DIVINE REVELATION OF HEAVEN AND HELL BY THEO NEZ Divine Revelation Of Heaven And Hell By Theo Nez Theo Nez grew up on the Navajo Nation near the 4 corners of the USA. He still lives in that area. In 1995 he bought Mary Baxter's book "Divine Revelation Of Hell" thinking he would live for another 30 years and had plenty of time to get right with God. He put it off but, six months later while doing Meth in his home he died of an over dose. The Lord Jesus himself took Theo by the hand and lead him to his pit in Hell. For 2 hours he begged Jesus to not send him there. But the Lord couldn't change things. Until he heard his wife, a believer, praying for him. Then Jesus told him he was going to answer her prayer because she was standing on the word and not backing off. Jesus took him to heaven and for the next 2 hours showed him things to come and commission him to tell other that we are living in the last days and that the Lord is coming. His message is 'we can't se...