Testimony of sister JANET MENSAH
⛔ THE TROUBLES, TORMENTS, AND TORTURES AWAITING THOSE WHO MISSED THE RAPTURE (1 & End) Testimony of sister JANET MENSAH Beloved, Matthew 24:20-21 says, And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath: 21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be. On Tuesday, the 16th of May 2017, the Lord revealed a mystery to me about the aftermath of the Rapture. On that Tuesday, the Lord Jesus said to me, “I am revealing this to you so that you can warn My people about the Great Tribulation that is ahead. I want them to be aware of the things that are about to happen and the things that will befall those who will be left behind.” So on Tuesday night after the women fellowship, I was feeling pain in my body because of the many visions from the Lord. Many of the visions that I experienced were putting my body through a lot. But after that, it's okay. Th...