
Showing posts with the label IYAH MELEA

Testimony of Heaven & Hell, by Iyah Melea

 Testimony of Heaven & Hell, by Iyah Melea   My name is Melea, I’m 21 years old   and live in Quezon City, Philippines.  I was raised a Christian, I knew my  religion, but I didnt know God. When  I was a teenager (13-16yrs) I became a  carnal Christian and I went to church  but also loved the world. Until one day,  on March 2011 my mom brought me the testimony of Angelica Zambrano (A girl  who testified heaven and hell). After  reading, I cried repenting and confessing  all of my sins Afterwards, I felt the Lord’s presence, and my body shook as If there was an earthquake, I was scared. Suddenly I began speaking in new tongues, I tried to stop my mouth but I kept uttering words. Then I heard an inward voice saying, “Open your mouth. Do not fear. It is I, my daughter.” Then it suddenly stopped. I was shocked and immediately ran to my mother and shared everything. She said, “It is the Lord, when He speaks again, listen to...