
Showing posts with the label THE DOCTRINE OF RESTITUTION


THE DOCTRINE OF RESTITUTION understanding restitution Many born-again Christians always go along with a bible scriptures that says, 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" They forget and never cares of the evil they have done to people in the past.They don’t border about the lies they told clearly in the past that brought someone into trouble. They don’t border about the serious damages they have caused someone. Bible said, you must compare scripture with scripture. You don’t take just a scripture and run with it. Every scripture has it own reason and it needs, the bible said, none of it shall fail for my mouth has said it. The scripture is not alone. There is another scripture that speak of that scripture to make it clear, to show that in the mouth of two or three witnesses. All you think you know, is just a part. So you can’t say, the things you did yesterday, you have forgo...