4 HOURS INTERVIEW IN HELL BY ALLEN BAMGBOSE 4 Hours Interview In Hell By Allen Bamgbose Its importance that you meditate on what you read on eternity race online ministries and pay a great deal of attention to your relationship with God. It is from this you can judge whether your years so far on Earth, have been a time usefully spent before God or you have only succeeded in doing those things that will warrant you joining the awful abode of the lost in the end. CHAPTER 1 One sunday evening in July 1974, Dare Matins, who was pursuing grade 2 certificate in the teachers’ training college was visited by his friend - Allen Bamgbose, a young Naval officer. By rule of thumb, these two friends were not less than thirty years of age as at that time. Allen Bamgbose shared two different tribes. His father was a yoruba man, who died during the Nigerian civil war and his mother an igbo, who was living in Lagos as at that time. Dare Matins on his own a typical yoruba man. As usual, when two fr...