Testimony of Sis JANET MENSAH
Testimony of Sis JANET MENSAH
I was sleeping when I saw that I came out of my body and I sat on my bed. To my surprise, there was a character standing not far from where I was sitting on the bed. I noticed that His feet were not touching the ground. He was standing in space.
When I looked carefully at His feet, I saw that He had holes in His feet, and I saw that blood was flowing from His feet. When I saw these feet with holes and blood, I recognized that person. It was surely the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I lifted my head and eyes in order to observe His face. It was then I saw the face of the Lord for the first time. When I was beholding the Lord where He appeared and stood in the room, I looked at His holes in the feet with blood.
I saw that the Lord was crying with tears of blood in His eyes. Beloved, His eyes was like blood as I was observing Him.
Then He said, “Follow Me.”
Immediately, I followed the Lord. I saw that we were not walking. In fact, we moved from one place to another instantly. Actually, I landed in a bare land which had no beginning and no end. I was standing there. And when I cast my eyes around, I could not see anything.
But as I kept looking in the horizon, finally I saw the sea. I began to observe the sea on the horizon when suddenly I saw that the water of this sea had come together with the cloud. And besides the sea, I saw a very high mountain.
Suddenly, I saw a huge animal coming out of the sea. This beast was huge. The palm of the feet of the animal was as big as the base of the palm tree. His eyes were red. He was resting around the mountain and lying down. I was observing the beast when suddenly I saw the cloud descending from the mountain.
Immediately after the cloud, I saw a radiant angel of the Lord descending in the cloud, and he was holding a scroll.
At that moment I saw the angel stretching the scroll to the beast and he said, “Don't deceive them for the Lord is coming soon. The Lord is coming.”
After the angel of Lord has spoken I saw the cloud everywhere in the sky. In fact, the Rapture of the church was taking place all over the world. The Lord showed me how the graves were opened and the tombs were torn apart and people were leaving and rising in the air.
Then I saw a driver on the road driving a car. Suddenly, he was raptured and there was a traffic accident. I saw people rising. I noticed that very few people were raptured on that day.
And I said to myself, “The Rapture is taking place. Why am I not rising?”
I am left behind. I wonder why am I not rising? And I tried to jump, but I could not go up. I began to weep and I wept a lot.
I was crying when suddenly I saw men of God that preach the true Word of God, but they were left behind. And I saw church leaders and members that I thought were holy. They were also left behind. They did not make it. They were seated on the floor in lamentation and they were weeping to the extent that you could not hear their voices anymore.
Then I saw two people who were neighbors consoling each other and people were hugging one another in emotion because of what has happened to them. Even people who don't talk to each other were hugging one another and they forgot their conflict.
Then I heard a voice sounding in the sky and saying, “You knew that you could love one another. You could have affection for one another, but you decided not to do so. Now it is too late. You are hugging one another in affection and love. Why now? Why have you waited for Me to come back and get My church for you to show love to one another?”
Beloved brother and sister, if you have not learned to show love and affection, you must learn it now. You must learn to love your neighbor, whatever his personality. Love is one of the things that will help us make it on that day of the trumpet.
They were men of God that were left behind. They talked to each other but in their hearts, they did not love one another. They were in conflict. Because of the gravity of that day, hate and conflict were forgotten and they hugged one another in affection.
Suddenly I saw the radiant angel of the Lord that was holding the scroll. He came down and began to reveal to these people why they were left behind.
The angel came to a lady and said to her, ‘You served the Lord well but the artificial hair that is in your head does not belong to us, but the enemy. There is no place in the kingdom for such a thing.”
He goes to another who put eyelashes on and said, “These things do not belong to us.”
The angel said to the other man, “You did well for the Lord, but you talk too much. You talk about men of God far too much.”
He went to another and said, “You did well, but you were murmuring.”
Beloved, the things that the angel mentioned, which stopped the people from rising at the sound of the trumpet seemed like little things to me, just little things. But these little things stopped them from rising - things like rings, necklaces, chains.
These people that were left behind were saying to the angel, “If I knew, if only I knew, I would have got rid of them. I did not know that these could stop me from Rapture.”
Beloved, I hope you will not be among those who say “I did not know,” because the Lord said, wherever I am testifying, it will be recorded and there will be no excuse.
Suddenly, I saw the sky opening and I saw a beautiful staircase descending from the sky, though it did not reach the ground. I cannot describe how the staircase was built for it was silver with gold. It was hanging in space. I saw millions of angels coming down from the golden stairs and they were gathering the millions of God’s children that were rising in the air while the trumpet was sounding.
I saw that there was a brightening and radiant Man who stood in heaven. I saw that the brightness and radiance of the Man who was the Lord was being transferred to each of the saints that was in the air.
Every time the brightness and radiance of the Lord transferred to a saint, the angel made him climb the golden staircase leading him to the Lord, who stood before a beautiful building of gold.
When all the children of God climbed the golden staircase, I saw the portal that was opened and the firmament was closed.
Beloved, on that day, even the children were selected. If you failed to teach your child the way of the Lord, that is no guarantee, because the enemy is also battling to reap the souls of the children. You must be serious about the instruction of the children because the Lord was selective.
To be continue in "Sis Janet Mensah #2"
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