PROPHETESS, GOSPEL SINGER and POPE IN HELL, Welcome, Beloved, My name is Ann Muthoni, I was fasting for three days and fell in a deep sleep ,i then started receiving some visions, I saw two Angels in luminous white garments,One of them was on the left side and one was on the right side,One of them held my hand and said, I am travelling with you till you comes back,”my colleague will be waiting here till we come back, The Angel was holding my hand and we started to travel heading to Hell,when we arrive in hell The Angel told me, “I want to show you a prophetess that you knew when she was alive,This prophetess was of God and she was good in prophesizing and doing many other things for God,when i heard the angel talking this way I was terrified so much that I was unable to ask the Angel of the Lord why that woman was there,when we saw the prophetess in hell , the Angel of the Lord spoke to her ,he said Tell her why you are here ,The wom...