JOHN NGHEPHA MY DIVINE ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD HEAVEN VISITATION Testimony of the calling of Prophet John Hello brother and sister. I am Prophet John from the Democratic Republic of Congo. I am from the northern part of the country, precisely the equatorial province. My family was Catholic. However, they have a history of ancestral and witchcraft traditions. I was raised a Catholic because my parents were Catholic. I did all my studies at the university and I graduated in technical studies, yet I could not find work. I looked for work and I attended interview after interview, but I could not get a job. . When I came to the conclusion that I may never find a job I was so disappointed. I felt let down by God and by everybody else. As a result, I gave up the tradition of attending Mass every Sunday. I felt that God did not care. These were extreme times of hardship and lack. . At this stage, my parents had already died and there was no one to support us. I had to try and stand up for myse...