TESTIMONY OF HEAVEN AND HELL BROTHER OSCAR OF IVORY COAST 1 THE GODDESS MAYA OF WORLD FOOD When I was in the occult I wanted knowledge and power. I wanted to rise in level. I was ready to pay the price yet Gods children are unwilling to pay the price in fasting and prayer to rise in level. They want their pastor to pray for them. Since I wanted power I signed another covenant with another water spirit in order to rise in rank. OCCULTIC MANIPULATION OF FETUS I agreed to sell him my sperm. Thus I was masturbating and the demon was coming from the sea to collect my sperm to take it beneath the sea. This water spirit was doing ritual and mystical practice with my seed. Then he was coming out of the sea on the surface world looking for pregnant women and he was inserting these sperm in the womb of pregnant women in order to affect the gender and character of the baby. I mean if the woman was pregnant with baby boy the water spirit was causing the baby boy to be feminine. If the woman has a ...