
Showing posts with the label EYES By: Aston Adam Mbaya in Congo 7

TRIBUNAL OF PRAYER AND THE 7 ALTARS By: Aston Adam Mbaya in Congo 6

  TRIBUNAL OF PRAYER AND THE 7 ALTARS By: Aston Adam Mbaya in Congo 6 The mystery of the seven altars of prayer and fulfillment. Brother, I have come to talk about the tribunal of answering prayers. The whole thing began when I was praying for many days in the spirit. As I persevered in prayer, I heard a voice saying, “Brother, from today understand that your prayers have been heard. The Lord has sent me so that I can take you to Heaven so that you can see how prayers are answered.” At that moment, I felt my spirit leaving my body and I saw that I was out of my body which was lying on the ground. I saw that the place I came to was enlightened by a great light. And quickly I saw that I was flying in the space. I thought I was with the Lord because I had a lot of encounters with Him. But on that day, it was not the Lord but an angelic messenger. He said, “Brother, it is the Lord that has sent me to you.” The angel held my hand and we began to rise in space. When we arrived in the cel...