DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL BY MARY K.BAXTER Mary K Baxter testimonies about troment in hell fire
DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL BY MARY K.BAXTER Mary K Baxter testimonies about troment in hell fire Chapter 1 Into Hell Mary K Baxter in heart of hell In March 1976 while I was praying at home, I had a visit from the Lord Jesus Christ. I had been praying in the Spirit for days when all at once I felt the very presence of God. His power and His glory filled the house. A brilliant light illuminated the room where I was praying, and a sweet and wonderful feeling came over me. Lights flowed in billows, rolling and folding into one another and rolling over and out of each other. It was a spectacular sight! And then the voice of the Lord began to speak to me. He said, "I am Jesus Christ, your Lord, and I wish to give you a revelation to prepare the saints for My return and to turn many to righteousness. The powers of darkness are real and My judgments are true. "My child, I will take you into Hell by My Spirit, and I will show you many things which I want the w...