
Showing posts with the label THE TESTIMONY OF SISTER LINDA.


 THE TESTIMONY OF SISTER LINDA. Sister Linda PaulRika is a woman who hails from Sierra Leone who had a very powerful encounter on February, 15th 2013 that changed her life forever. Her entire testimony could cover over fifteen pages, so for the sake of space, this is just a summary of her testimony highlighting the most convicting and important bits.      HER PAST SINFUL LIFE Sister Linda is an orphan and the 2nd born in her family. Her father died in 1997 and her mother later died around 2001. She was still very young and still in school when she was orphaned. All her relatives and uncles abandoned her and since they had no inheritance from their parents, they started suffering. RECOMMENDED: SPIRIT OF FEAR AMONG PASTORS  So to support herself, she started dating married men and soliciting money from them. She did everything in her ability to attract rich men towards her. She would dress in extreme nudity, micro-miniskirts, tops and blouses that would expose her...