THE 47,000 CITIES OF PARADISE: THE CITY OF MERCY By: Aston Adam Mbaya in Congo 16
THE 47,000 CITIES OF PARADISE: THE CITY OF MERCY By: Aston Adam Mbaya in Congo 16 I was reading the Bible when suddenly the Lord light shone in my room and I was transported to the heights of the sky, where I saw that I was rising with the deads in Christ, that came from the four corners of the world. After rising higher in the sky, finally, we reached a place in the sky that was the border between creation and eternity. When I looked back, I saw behind us the stars of our solar system. We were in the empty space that was the border between creation behind us and eternity before us. In this empty space, I saw before us it was written, “Home Service.” When the dead in Christ head to the Paradise of God, they arrive first in the reception service of the heavenly domain. When we arrived at the reception of heaven, I saw countless bright angels playing music and brass band. The music was intense. When the saints reach this borderland of the kingdom of God, they were bewildered and lo...