about the whole thing about Jesus Christ. I was actually mocking these soul winners. As far as I was concerned, they were confusing people and the whole thing about Jesus was a fabricated story. I thought they were pretending and they were not serious. I was suffering pain in my body. Moreover, every night when I was sleeping, I was dreaming a woman who was coming regularly to abuse me sexually in the dream. But when I look at her sex, I was seeing that her genitalia was a snake. This went on for a long time until a sister came to talk to me about the gospel of Jesus Christ. At that time, I had no peace of mind, though I had the basic things of life. When a sister was talking...