Therefore Be ye sober, and wake ye, for your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion goeth about, seeking whom he shall devour.

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.

1 Peter 4:7, & 5:8... Beloved, I have been Praying, for God to Help me, and Give me the Strength, to pass out the complete Version of the Encounters i had as a Vision, because i never knew, that The attacks from the Kingdom of the devil, would be this strong. I don't just know how to please explain, but if not of God's Mercies in my life, i would have been gone so long, because of the Attacks from the kingdom of Lucifer, for exposing their last meeting, against human kind, but i know too well, that My Redeemer Surly and Truly Liveth, Amen...

After which, the lady that was backing me up in Prayers was jotting down every single words, i was mentioning out, she got a hit by the attacks from the Kingdom of darkness, which results to a seriously headache, and eye pains...

But, i prayed to God for Healing, and Praise be to Jesus Christ, She was instantly healed. That gave me more Courage And Boldness to keep praying, because,I never seen such Instant Healing at that very POINT. But, still yet, the devil was trying to make a way, of not letting her, to write down every important words, that comes out from my mouth, because, she was so much type fasting...

When suddenly, the pastor came inside the room, where i, the Lady and the other people who joined us in the battle field Praying, to stop  the Prayers, and Commandably asked them all to leave me, and come inside the Church To Pray, that they were disturbing and distracting the Prayers...

That was how the devil wanted to use and capture me, because the people supporting me in Prayers, wouldn't be there if they had gone.

This was also what happened to Daniel's Angel, that was captured during his times, because of the Capacity of the Prayers of Daniel, but because of The steadfastness of Daniel, and the higher intensed full capacity of His Prayers, God decided to send His warrior Angel Michael, to come rescue the Captured angel and released Daniel's answers to Him, for it has been heard by God... And which, is happening these end times.. please, do not be tired of your Prayers even though, nothing seems to happen for long, keep on Praying for the Bible encourage us, that we should always Pray, without season.

When the situation of the pastor and the intercessors, was still going on, and when they were explaining to him, of what was happening to me, I saw the devil in the dragon beast-full form, roaming loudly with an intensed anger, like a dragon trying to devour...

Therefore Be ye sober, and wake ye, for your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion goeth about, seeking whom he shall devour (1 Peter 5:8).

When after that had happened, i Shouted in great Shock, because the voice sounds so horrific.

The pastor, that was asking the people praying for me and jotting down everything i was saying, Kept forcing them to leave me. I was closing my eyes, but as soon as I opened it, what i saw made me more afraid, because i was surprised, such person would have such image in him. His faces changed of that of The Exorcist demon, seen in a horrific exorcism.

I was surprised because, back then before this revelation came to me, he was a fire brand type, that Prays with authority, and Power that even made people falling under anointing., But was so surprised of what i letter on saw. 

And then i immediately closed my eyes, because i was feeling like a dead person. My heart was beating so fast, and my legs was shaking, that i would not be able to see the bright light of the next day again...

Letter on, while in the vision, i saw the devil, instructing and distributing his fallen angels, his ministerial prophets and many demonic race of the entire kingdom, about his new strategic devises over humanity, more especially Christians... ( 2 Corinthians 2:11-lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices).

We have to be fully aware, of the devises of the devil, because he is evil and wicked.

he was revealing his new strategic devises and plans against mankind towards this end times, and as it was all written, in the book of the Sister Intercessor,,, he spoke of 13 of his plans..

1:-, to bring and searched out new ways of sinning against God, that can never be found in the Scripture, examples are

ARTIFICIALS:- bracelet, Weavon, putting on attachments, wearing of lady paints of any color, wedding rings, fixing of eye lashes, weaving, ironing of hair, shampoo wash, Exeter...

CREAMS:-Caro White, Carolina, Creme de crops, Nivea, CeraVe, Stay Young, Paw Paw, Olivera, White Secret, Dove's Body, Shine white, Aboniki,  Sauce Graine, Mama Africa, Gross beauty Blogger, African Queen, My yellow, Exeter...

CLOTHES:- wearing clothes made with the logos of Versace, Nike, Lacoste, Tomy Hilfiger, Chanel, Puma, Zara, Adidas, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Prada, Panda, Valentino, Burberry, Chloe, Zoya, Omega, D&G, Rado, Fendi, Zippo,Polo, Next, Fila, ALL SPORTS CLOTHES, Exeter...

2:-Making sure, that Christians don't reads their Bible even for one second, because their bibles are filled with intensed fire... But, immediately a demonic spirit angel, came and asked why.

But, the devil with full of anger destroyed that demon, with just a point of his one finger, and it exploded like a dust..., 

Then i heard him shouting with range.these are what he says

“don't you know by the means of studying their book, they get attached with the fire inside of the book? don't you know that only looking at their book (Bible), alone attracts the righteous man's presence (Jesus)? Don't you know that, only opening their book, explode the entire territory of their community, and covers their land with fire? Don't you know that the righteous man has increased more and more of His Powers, Visibility and Capacity in his book, that just only opening the book causes exposure of His Powers in my kingdom? we HAVE TO MAKE SURE! THAT THEY DON'T!!!!! I REPEAT, THEY DON'T!! OPEN THEIR BOOKS ANY MORE (BIBLE)!...

On hearing this, because whatsoever he spoke, i speak them out!, I don't just know how but, it was just as if, he was speaking and i was speaking at the same time repeating his voice. I don't know.... But all voices was recorded, and the names, written down by the intercessors...

After this, i saw one of his three female fallen angel, marchosias, naamah and belial coming to him , so intensed, full of seduction. Seductively asking him with one voice, what would they do in other not to Open their book (Bible)...

he lucifer replied and say.

“you distracts them by inserting in them, the lusts of Seductive thoughts, and pleasing things to make them, been distracted. Because whenever they are been distracted , they loose focus of connection to the righteous man”.

While i was observing, they spoke again, what if they goes to church, and heards some words of the righteous man?

he answered them and say

“purah knows what to do” i immediately asked my self, who is Purah?, then i heard a voice, spoke to me and told me that purah is the fallen angel of lucifer, called the spirit of forgetfulness”...

Beloved, we need seriously needs to be very careful and prayerful because, the world we are right now is demonical...

While still observing, the third, the devil said to the congratulations of the kingdom of darknessh.,

Make them, to always listens to worldly secular musics, and balphomet, make the songs of any secular musics so attractive, interesting and sweet, that they forgets not any words from it. Be it children, youths or adults...

One of them, then said,

oh master, what there are some christians who listens to gospel musics of the righteous man?, What would we do. .

The devil says to the questioner

Do nothing. yes, do nothing, because i have already destroyed the fire of the righteous man in them, with the worldy adornments, and Pleasures of fornications, addictions to pornography, and masturbations in Both the males, and females, thinking that they are still in the righteous man's presence and side, pleasing or worshiping or giving praises to him, never knowing they worship, adore and gives the praises to me (he laughed monstrously and continued) i have already used them, and putting in many, and many of my evil powers in them, to as well help me in spreading it to the rest of the people, so when they listened to it, they fall under my possessions thinking they are falling under the anointing of the righteous man (he then laughed again)...

Then, while i was still observing, i saw balphomet (in the form of a goat head, Brest and the legs of a goat) ascending in front of the devil and saying... 

“what about the true worshipers of the righteous man? They have been destroying my works, and winning the true souls of the righteous man...what do you say about them master”

Lucifer went along and said to him-she-it with anger...

“but they are few ONLY FEW! and you know that.” “they are only few, and their albums...have you been promoting their albums?”

Balphomet answered him and said, no. because, the fire in their songs and albums, keeps keeping me far far far distances from them,... Only what i asked of you, is to tell mammon, to reduce their interest of income, and make them to suffer from lark of financial incomes in the gospel music industry so in other not for them to be famous, popular and their songs to be established, because we owns the physical world, and everything in them. that is my suggestions”...

Beloved, we seriously needs to be so quickly to discern. Majorities of the gospel ministers and singers has already gone off from God, of whom the devil calls the righteous man...

Immediately, the devil assigned mammon the Principality god of wealth, riches and fame, to do as said from balphomet, principality god of the music industry and the promoter of the both secular musics and gospel musics that is not of Christ Jesus....

4:-, the devil instructed the demonic Forces of darkness to stop Christians from praying at nights, because it's their main hours of activation, invocations and meetings in the Astral terrestrial kingdom of darknessh, and because they damage the works been done in the marine worlds.(For When Men Sleeps, The Devil Comes To Plant Evil)

5:-, to stop the rate of public Evangelisms, outreach and crusades, and puts in them the spirits of weakness, and forgetfulness, because it damages the amount of projections being made in the air, by Pazuzu the Principality of the air kingdom.

6:-to Stop praying before sleeping, praying before waking up from sleep, and praying before going out, for by that, the angels of the Righteous Man, would always guide them, according to their prayers, lead them, do all what they asked for, and accomplished them...(For the Bible says that we should asked, and it shall be given)

7:-to Stop preaching Holiness, but Prosperity all in name of Holiness, and requesting for money from the people, before praying for them or consulting deliverance, or healing, or miracle, or attending programs...(For Freely i received, freely i give) but now adays is for money..

8:-to sing songs, attaching or including or mentioning my name in it, like (Satan shame unto you, all power belongs to Jesus, and up up Jesus, down down Satan Exeter), and preach with my name included in it, like (when preaching about the fall of Satan, or the past nature of satan while he was in the Third Heaven, His Responsibilities and what He was made of...God says, that they glorifies him when doing such)...

9:-to put on trousers, while singing (women) and puting on bracelets while ministering and singing as well(men., In their hands, and also putting on jeans)...

10:-to make sure they sleeps during the words of the righteous man being preached on programs, more especially when the angel of the righteous man comes to present blessings to them and then you steal away their gifts and blessings to yourselves (the demons)...

11:-to make sure that they have issues with issues with the words of the righteous man, whenever theses items that are not written in his words but used against them, are been preached or warned to them(listed in the first instructions above)...

12:-to make sure they have issues with people after they either heard the word of the righteous man, or been converted, or receiving the baptism of the evil spirit of the righteous man (that was how he called and mentioned it as evil Spirit of God)to themselves, or listens to his songs, or coming back from Evangelisms, or reading their books(Bible), so that the intensity of the fire would decrease from them and we would have the powers to overcome them and steal their gifts and blessings from the righteous man..(for the devil is poor.he gains all these from the blessings of God towards Mankind. Take good notes about this)...

13:-to make sure, they don't have the ideas of knowing that all of these things, that i have instructed, and making sure they never believed, or agree to stop from it, but seeing all of these things, as stupidity, carnality, Foolishness, nonsense and unreasonable, And never leaves out from.any of these of my instructions...

And then, the Vision closed, and Glory Be To Jesus, I was safe from their traps, and i came out from there and saw that the whole room was filed with people, and when i asked, One of them told me that they were done with the Cross Over Night Vigil's...
