
Showing posts with the label A MESSAGE FOR THE CHURCH. Sister Geraldine.


 A MESSAGE FOR THE CHURCH. Sister Geraldine. While I was praying, I began to intercede for the church, praying for mercy on behalf of the church of Christ. Then the Lord gave me a message and this was his burden. "There is no time. The church is not ready. The church need to wake up and be ready. If I should come now to take my bride, many will not make it. There are many that think they're great, thinking they stand, in their heart they think they're ready. But they are not ready yet, and if I should come now, they will miss it and mourn greatly. Some have not finished or even started their assignment yet, while some have not completely done away with their iniquities. My people are not ready, the church is not ready. This is why I tarry, because the bride is still sleeping. They must wake up and come together as one in perfect holiness". The Lord emphasized that many will miss it, if he should come now. And I cried to him to have mercy on the people, to have mercy o...