SISTER RACHEL OF ANGOLA OCCULTIC AND CORRUPTED CHURCHES AND PASTORS. I am Rachel. I believe that I was chosen since childhood for I used to get visions and revelations when I was still a child. At the age of 6 in school, I could not understand the lesson of our teacher. However, whenever I slept in the night, I attended the same lesson again in the spirit. This time around I was able to understand the explanation of the Lord. Back in school, I had a colleague and friend that was behaving mostly like a tomboy instead of a girl. We were giving our school bags to one another to be kept at home to be brought the following day. One day a colleague gave me the bag that I was supposed to keep for her at home and bring back the following day. But strangely when I was sleeping in the night, I saw in a dream my friend asking me to give her back her school bag. I said to her, “It is night and people are sleeping. Wait for the day when I come to school. You gave me your bag in the day, ...