When I was in the occult I wanted knowledge and power. I wanted to rise in level. I was ready to pay the price yet Gods children are unwilling to pay the price in fasting and prayer to rise in level. They want their pastor to pray for them. Since I wanted power I signed another covenant with another water spirit in order to rise in rank.
I agreed to sell him my sperm. Thus I was masturbating and the demon was coming from the sea to collect my sperm to take it beneath the sea. This water spirit was doing ritual and mystical practice with my seed. Then he was coming out of the sea on the surface world looking for pregnant women and he was inserting these sperm in the womb of pregnant women in order to affect the gender and character of the baby. I mean if the woman was pregnant with baby boy the water spirit was causing the baby boy to be feminine. If the woman has a baby girl the water spirit was causing the baby girl to become boyish. These babies would be born with gender disorder in their personality.
Over time I caused young people to masturbate in our quarter and their sperms were collected by this water spirit. I caused ladies to masturbate and their liquid was taken beneath the sea. As a result, the water spirit was rising to the surface to cause babies to have personality and gender disorders. Baby boys were given women feature and baby girls were given male identity.
As I was gravitating level in the spirit world a highly elevated man got me in an Indian sect. When I joined this Indian mystical order I was introduced to an Indian woman. She was actually the queen of the coast of the ocean the Mami Wata. She was the goddess who commands the ocean and the river. The queen of the coast controlled continental territory under the ocean, the ocean, and the river. In truth, the oceans are controlled by the angel of God. There is a God angel that commands the sea. However, the devil has also delegated the queen and goddess of water who is a principality of the sea such as the queen of the coast.
When I got in contact with this Indian woman who was the queen of the sea she gave me the 16th power of the world for I was her sixteenth husband. This cursed lady of the sea is a prostitute for she sleeps with whoever she wants. When we got married beneath the sea she put me in charge of a massive Kingdom underwater where I was ruling over Aquarius civilization and marine spirits. Many mermaids were under my authority for I was the king in that water city. There are countless of queens and goddesses ruling in that section of the ocean and the sea.
In the water world, I saw the goddess Semiramis, a descendant of Noah who signed a pact with Lucifer for immortality. When she died she went to serve the devil under the sea. She is a powerful goddess of the sea controlling water. Later on, I began to work with another powerful queen of the sea who is the wife of the god Mammon the finance minister of Lucifer. Maman Brigitte is the queen of the sea who controlled the demons of poverty under the sea. She is married to Mammon.
I want to talk about my service to one of the wives of Lucifer, the goddess Maya, the queen of the sea. Maya is the Principality in charge of world food. It is when I began to work in the food department of the world of Satan that I came to understand that the devils heart and mind are in world food and nutrition. The food department of the world of Satan is governed by this goddess of the sea called Maya. This sea siren is the boss in charge of world food. I was working with this queen of the sea that controlled the world of Satan that deal with world food. The aim and main purpose of this sea kingdom of Satan controlling world food are to weaken Gods children who failed to pray before eating. They failed to give thanks to the Lord before eating food and drink, our powerful weapon that the devil is using in the end of time.
One day she gave me the assignment of working in the markets of our city in order to infest and poison the population through food and nutrient. Actually whenever the government and the local authority wanted to build a market or supermarket in the city, thanks to our intelligence gathering and espionage we knew about their resolution before it goes public and we were sending demons to enter their minds and influence them to select a land that is a residence of a demonic power. There are places in the city that are the seat and throne of demonic power. We wanted them to use demonic land that are haunted and whenever the market and supermarket were built on these land inhabited by unclean spirits. We were placing a net or spiderweb at the gate of every market and supermarket. Brother, the devil has placed guardian demons at the gate of every market of the world.
Today Gods children don't pray when they are about to leave their home in order to go to the market and shops. Many of God's servants fail to pray before going to the market; they failed to ask the Holy Spirit to guide them to buy that which is good. They think they can buy whatever they want in the shopping center and supermarket. They lack discernment and vision, thus they were falling victim. Gods children must learn to pray before going to do shopping so that they will be spared from items that are infested and bewitched. Many servants of God bring home items that contain demons. They bring demons in their homes thanks to items and accessories they buy in the market.
We were mounting net and web in the market to catch people. When you go to the market without the Holy Spirit you will end up buying stuff that contains unclean spirits and bringing them home. As a result, your children will be bewitched. These items attached to demons gave us the legality of landing in your house to cause destruction. You must understand there is competition among sellers in the market. Thus many people and companies that are selling products in the market and shops have signed pact and covenant with demons in order to sell fast and sell more. For a product to become global, the company do rituals to demons for their articles. These products have specific demons inside them. Sellers go to the mystics in order to sell their product fast and these mystics work with demons that possessed, infest and even defecate on these goods. Demons pee and vomit on these goods when people sign pacts in order to sell more.
When I began to work for the sea goddess Maya, quickly we went on to set up and mount infrastructure, installation and logistic of control around the markets. In every market of the world, the devil has sent a butcher selling human meat. When you buy this human meat, you wonder why the meat is tasteless in comparison with real meat. When you eat this human flesh, you come under manipulation and initiation.
I want to reveal to you people of this community sitting in this church there is a Python that transforms himself into a beautiful lady in order to come and sell stuff in your local market. She is extremely beautiful for when she passed people watch her in your local market. This lady Python who is a high-ranked witch has many tables in your market. She is tall and big and she attracts attention in the market. We were selling human blood in the appearance of red oil and when you use their oil, the devil gets the legality over your life. Whenever intercessors prayed and intercede for the market there are positive effects. The angels were coming down to purify it and remove manipulation enchantment and witchcraft. When Christian rest from praying and interceding we were putting back manipulation. When they prayed again angels were coming again to remove spells and enchantments like a circle.
The sea kingdom of the goddess Maya is in demand of women placenta. Since many mothers don't get that placenta after delivery, many hospitals have signed contracts with agents of Satan who buy woman's placenta for various purposes in the world of Satan. They get women placenta from various hospitals and thanks to the combination with formalin they were designing cube meat and animal meat. The Satanic entrepreneurs that designed the cube meat don't use it in their food. They use other natural combinations because they use formalin to soak the woman's placenta inside the cube meat.
The purpose of formalin inside cube meat is to weaken the body and bones of Gods children so that they will be weak and heavy in prayer. Many Christians want to pray and fast and stay in Gods presence. They want to be closer to God but they are unable for they lack spiritual strength. The heaviness and weakness they feel resulted from the various food and items they used on the earth that are infested with demons for these foods and items have been enchanted and bewitched by the enemy.
Thus many satanic business leaders buy women placenta in various hospitals. When you asked for your wifes placenta after delivery they won't give it to you for they have signed contracts with companies that acquired them. The enemy steals childrens destiny and blessing thanks to the placenta.
In terms of food, I would like to tell you to use red sugar not the white ones that are made thanks to formalin and they give diabetes. I want to tell you to avoid tomato puree for it is made with lady menstrual blood of women. The photo of the lady on the box of Annie tomato is that of a sea siren. The sister of this siren is called Guinness, the name of the popular beer made in Britain.
The Lord said we should not eat the blood of animals because it is their soul. Gods children must avoid animal kidneys of blood for there is condemnation when you eat meat having blood. Whatever agents of Satan are selling in the market are not food. It is outrageous when you learn the reality of what is sold in the markets. When you see a restaurant attracting the crowds don't go there as there is manipulation and when a women cook in public places a Satanist is likely to drop something inside. In the end time, the devil is increasing sugar in children's lollies so that they will fall sick and die. There are children with diabetes because of sugar as these things destroy children or organisms.
Many of the water sold in the street are fluids of the deads. There are waters that we buy in shops that are mixed with human blood but many Christians are failing to pray before using what they buy in shopping. When you drink water mixed with human blood, understand that the soul of the innocent victim is demanding justice against the executioner and since you are using their blood you become his executioner and you become exposed.
If you play the fool with your prayer life, understand that Satanists and water mermaids have prayer lives and they don't play. I used to spend 4 hours in concentration and meditation in order to weaken Gods children. I would spend eight hours in meditation to weaken Gods children. We were praying to the devil but we were serious. There is a plate called 555 blades. When you use that you are under manipulation for the 555 represents a demon who starts his work at midnight. There is a demon on that plate. Today there is no discernment and people fall into manipulation. As a result, there will be heaviness and weakness and his prayer life will die.
Brother whenever a woman of prayer was approaching the gate of the market, the guardian demon of the market was alerting us about the danger that was coming. One day a woman of prayer came to the market to do shopping. There was flaming fire surrounding her and when she was moving I saw a flaming sword moving before her. This means that the guardian angel of the Lord was ready and on the alert for confrontation. We were on the alert when this woman enter the market for her fire was burning the net. When this woman stopped before a desk to ask for the price of chili, I saw flames of fire coming out of her mouth, and demons that were on these foods were scattered running away from the flame that was coming out of her mouth.
This woman was causing damage and demons were running away leaving the goods and food where they were dwelling. On that day many women who came to the market bought good food for demons that were infesting the food were scattered by the flaming fire of this woman of prayer. Many bacteria are a result of demons. When a woman has prayer life it is extremely dangerous for the world of Satan. A woman of prayer seems like raging fire when she walks in the street because everything stopped in the spirit world.
We must understand that markets are controlled by the sirens of world food. Women of God that came in the market also purify the place thanks to Gods presence in them and fire that covers them always scatters the demons and people benefited whenever women of prayer enter the market. But when they left the market, we always came back to bewitch the place again.
One day a friend took me to a company where they were making cigarettes. We went there in spirit and we crossed the wall and we entered the company where they were making cigars. Later we went to the cemetery and took human bones and we replaced the feather with human bones. Another day we went to a company where they were designing beer. I saw that they did incantation and demons came to pee on that liquid and when demons went away these people pee on the liquid that was to be used to make beer. People don't know what they are eating and drinking. I had many agents that were selling food in the market yet the food that they were selling was not food. I want to remind you to pray for what you eat.
I was an Illuminati and a Grand Master in the Rose-Croix and was a higher ranking satanist, the fifth satanist in Ivory Coast. The purpose of this testimony is to show you how the devil works and to give you Bible passage of the Word of God that is the only weapon that can give you victory against the enemy and his army. Beside the Bible, there is no greater weapon.
The situation is grave for the devil. There's no time left for him. He told us to work with twice the speed of human. Beloved, the beast is already here on the earth. The Antichrist is alive and he is here; he is precisely residing beneath the Vatican Basilica.
I have a message and knowledge to reveal to Christians. In the dark world, we knew that Christians are the ones with superior power, they are the ones that are capable of stopping the devil and his army. Satan has the visible army of witches and Satanists, and occultists. He has the invisible army made up of angels and demons.
I want to share and reveal how the devil attacks and we can even destroy God's children. God's children are ignorant of their power. A man of God alone can block and cancel all the witches' Satanists, including mystics in the city.
Welcome, brother. I am Oscar from a village in the Ivory Coast. I was the fifth satanist in the country. I was the Prime Minister of witches in Africa, and I was married to the queen of the coast.
My story happened in a village outside the capital of the Ivory Coast. One day in the night while I was sleeping in the village, I began to feel a strange presence and I heard voices. And when I opened my eyes, I saw the wall of my room moving as if it had become flexible. To my surprise, I saw the wall of my room bending in two. In fact, the wall opened up and when I look beyond the wall, I saw another world and falling before my eyes. It seems like a bush.
I saw that it was daylight in this new world that was before me yet it was the night in our world. Then I saw men, women, and children entering my room. They were wearing masks.
I was scared and I began to cry. Since I was a child, one of these witches carried me on the back and we entered the new world of witches, where I joined the Brotherhood of witchcraft. In the astral world of witches, there are cars, trains, planes, and infrastructure.
God's children in Africa must learn to destroy the transport system and infrastructure of witches all around them. You must learn to destroy the communication system of witches. The witches have installed radars everywhere in order to monitor the world and God's people in every street and buildings they are radars of witches. There are central radars of city and country showing all the people and all God's children.
When I got in witchcraft, I was just a child. I was supposed to obey. When we arrived in the astral world. I saw that we were in a meeting where others were debating how to spread witchcraft so that they will become numerous.
The ruler of this brotherhood was dressed in a black coat and sat on the throne and he was giving orders. They told me when people asked, you will not talk about this experience. You will just tell them you had a bad dream.
Brother, when your child is crying in the night you must engage a conversation and make sure that he tells you everything, for it was on that day that I contracted witchcraft. And I began to hear strange voices. And I always felt that I was walking with people. In the night I felt like I was separating in two. In truth, I was in subconscious witchcraft.
My parents then took me to the second city of Ivory Coast. Back then my father was not converted, but my mother was already saved. She began to take me to Sunday school. One day we were taught in Sunday school that we can ask the Lord whatever we want. At that time, I used to watch cartoons such as the Justice League, Gargamel, and his cat Azrael.
We must remember that generally angelic names finished with el like Michael Gabriel The cartoon character Gargamel and his cat Azrael had names of fallen angels which end with el. The Mystics took these names from demons to make cartoon characters and children watching these cartoons are possessed by demons. The purpose of cartoons is to cause hardhead and rebellion in children and demonic possession. It is filled with demons.
Cartoon character such as Eric Cartman is a demon. He is a violent demon. Spiderman is a demon. Superman is a demon. Christian parents are leaving their children to watch these demonic cartoons.
My mother was a member of the Assembly of God. While she was tagging me to church, I was asking God to give me the power of a Justice League like Superman, so that I will help people in difficulty yet Superman was a demon. Since I was doing this prayer at the age of nine, a demonic spirit came to me in a night.
The spirit told me, You have been asking for my power in prayer to help people in difficulty like superhero. I have brought to you the power of a superhero.
Brother, on that day in the night, I signed a pact with this unclean spirit. And at the age of nine, I became aware of the power that was invested upon me. Quickly, I became an active witch performing spiritual activities in the spirit world.
One day, I was flying in space above the continent of Africa. It was deep in the night. And when I reached the south end of the continent, I saw a group of people assembled deep in the night. I was curious, therefore, I landed in their midst to check what was happening. When I got there, I was informed that this was the competition and contest of the strongest witch in Africa. It was a Tournament of Power in order to determine the strongest for the world of Satan is about test of power, and the strongest dominate the weakest. I was told you are free to join the contest and Tournament of Power if you are strong. When the fight for power and supremacy began between these witches, there was thunder, explosion, and lightning in the air, when suddenly I saw all the people collapsing on the ground.
Quickly I saw an old man with wings landing in the lightning that was flashing. He told me, You are the second strongest witch in Africa. But from today you become the strongest. You will travel to the North Africa desert in order to be crowned as the representative of all the witches.
When we traveled to the desert for the crowning ceremony, I saw that there were an advanced kingdom, civilization, and cities in the desert of North Africa. This place that is a desert in the map is the location of the unseen and advanced kingdom of Satan. It is where the witches of Africa gather for there are great spiritual cities in this desert. When I got into this kingdom, I was given a crown and a staff of command.
Many God's children don't make use of the staff of command and authority yet the Bible says, I have given you every place where the sole of your foot will tread just as I promised to Moses. (Joshua 1:3)
On that day, I received my mantle as the prime minister of witchcraft in Africa. After my enthronement, there was a party where witches from all the continents meet, and they drank wine, which was human meat and blood. After eating and drinking, they went to relax and play football. This was an advanced and spiritual civilization in the desert of North Africa. But the ball in this football game was a human head. The victim was alive but he was suffering migraines when people were playing football with his head. While people were playing football over there were playing tam-tam (gong or drum), which was the belly of a man on the earth. He was suffering in his belly. After this party, I went back home and my power increased.
In the occult, I wanted power and I wanted it fast. As a result, a friend of mine brought me a satanic book for his father was in the Rosicrucian order. I began to read the book in order to learn this occult science and I was practicing all the instruction in the book. Since this book of Rosicrucian was elementary, I went on to research the leader of this sect. I found out that he was a Frenchman in the name of Christian Bernard and he was living in France. This country was the holder of the secret of Rosicrucian. I found out that Italy was the holder of the key to Freemasonry. England is the holder of the Black Knights. The route of the Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry is ancient Egypt.
While I was gravitating to evil in the occult, my parents who were Christians were unaware of my evil activity. Today, most Christians are blind and they don't see and they don't know the spiritual state of their own children. They are blind and they don't have discernment. They don't even ask the Lord.
When I found out about the leader of Rosicrucianism, quickly, I began to do incantation in order to summon demon so that I would enter in contact with this man. I was fearless and I wanted more power. I was doing magic prayer, then suddenly the spirit of Christian Bernard the leader of the French Rosicrucianism appeared, and he landed in my room. And when he appeared, he laid his hand upon my head and he transmitted me satanic anointing. And in one night I reached the highest level of Rosicrucianism, which was the 12th level.
Because my level increased in the spirit world, I became more powerful and more dangerous. Diabolic power was running a lot in my body.
I want to warn you, Gods people that a lot of churches and men of God in Ivory Coast have started well, but they are now in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. I know all the big churches of Ivory Coast in detail. They started with God but in the end, they joined the enemy. I will tell you the names of these pastors that are great mystics in the Ivory Coast. It is because of these satanic pastors that the war erupted in Ivory Coast.
I know these pastors because I also signed on the book of the devil in order to authorize this war. Many people are going after men of God but these men are in occultism. They sold themselves to the devil.
Instead of going from one church to another, you must learn to read the Bible and pray at home and develop a relationship with the Spirit of God.
After reaching the highest power of Rosicrucianism I continue to seek knowledge and power.
Brother, I knew the Roman Catholic Church in the spirit world. I mean, I was a member of Roman Catholic magic. I have worked with books like the prayer of Saint Charlemagne who was a man of war, but somehow they turned him to a saint. I was using candles and incense and use them in order to invoke the spirit. In the past, many evangelical churches were winning Catholic believers, and people came to discover the truth about the cult of Mary and the worship of idols.
When the devil saw that the evangelicals were winning all the Catholic believers, he summoned an emergency meeting in the spirit world in order to counter the evangelicals that were winning Catholic believers.
I was not present in that meeting as I did not have time to attend but my colleague informed me about the resolution that was taken in that meeting. In fact, they decided to copy and adapt evangelical practice in order to keep people in the Catholic Church. The devil came up with the idea of Charismatic Renewal, which include the practice of speaking in an unknown tongues, prophesying and deliverance.
In this meeting, the devil assigned an angel of light to lead and guide this movement of Charismatic Renewal. The angel of light of Satan is the one who caused people in the Charismatic Renewal, to speak in tongues, to prophesy and to have vision. The Angel of Satan in the name of Tobit is the one imitating the gift and manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the Charismatic Movement in the Catholic Church.
The purpose of this renewal was to stop and counter the evangelicals, but there is no Holy Spirit. It is the angel of light of Lucifer Tobit.
Later I went to sign a pact with the gods of Egypt, the sun god. We used to call her the queen. In order to travel to the sun, we were doing a concentration in prayer, and we were performing an astral journey to the pyramid. And from the pyramid, we were rising towards the sun. And when the sun rays enter our astral body, we were able to enter the sun where we were received by the sun god.
I was received by the queen and I signed a covenant with her. In this ceremony, I sat on a golden throne, and the queen who had seven powers gave me four of her seven powers.
Then she summoned a tiger. The beast came walking around my throne and entered in me. As a result, I became half-man, half tiger. I was covered in tiger skin, but no one could see it.
When traveling in space, I became quicker in the air and on the earth. When traveling in space, one step was equal to 40 and 50 kilometers. The earth became a little for me, as each step of my feet was many kilometers.
Brother, when I joined the Islamic religion, I came across a verse in the Quran that mentioned a spirit in the name of the Lord Mighty. I was told I had to be a senior in order to summon him. I was told when he showed up he is so big that his upper part extends to the sky, but his lower part is hidden. He is the most powerful spirit in Islam. This is actually the demon that is worshipped by Muslims in the name of Allah. He has 100 names. He is also called Deyang (?).
Brother, the demon Allah is a fallen angel residing in the moon. His hidden names that Muslims don't know is Deyang (?). I repeat Allah is the name of an angel of Satan that resides in the moon. His name in French means Luna.
I was attending a convention of Satanists beneath the ocean in the place called the Bermuda Triangle, where there is a bank of blood of Satan. Beneath this location in the ocean, there is Lucifer White House, the headquarter of Satan.
In this part of the ocean, there is a prison of fallen angels that are incarcerated. These rebel angels will be liberated in their time to cause chaos in the Great Tribulation.
In this point of the ocean called the Bermuda triangles, demons capture boats and planes and these forces are dangerous. I was attending meeting and summit of Satan in this place beneath the Bermuda Triangle where the devil was unveiling strategy against the church of Jesus and the human world.
Today, many churches are invaded by demons in flesh. Many pastors are married to women who are physical demons. At the end of time, the devil has deployed all category of demons such as the Avatar, who are false humans. They are born from the union of men and Mermaid, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men.
The devil has also deployed the Highlanders, who are a class of demons fighting for powers among themselves. The devil is also deploying the dwarves who are human victims of blood sacrifice. When they died, they were enrolled in the army of darkness and they began to function like demons.
In a meeting in the White House beneath the Bermuda Triangle, the devil said to the Satanists, You must stop God's children from fasting and praying for when they fast their spirit expand, their development become great.
Fasting and prayer is the food of the soul and the spirit. Fasting and prayer cause the growth and development of the spirit of God's children. It causes the Spirit of God's children to grow in size and in proportion.
Brother, when we fast we grow in spirit. However, when we purify ourselves and when we dedicate ourselves in prayer, our souls still maintain the same size but it becomes radiant and brightening. It is our spirit that expands and develop beyond the normal size of a human. Gods children develop and grow in height and width when they fast.
Prayer is an act of war against the world of Satan. Whenever God's children pray they become fiery, and whenever God's people pray the fire comes down from heaven abundant and when fire descended cause thunder, bombardment and explosion in the second heaven and the first Heaven.
We were battling to stop Christians from fasting and praying. We were causing God's children to be walking around the city for nothing. And this was canceling their fasting.
Brother, a child of God and must pray for at least three hours a day, one hour in the morning, one hour in the midday and one hour in the night. However, when you want to be used by God, you must pray at least seven hours a day. After three months you will be in another dimension.
The more you pray, the more fire is descending from heaven. The more you pray, the more fire causing bombardment. Whenever you pray, the spirit world comes under attack. You must use the scripture when you pray. The prayer in tongues gives a problem for the devil and the satanic world for they cannot understand it. And when you pray in tongues, there is a tunnel to the third heaven thanks to your prayers.
We were fighting prayer in tongues. I was a leader of witches. One day I was informed about a woman that was prayerful. I was told by witches, We have tried to attack the woman but we failed. She always prays and she is dedicated. She is causing trouble in the neighborhood with her prayer that is causing bombardment and fire.
I said to the Brotherhood, Leave it to me. I will deal with her.
When I took the case I began to study the Christian lady. First and foremost, I checked her clothing and adornment. I wanted to know whether she is using makeup and I saw that she was not in makeup. I tried to contact the Queen Jaqueline of the toilet.
Given that the woman was prayerful, the Queen was not in her toilet anymore. I saw that when this woman was walking in the street, she was doing silent prayer in her heart and fire was bubbling around her. When she was working in the office she was working and praying in her heart. Silent prayer was a way of life for her. She prays for her house and her husband.
When I went to her house to get something to enchant it, but there was fire covering all items in the house. When I tried to touch her pagan husband I saw that he was in a fire. Whenever Christian prays, there are damages and destruction in the spirit world. The prayer of Gods child rise in the air like a bowl of fire, and the more you pray the angel of God will engage battle in your favor.
The devil actually resorted to his 24 elders for war in space for the devil has 24 elders, 7 spirits and 4 living beings. He has copied what he has left in heaven. His 24 elders are dressed in black and they have crowns.
We were ordered to stop God's children from fasting and praying for their spirit grow and develop beyond human proportion in the unseen world. We were beneath the ocean and Lucifer White House when the devil said to the audience, You must stop God's children from reading the Bible.
Brother, I was in a perpetual war with God's children. I was monitoring them. Whenever a Christian opened the Bible in order to read, I was showing up for they were paranormal phenomena. In fact, as soon as the Christian began to read the first letter of the Bible passage at that moment, a flaming sword was coming down from the third heaven and the flaming sword was moving in circles around the Christian above his head with speed. The sword of light and fire was turning around a believer in great speed.
And the more the Christian read the Bible, the light and fire of the sword was getting strong and was removing impurity, sin and filthiness in the life of the believer. This is a work of purification for the meditation of the Bible purifies God's children.
The second role of the Sword of Heaven is to increase the spiritual strength of the believer. Those who read the Word of God their spiritual strength increase. The Sword of Heaven neutralize bondage that we put on God's children.
Brother, whenever this sword of fire descended from heaven, I was showing up at a relative distance in order to see. I always stood at a distance of 100 or 120 meters depending on the speed of the sword for fear of being struck down by the Heavenly Sword.
I often shot arrow against this sword but the arrow were returning to me. Whenever God's children were reading the Bible I was often blowing air to cause them to have thought about other things in their mind while reading the Bible. You cannot be reading the book of life and be thinking about your friends, project, and money. This was what I was doing.
Whenever God's children were reading the Bible, I was able to get in their phone contact and select a contact that will give them a call in order to disrupt their meditation. There are those who get restless when they read the Bible because I was blowing air of enchantment on them. I was also sending visitors to interrupt them. In some cases, I was erupting noise of children or people around them in order to stop them
Brother, whenever you have many thoughts when you are reading the Bible, it is an attack. When a believer comes to church but he does not know how to read the Bible. When he goes back home he will be thinking about the preaching he heard in the church. As soon as he began to ponder about the preaching he heard in the church, the sword of third heaven was descending to purify him and to increase his spiritual strength.
I was always it attracted by the arrival of the Sword of Heaven, and I was trying to blow thoughts of distraction so that the Sword of Heaven will go back to the heaven. People who cant read the Bible because they don't know to read, they pray so that what they heard will be imparted in them. This prayer happened exactly the way they requested.
Brother, if you can read the Bible, but you don't have a Bible, you are living in sin. And we were sending a spirit of scorn in you so that you may think that it does not matter whether you have the Bible or not.
The Bible has 66 books like the 66 chapters of Isaiah which talks about the Old and New Testament. It is written, And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of his prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life. (Rev 22:19)
There are 10 books added in the Catholic Bible and the Orthodox Bible. These cancel the Scripture. Basically in the spirit world, the King James Bible and other Bibles shine with brightening white light. However, the New Jerusalem Bible and the Orthodox Bible shine with red light In fact, every property of the devil shine with red light in the spirit world. I want to warn God's children that the Catholic Bible and the Orthodox Bible are satanic. When you look at King James Bible and other I mean, when you look at the Bible with a vision of a spirit, you will notice that it is a living organism. The Bible is alive and you will notice that it is like vibrating and breathing.
However, when you look at the Catholic Bible and the Orthodox Bible, you will notice that they are not living, vibrating and breathing. They are dead, they don't give life and instead of brightening white light, they are emitting red light for they are the property of the devil.
Brother, I reached a level in mysticism where I was working with the 10 angels of light of Satan, such as the angel Maccabees, the Angel Sirac, the angel Lester, Daniel, Barack and others.
Brother, Bible reading is the cornerstone of Christian life. I would like to inform you God's children that the New Testament of the Gideon group is tricked. I want to inform God's children that the Gideon group is infiltrated by occultists and Satanists. I mean that the cover of New Testament of Gideon group is designed in the Marine kingdom. I was traveling to the marine kingdom and I was the 16th husband of the queen of the coast. And I used to see pastors in the Marine Kingdom receiving teaching.
The Gideon group is compromised, as the blue cover of the New Testament is being designed by the enemy. Even if you pray 10 hours a day, if you have the Gideon New Testament in your home, it is an open door. We can enter your home through the red light emitted by the New Testament, even an angel cannot close that gateway. You can see as I am brushing the back of the cover of the New Testament, there are inverse writing that is satanic for the marine kingdom is making Bibles and Bible covers.
Let us be careful about the many Bibles having red covers. We were designing them with human blood. I want to tell you Christians that we are in a war. We often come under attack and when we are attacked and surrounded by the enemy, we must learn to recite and read the Scripture with a loud voice.
The mystery I am trying to reveal to God's children is this when you are in battle, the reading and reciting of Psalms and Bible passages cause the angels of the Lord to descend right in the middle of your battle.
Brother, there were Bible passages that are dreaded by the army of the devil. When I was working for Satan, I made sure that Christians remain ignorant of this mystery. There are Bible passages and Psalms that cause immediate deployment of angels in the lives of God's children. When they recite these Psalms and many Bible verses, they summon the angels of heaven. In spiritual battle I have seen battalion and regiment of soldiers angels descending from heaven whenever God's children were reciting Bible passage. They are Psalms and passage of the Scripture that are connected to the angelic ministry.
Brother, the army of the devil is afraid of God's children reciting Psalms and Bible passages in their houses. Indeed, many Psalms and Bible passages cause the angels of war to descend. When God's children recite these passages and Psalms in times of conflict and adversity, the host of the army of heaven descend. There is angelic deployment behind many Bible passage. They act upon the passage when you recite them. Prayer with God's word is so powerful.
Whenever you recite Psalm 24 Lift up your heads, oh you gates be lifted up you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come. The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle, He is the King of glory.
When you recite this passage, there is a number of angels that descend. I never knew how many of them. Nevertheless, a group of angels will descend to wherever this Bible verse is quoted.
In this eternal war, there are three strategic times of the day for prayer. In the dark world, we were told not to let Christian pray in these strategic times of the day, which is Dawn, midday and six in the evening. There are God angels descend in the morning to bring God's children the answer. And there are power deployed by the devil to stop God's children from receiving.
I would like to give God's children Psalm that you can recite in the morning. They destroy whatever plot and conspiracy that the enemy has resulted in the night. This Bible passage neutralizes whatever enemy has planned for your life in the night and cause God angels to come down and neutralize the plan and snare of the enemy.
In Psalm 57, the Bible says, Let your glory be over all the earth. They set a net for my steps, my soul was bowed down, they dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves.
When you recite these three Psalms, the angels that follow these words of God will come down and cancel everything.
You can read Psalm 35 at midday for the devil don't like it. For the soldier angel that is connected to this Psalm is powerful, robust and dangerous. At midday, everyday demons leave the sun and they cause sicknesses and migraines. I admit our demons who caused these sicknesses and migraine. Dark forces are really strong at that time of the day. They work for the queen of the South called Jehosaphat.
The Bhagavad-Gita Khrisna is the personification of the Sun God. When you recite Psalm 35 at midday the angel come down and disrupt their activity. However, you must make sure that you are holy in this war.
You can recite Psalm 24, which is also dangerous. In the night before you sleep, you can read Psalm 99. There is another Psalm which is 29, which is very dangerous for the second heaven and the angel warrior who come down.
When you recite Psalm 29 which is called the voice of God for when he came down he will cause a war that causes demons to be scattered in the second heaven and they open the passage.
The Bible has all the solutions to all the problems on the earth.
In the Bible, there are nine spiritual gifts and nine fruits of the Spirit. Each gift of the Spirit is connected to a fruit of the Spirit. There are Bible passages when you recite them, they open the spiritual gift. We were fighting so that men of God would not have a gift of vision and discernment.
Six in the evening is called the hour of landing for it is the sunset. Every day at 6pm, all the gateway to the world of Satan opened up. All the satanic agents travel at 6pm. They would begin to fill their planes and cars with oil, and at half-past 11, they will be arriving in the world of Satan. Midnight is the intensity of the dark activity. These are strategic times we were to stop believers bringing in this time.
In the White House beneath the ocean the devil was also telling us to stop God's people from giving tithes. When you resolve in a moment to give God we were coming to you so that you can be changing our mind.
Brother, in the aftermath of my wedding with the queen of the coast, I was put in charge of a massive kingdom underwater where I was ruling over Aquarius civilization and marine spirits. Many mermaids were under my authority for I was the king in that water city where water mermaids were under my service.
Our task on the surface of the Earth was to collect mens sperm in hotels. Wherever people throw condoms, we were there. We were continually in search of condoms in order to collect mens sperm. We were searching in the bin down beneath the pit in order to collect man's sperm.
Many mermaids of the sea world sleep with men and their purpose is to wipe the mens genitalia, collect the sperm and transport the sperm underwater.
Thus, after sleeping with men, these great ladies of the sea were collecting men sperm and descending underwater. I want to inform you God's children that the condom is an invention of the queen of the sea. Condoms are fabricated on the surface of the earth by the mystical craft. Condoms are demonic and God's children must not use them. They are the property of the enemy. It is forbidden to God's people to use condoms which is an invention of the queen of the sea.
The great production of condoms is for the purpose of wasting men sperm. Condoms and women's pills were invented by the queen of the sea.
In the Bible, the Lord condemned Onan for wasting his sperm. Onan knew that the offspring would not belong to him. So whenever he would sleep with his brother's wife, he would spill his seed on the ground so that he would not produce offspring for his brother. What he did was evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord put him to death as well.
This is precisely the reason why the queen of the sea has designed condoms so that men will waste their sperm. It is forbidden by God and it is a form of masturbation.
In the world that is beneath the sea, we were training pastors to come to the surface to encourage the use of condoms. Yet in the Bible, men and women of God like Abraham, Hannah, Zechariah had to pray in order to achieve pregnancy.
Wherever condoms were thrown, whether in the toilet, the pit and we were descending inside to collect them. Understand the power of the condoms and all the contraceptive methods were invented by the sea siren. These items allow the marine kingdom to recoup the sperm of men in order to design and made for hair and body.
When we were traveling beneath the sea with condoms, various kinds of mermaids, goddesses, and queens came to me to get these sperms in order to design products that will be sent to the surface of the earth.
Moreover, the women pills were designed in the marine world, the pills function in a way that it was only after the man seed and the woman seed had mixed. The pills do not act before the meeting of men seed and women seed to prevent pregnancy but after. This means that the pill act after the meeting of men and women seed and the creation of the baby. In other words, the pill kills the baby just like an abortion.
We must understand that these pills are designed in the underwater and they are sent to be conceived in the surface. How many children are killed by pills and contraceptive? If you are using contraceptives these babies that you have killed are waiting for you.
Many married women are using the pill, even Christian women and they will be surprised by their condemnation at the gate of heaven. They will be shown the children killed through pills.
With men sperm the mermaids were designing many products like pomade (a greasy, waxy, or a water-based substance that is used to style hair. Pomade generally gives the user's hair a shiny and slick appearance.)
There is a pomade with a picture of a woman giving her back. That product is satanic for there are men sperm inside. Yet God's children are lacking discernment and they buy everything. Nevertheless, there are demons in these products that are designed with men sperm.
Whenever Christian women buy these products containing demons and bring them home, these products were flashing red light. This red light was drawing demons and Satanists to their house. I was descending in many houses through the red light that was signaling the presence of items of the devil in peoples houses. I was landing in peoples homes, thanks to products designed in the world of Satan.
Whenever I land in your house because of items that belong to us, I would start analyzing your ambition and aspiration in order to cause blockade and opposition. When you look at the cover of these products of the sea world, there are faces of women who are mermaids. There were demons in these products and items that were allowing us to come into the house and lives of women using them.
We were designing pomade such as that it became universal. This pomade is made thanks to human fat. The name of the brand is that of a water mermaid. There are also products such as Carol, Beauty Claire, Claire light, they are demonic. I would ask you, ladies, to use products that are local for global products are dedicated to demons. These products cause spiritual gifts of God's people to be turned off. These products cause God's children to become heavy in prayer and their prayers will be powerless and deprived of authority. For when you keep the items of the enemy you won't have power over him.
When you notice that your spiritual life is unstable, this is because of things that you are applying on yourself. The pomade that was made that you apply in your hair has the human blood of the innocent that is crying for vengeance, like the blood of Abel. In all the pomades that are made with human blood there is a voice crying vengeance.
In Ivory Coast, we use a popular soap that is made with human blood. It is called my soap. This is the soap of the water mermaid. Whenever people use this soap the voice of the victim will be shouting vengeance for it is made with human blood. The implication is that you become complicit with the killer because you are using the blood of the innocent.
In the aftermath of my wedding with the oceanic queen of the coast, she took me in a visit. We were supposed to tour her manufacturing industries and firms beneath the sea. Quickly I saw that all the industries of the marine kingdom have canals that were rising to the surface world. These canals were rising to the surface of the earth, and they were connected to many firms, plants and industries of the earth that are in covenant with the queen of the coast.
On that day we visited all her plants and manufacturing industries. When we entered the first one of them, I saw a human heart that was pulverized. Then it was dried in fire. It was mixed with the fat of pork and women placenta in order to produce lipstick. Whenever women apply this lipstick in the spirit world, I saw that their lips became swollen and I saw that spiritual insects and mosquitos that were demons were attracted and they were licking their lips. Whenever a Christian lady apply this lipstick when she pray with lipstick in her mouth, in the spirit, her mouth would become smelly and there will be a stench. The angel would not approach when women color their lips with a lipstick, their lips would become swollen and bigger. Whenever you pray with lipstick on your lip, there is stench.
When we got in another firm in the marine world, I saw a lot of human bones. In fact, we were going to mortuaries to get human bones and we were taking them beneath the water. I saw in this firm how they were designing baby powder and face powder with human bones that were ground to dust. Thanks to ignorance, people applied these powders to children because we are blind and we lack discernment.
Then we went to another plant where I saw how mermaids were mixing a lot of things in order to come up with hair lotion. I saw a Nigerian corporate leader who managed a plant in Nigeria that design and plan for hair. There was a canal going from the marine kingdom rising to the surface of the earth to this company in Nigeria. All the people working there in that company were witches.
Many women claim they wanted to make their skin light, yet the skin they have come from God. They want to correct God, even God's children are bleaching. As a result, they come to church but they have backslid in the Spirit because there are demons inside these products that they are using. Their spiritual life is paralyzed.
One day in the marine kingdom, I went inside a canal that was rising to the surface world leading to firms and manufacturing industries of the earth. I entered one of the canals that went from the world beneath the sea to the surface of the earth. I traveled from the marine world to the surface of the earth through the canal and I found myself in the company of a Lebanese.
When he saw me he knew that I was a master and he saluted me. I said, I am just inspecting. I saw that artificial hair was sent from the world of mermaids to this company through this very canal that connect the world of sirens to this company of this Lebanese.
Employees were cutting these wigs and artificial hair and they were placing them in the boxes. There were also companies that had a statue of mermaid having long hair, they were cutting hair from the statue, and when they cut the hair from the statue, it was continually growing instantaneously in the same place. The hair of this statue never ceases to grow out again.
I saw another company where the board was doing prayer in front of their product. As a result, a Python was appearing and the Python was vomiting artificial hair and wigs to be sold worldwide. The snake was also vomiting hair of different colors. The demons in this colorful hair were more powerful.
There were also companies that were designing hair thanks to rubber. When hair was designed from rubber, I saw a car coming inside this firm. It was packed with Satanists. When they got in the firm I saw that they were doing prayer before this hair in order to consecrate them. When they were praying this hair was replaced by hair from the marine world. The original hair made from rubber was going down to the marine kingdom for they were replaced by hair of the water world.
Brother, all the photos of a woman on the cover of hair labels are mermaids of water like Lena. When you look at the photo of Lena you will see that her head is lifted up to space. This is because this mermaid in the name of Lena is an intercessor. In the marine kingdom, there are groups of mermaids that do prayer of incantation from 6am in the morning to 6pm in the night, They pray to the Queen of Heaven, the Goddess so that women would wear their artificial hair and makeup.
In spite of the fact that men of God are preaching against these products, these mermaids pray that women on the earth would be stubborn. They pray so that women would not listen to the warning of men of God so that they will continue to be attached to outward adornment. And because of the prayer of mermaids that are intercessors to the Queen of Heaven, women are still attached to these products. These ladies of war pray without ceasing so that women would continue to use makeup and wear wigs despite the preaching and denunciation of men of God. As a result, women of the earth have no strength to abandon makeup and outward adornment. Yet it is not possible to purify the property of the enemy.
In the world beneath the sea, we were training pastors and we were sending them to the surface to join churches and build churches. I remember when the Assemblies of God came to Ivory Coast they were not allowing women to wear wigs and makeup. It is when we send marine kingdom pastors on the earth to teach that it is okay for women to wear and use makeup that things changed. These pastors sent by the marine world managed to convince the evangelical world that it is okay for Christian women to wear wigs, makeup and jewelry. These satanic pastors have corrupted good pastors to accept these wigs, jewelry, and makeup. These pastors have no time to ask God about what is in the wigs.
Whenever there was intense prayer in the church I was entering in many churches thanks to artificial hair and wigs of women. Women were feeling like something was moving in their heads. After prayer, I would either remain with the lady and go with her to her home or leave her head in the street and return to my body.
Women wigs gave us power and legality. Demons and Satanists are able to enter the church through makeup products, the artificial hair and wigs. I saw the firm in the marine world where mermaids were coming to donate fashion clothes that they have used and where it was a place where ladies of the water world came to drop clothes that they have been wearing that they no longer needed.
Brothers and sisters, we were waging spiritual war against pastors that oppose makeup and wigs. This is the combat of the end time. The marine world would fight any pastors that preached against makeup and wig. Makeup and wigs enable us to attack the churches and to enter evangelical churches that were putting pressure on the world of Satan. And in churches where women have given up makeup, it was difficult for us to enter.
Back in the past, evangelicals were against outward adornment, but the marine world took measures and resolution to infiltrate them. As a result, a new opinion emerged and they were divided. Thanks to pastors of the marine kingdom there are evangelicals that allow makeup and there are still evangelicals that oppose makeup and they are conservative and they stay true to the doctrine of the Bible.
Whenever the queen of the coast learned that a company on the earth has come up with new kinds of jewelry such as necklace, earrings, bracelets, she was issuing the order to the industrial complex of the marine kingdom to duplicate copies of the newly designed jewelry.
Whenever the jewelry were designed on the earth such as new earrings, necklaces and bracelets we were ordered to duplicate them in the marine kingdom. Once the marine kingdom industry have duplicated the original model of jewelry such as the rings, necklaces, and bracelets in the marine world, we were traveling to various stores on the surface of the earth in the night in order to replace the original jewelry with the ones that were designed in the industrial complex of the marine kingdom. Yet these earrings, necklaces, and bracelets designed in the marine kingdom in the manufacturing industry of the goddess of the sea are serpents, scorpions, millipedes. These are demons.
Whenever God's children buy these items and take them home, demons that are inside this jewelry would began to gather information about their project and ambition. Since these items of the enemy are flashing red light, we were able to descend in such a house and cause destruction.
Beloved, notice whenever Christian women wear artificial hair and the wig, these fake hair record whatever they are thinking in their head, and whatever is in their mind and memory is recorded in these wigs. Whatever they say in their house is recorded. The demon in the wig transmits the information he had gathered from the mind of women through the wig to the marine kingdom.
I remember I was leading a war against a lady that was opposed to makeup and wig. I sent her a carnal lady that was attached to outward adornment and makeup. This carnal lady was telling her Christian friend, Since we are Gods children, we must adorn ourselves and be beautiful. We cannot be like that.
But my target the spiritual lady was opposed to outward adornment until one day her carnal friend invited her to a party. On that day her friend insisted and pressured her to wear a necklace and ring that she gave her. As she continued to refuse, her carnal friend said, Just wear it today for the party. You will remove it when the party is finished.
In truth, the necklace that this Christian lady accepted to wear for the party was a snake. For the company were designing jewelry and chains on the earth, we were designing the same model which was snakes, millipedes, scorpions, and we were coming in the night in order to replace the original by the one designed in a marine kingdom which was a snake.
That lady receive a necklace that was a snake. When she wore these jewelry that were demons, these unclean spirits were spitting on her. The snake was destroying her Christian life. It was destroying her prayer life, her meditation, and attachment to the Lord.
One day, she prayed for the chain and right before her it turned to a snake and disappear. However, the prayer life of this woman was already destroyed and there was a celebration in the world of Satan for her prayer life was dead.
The aim of the devil is to keep women attached to makeup and jewelry till death in order to take their souls to hell. In order to keep women attached to these adornments, the queen of the coast have mermaids that are intercessors. They pray without ceasing to the Queen of Heaven.
Brother, in the world under the sea, the queen of the coast was designing the artificial eyelash thanks to hair of sea dragon in order to destroy the gift of vision, revelation, and discernment of Gods daughters who buy them. Whenever God's children use eyelashes, the gift of vision will be deactivated, they neutralize their spiritual view.
The queen of the sea was also designing artificial hair. Thanks to artificial hair, the sea dragon was recording what was in the mind of God women.
The artificial nail was also designed by the sea goddess thanks to the nails of the sea dragon. The artificial nails can affect the gift of divine healing. Artificial nail makes it tough to hold the Bible for long when a woman On these nails, the spirit of the dragon will enter in her. The sea dragon will feed on her energy. This inner energy is called ether. It is the internal energy of mans spirit.
Whenever a goal is scored in a game when people shout with all their strength demons to come to collect the energy released. Often footballers sign covenant with demons. When they score a goal, people would scream. Demons will then collect the energy as a reward for these demons are the ones that sustain the footballer and the dragon is fed with these energies. Whenever a football game is playing, there are always demons assembled to collect energy and when a believer is watching a football he is under surveillance in order to check whether he is going to release the emotion of anger or pride. And we often shot believers with arrows in these moments of emotion and energy.
I want to inform you that waist beads that African women wear on the hips are snakes and eggs of a snake. The one worn around the waists and hips by African women are snakes. I would like to ask ladies to pray and ask God to show them what is in these wigs and waist beads that you wear. The issue is that ladies have no time to pray for these things. You can take three days of fasting in order to know about these wigs and waist beads.
In mortuaries, I was collecting parts of corpses. I mean, I was making the corpses sit on the belly and I was collecting their spit and they were taken underwater for the design of nail polish.
Women of God never took time to ask the Lord about what is in these products that they applied. They fail to ask God about what is inside these products like lipstick, pomade, and lotions. They don't have time for that. Yet these products destroy the spiritual and defensive weapons and paralyze their prayer life.
These nails polish and neutralize the sandals of the gospel of the believer. You no longer have authority in your feet to dominate demons and I was working with sea mermaids to design products. Since you don't have time to pray this product, they will neutralize your spiritual life and paralyze your ability to pray and to cast out devils for these are the properties of the devil because they are demons in these products and accessories.
High heels allow us to remove the sandal of the gospel on the feet of the Christian lady.
Whenever God's children use perfume, the fragrance perforates their souls with injury. Spiritual mosquitos will come to suck these injuries so that they will not heal for them to reach the level of worms. They cause infection in the soul. All these things are adornments and false prophets will oppose true teaching and will try to convince God's children that it is okay to adorn oneself.
I was working with witches of every street for in every street of the world there is a witch who monitors the inhabitants of the street. These leaders of streets were monitoring and gathering information about every family in their street. I will advise you to avoid speaking up about your project and intention in the street for we were monitoring and gathering intelligence on every man and woman and whenever you say what you are planning to do we made sure to block it.
Leaders of streets were bringing information about the inhabitant of their streets everywhere on the earth. There are instruments and logistics of intelligence gathering set up by the enemy in order to know people ambition and project. There are unclean spirits of intelligence gathering and control everywhere witch gave me information about people in their jurisdiction for they had intelligence on people living in their jurisdiction.
I was also deploying unclean spirits on top of many trees of my borough. These wandering spirits were intelligence gathering agents working for I needed information in order to block peoples projects and ambitions. The determination and resistance of witches and wizard in the end time witchcraft is one of the strategies of the devil. Witches and wizards are ruthless soldiers of the devil. Witches often reach a level in the dark world where they will not repent under no circumstances because of the level they are in.
These are witches with the mark of Goliath on their bodies. There are also witches with the mark of King Herod on them. There are witches having the mark of Queen Jezebel on their bodies. There are witches with the mark of Delilah. They are various demonic warriors fighting God's children in the spiritual war. Some of these demons are Avatars who are men born from the union of water mermaids and Satanists. These kind of hybrid human beings must be wiped out. When you invoke the rainbow which is the first governance and the deluge they will be wiped out.
On the other hand high ranking witches will convert only when they are faced with angels. Whenever the devil instruct witches to shut down and destroy churches, these servants of Satan come face to face with the warrior angels of God who don't hesitate to execute them. Those who escape angelic onslaught return to the devil where they faced a death threat and they are sent back to the battlefield to face angelic warrior which means death.
It is in this scenario when witches face choices of either to die in the battlefield in the hand of angelic warriors or to repent. Having encountered the power of Satan and the power of God they can assess the power of God. In truth, a witch will only repent when he is sure that the man of God can protect him from the devil. He must be sure that the men of God have enough power to overpower Lucifer and protect him.
Brother, in order to initiate war against God's children, firstly I was checking whether they were born out of marriage or in marriage. Those who are born out of wedlock have a dark link in their blood which is an open gateway. Once I found out that you were born out of wedlock, I was then checking the link which is the curse that is in your blood and I would take your photo to the second heaven for examination. These are blood tests and examinations we were doing to determine and confirm the covenant in your blood. For there is a difference between a child born in marriage and child born out of marriage. There is a dark link following children born out of wedlock. They will be frustrated in all their lives unless they come to Christ. David suffered from this dark link and he said, My mother conceived me in iniquity. This is a blood issue. The most powerful prayer a Christian can do is to change his blood to the blood of Christ in order to undo the covenant in the blood. You can change your blood system to the blood of Christ through prayer in order to undo blood condition.
One day I was traveling in hyperspace in order to attend a meeting of Satanists in the astral world. While I was moving in hyperspace in the speed of light I saw in my trajectory a wall of fire that was preventing me from passing. Quickly I tried to fly over this wall of fire but I was blocked. I tried to fly on the left and right side of this wall of fire. I could not pass for I was blocked. I knew that this was the fire of God.
Finally, I decided to come down to the ground to check what was happening. When I landed on the ground, to my surprise I saw a group of children. They were playing Church and trying to imitate a church service. Basically, these children go to church with their parents and they were trying to copy what they see in the church. They were mimicking prayer saying, In the name of Jesus we cast out devils.
When I look carefully I saw a child that was playing pastor and laying his hand on another child then he said, I cast out Devils in the name of Jesus Christ. I saw his friend pretending to fall on the ground. The child who played the pastor thought he was just playing. However there were things that were happening for when he said in the name of Jesus Christ I cast out devil, I saw a spirit of death leaving his friend who pretended to fall to the ground. Things were happening when these children were using the name of Jesus Christ.
I came to understand that these children were the ones stopping me from passing. They erected a wall of fire in space, thanks to their meeting and I could not pass.
Brother, when you see children playing church don't stop them. You don't know what is happening in the spirit world. I could not attack these children for when they began to pray the angels of the Lord descended and there was a great light. Moreover, their parents were Christians. I would have died had I tried to come against them.
We must not stop children when they play Church because everything matters in the spiritual world. Adults must never stop children from copying and impersonating the pastor and church. Nothing is neglected in the spirit in the eyes of God. When children are copying pastors and church the angels of the Lord respond automatically for God takes it seriously.
We must understand that childrens faith is greater than that of adults and God responds automatically when children pray and these children were covered with light. When a toddler says Alleluia and Amen, these are not simple words even if the child is nine months. It's dangerous when a child utter biblical words. There are mystical waves raised in the spirit world. Children are more powerful than you think and when they speak Gods word there is greater power.
That is why we fought to stop parents from taking their children to church. I had to interrupt this children meeting in order to continue my journey in the astral world. Quickly I cause a mother who is sitting around to scatter them. I mean I caused this woman to stand up and say to the children, Too much noise. Please, it's done. As a result, the children abandoned their prayer. I said to the spirit of the woman, You did a great job. I could not attack these children for fear of death therefore I used a human agent. When the children went away I waited for the fire to become extinguished and I continued my journey to the satanic meeting. We work so that parents would not take their children to church.
Beloved, whenever you come to church without your children you are vexing the Lord. You are in rebellion with God. You cannot go to church to seek eternal life and leave children at home. The Lord will not be happy with you. Therefore you are exposed for you are out of the will of God. The Bible says to teach the children the way of the Lord.
I said that when parent leave children to watch cartoon it is dangerous. The cartoon causes possession and rebellion. Children become rebellious yet the Bible says, Honor your father and mother so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. The devil knows that rebellion and failure to obey your parents will reduce childrens longevity. Many children are dying prematurely because of failure to obey their parent.
After scattering these children I traveled to the meeting where we were debating how to attack God's children who are in business because they support soul-winning and since they support evangelism they make progress in their businesses. As a result, unbelievers who were businessmen were joining the church because of them. In order to destroy God's childrens businesses, we were supposed to link them with those who resort to occultism so they will be attacked.
The second weapon we were using was pride since your business grows and you have become prosperous. We were sending pride so you would begin to look down on others. We were then entering to crush your business.
Thirdly we were sending women agents who were our business ladies so that you will fall in sexual immorality with them. If these ladies fail in their mission they were traveling under the sea to get more seduction power.
Brother, one day I was flying in space and heading to a meeting of Satan. While I was flying I saw a villa on the land. I felt like I had to fly backward and check what was happening in the villa. When I flew over that villa I saw a Christian lady washing in her bathroom. She was not covered but I noticed that she was washing with her child failing to realize that this is a curse for the child. The Bible says that children should not see the nakedness of their parents.
On that day I enforced the curse on the child for her mother had deliberately exposed her child to her nakedness. Many mothers exposed themselves before their children. They are putting their children under a curse. This was an open door and legality. I was using it in order to attack children. I was causing women of God to bathe with their children and walked half-naked before their children so that their children will be cursed.
This issue is widespread in many families and many have come to confess after hearing my testimony. There is no attack in the spirit world where the gateway and door are not opened. It is only when you break a law of God that you come under attack.
When working for the devil I use to get children to fight and injure one another for the sake of blood. Whenever one of them is injured it is either an angel that will come and get the blood or a demon that will come to get it for it cannot be lost like that. Blood is sought in the world of Satan. Demons would like to collect your drops of blood in order to affect your life. Moreover, the bank of the blood of Satan had to be supplied and refilled at all times by all means.
Last time, I talked about how I was able to enter the church through women adornment and makeup. Today demons can attend Christian services thanks to women makeup and jewelry. These products allow demons to come to the church for they are their property. Whenever a woman was wearing a wig in the church, I was leaving my body and entering the church through her wig in order to operate. I was inside the wig, artificial hair to capture what is in the mind and memory of women and transfer the information about their lives to the world of Satan. Whenever I wanted to fight a woman of Prayer I was checking whether she was attached to makeup and jewelry. These properties of the devil gave me the advantage and legality to defeat these women.
Brother, it is true that when the prodigal son returned home the father killed an animal and put a ring in his finger. It is true that the Lord instructed the use of the ring in Deborahs marriage but here is where the problem is. Whenever a shop designed necklace ring and bracelet, we were ordered to duplicate them in the marine world and we were coming back to that jewelry and we were replacing the original product with the ones we have designed in the manufacturing industries of the world of water.
Brother, the jewelry we were making in the marine kingdom were snakes, scorpions, and millipedes, animals. In the marine kingdom, I saw mermaids gathering serpents and pulling them like wires in order to design wigs.
Many women on the earth are wearing wigs that are serpents. I said that the devil want women to be attached to makeup and jewelry and I saw water mermaids praying to the Queen of Heaven so that women will be attached to makeup and jewelry despite the preaching of pastors and the warning of the Lord.
Thus we were leaving the body and we were traveling to various jewelry and we were copying the original model and we were designing them underwater and we were replacing original jewelry with Python, snakes, and millipedes. Even a wedding ring can be a snake a scorpion and millepede.
You should pray before buying a wedding ring for you may buy a snake. I always advise brothers to avoid the wedding rings because you don't know whether it is a normal ring or a duplicate of the marine kingdom.
These rings that are demonic animals will cause you trouble in marriage and ministry there for discernment is crucial. Many Christians on their wedding day wear rings that are snakes. Understand that we were replacing even rubber hair with wig designed by water mermaid which were snakes.
Brother, in many of the crossroad and roundabout at the city, I was mounting net and spiderweb in order to capture people blessings, stars, and souls. When people were passing they were leaving their blessing and their souls. However, it is when a burning and dedicated Christian was coming that I was removing these net and spiderweb otherwise it will catch fire and burn.
One day a burning Christian was passing and we failed to notice him early in order to remove the net. As a result, he entered the net. As soon as he touched the net it took fire and it was burned. As a result, we lost all the souls and blessings that were on the net. People recovered their souls and their blessing that were captured.
There were days I came to pee in the crossroad in order to bewitch people with my pee. When I was peeing I was actually bewitching and enchanting the crossroad. Anyone smelling that urine came under manipulation.
One day, in the city people went to see a football game and I placed my net on the road to catch souls and stars. When the game was over a huge crowds that came out of the stadium were passing the road where I had installed my net. On that day many souls were captured in my net and I was so happy that I was dancing.
While I was celebrating there was a 17 years old man coming and he was about to reach the crossroad. When I looked I saw that this young man who was a fiery believer had already entered the crossroad where the net was and I could not remove the net and it was too late. When this Christian entered the crossroad there was an explosion and the net was destroyed. All the souls from the stadium that I had captured were liberated. Everything was destroyed by this young man and he passed without realizing the destruction he had caused.
I was so angry that I took my rocket launch device. I shot the young man with a rocket-propelled device. When it was about to reach the young man this rocket deviated to a woman that was hit and she collapsed on the ground. I was wondering how come a young man overpower a master of African witchcraft. I was so angry that I swore to make war on this man.
When I weighed this Christian on my scale it broke because he was strong and heavy. I was monitoring and attacking this Christian but I was unable to reach him. I shot him with arrow rocket and gun but it didn't work. Nevertheless, I was determined to deal with him. Whenever a man of God comes to a borough he was weighed in order to determine his spiritual level. Every territory a child of God enter he will be measured by witches and demons to determine his spiritual weight whether he is light or heavy. It is those who fast and pray with a dedication that weighs heavy.
For a man of God to be strong, his wife must grow in spirit together with him. Otherwise, she will be the instrument and gateway for the enemy. When we attack the pastor and we fail, we were checking the wife and children. In my case, I was trying to enter the dream of pastor's wives in order to have sex with them in the dream and when the pastor sleep with his wife what I deposited in the body of his wife in the dream was weakening him.
This was actually the spirit of heaviness weakness and laziness in prayer that was to overtake him. As a result, the fire would begin to go down and extinguish. When he becomes unable to pray it was a defeat for him. We had defeated pastors thanks to their wives.
This young man that I was fighting was covered with flames of fire. When he walks in the street to visit fellow Christians, flames of fire that were covering him were destroying the works of witchcraft and enchantment in the street without his realization. Whenever he entered the court of a compound where a fetish is buried his presence burned the fetish buried in the compound and those who were under manipulation were liberated in that compound. He did not know the destruction that his presence was causing in the spirit world.
This 17 years old man was living a life of fasting and prayer. He liked spending time in the meditation of God's word. Wherever he passed the works of darkness were destroyed. When he walked the street demons are scattered and running away because of flames of fire covering him. He did not need to fight them for he was living in holiness and he was dedicated to prayer.
Whenever he was moving there was the destruction of nets, holes, booby-traps, and people who were bewitched were set free when he passed by them. I was alerted that this young man was causing trouble in the sector for no Satanist was able to control and overpower him. He had to be stopped.
Brother, this was not a pastor; just a simple Christian that was living in prayer and holiness. When he prays, the system of the devil was down. Given that I had a strike force and people were depending on me, I was supposed to deal with him. When I took over I was supposed to study and research the spiritual condition of this young man. I was supposed to determine his strength and weakness.
Quickly I found out that his love for God was developed. Often when he walked the street, he was always singing in his heart and when a Christian develops a habit of singing in his heart and soul it is dangerous for we were keeping distance.
Whenever women of God cook and sing for God there is power that descends upon them. When women sing in the bathroom while bathing there is a light that descends upon them. When women sing for the Lord while they are sweeping the house the brush becomes celestial and covered with flames of fire which burned the work of manipulation and enchantment in their homes.
When I was researching this young man I began to study his maternal family to look for family foundation and altar. I found out that his tribe was linked with the queen of the sea called koku. The marine world was the way forward since his family was linked with water. Quickly I summoned water spirit connected to his family. When they appear I made known to them that I needed to overpower this targeted young man at all cost.
Later I tried to cause him to fall in love. I tried to get him to have a desire for a woman in his heart so that I will enter his heart but I found that he was not in these things. Despite reinforcement, I was unable to subdue the young man. I kept monitoring this young man and I was following him to church.
When I followed this young man to church, on that day their pastor led them to the local stream for baptism and I followed them in order to monitor and see what will happen. When the members of this congregation arrived before the stream for baptism I saw their pastor entering the water with two members. They were actually praying for the sanctification of the stream.
When they pray for this stream of water, I saw with my spiritual eyes that the stream of water has turned to blood. I saw that this blood was shining and resplendent. The blood was smelling aroma. In truth, this was the royal blood of Jesus Christ. When I saw this mysterious blood I said, This must be the blood of their God.
As soon as the water turned to blood, I saw marine spirits leaving the stream for this water was their dwelling place. The water spirits fled the blood of Jesus and they were joined by demons on the bank of the stream. And when the baptism service began, quickly I saw the devil himself joining these forces of darkness in the left side of the bank in order to attend the baptism ceremony. On the other side of the stream, I saw bright angels of the Lord. They were present in this service of baptism.
People underestimate what happened in the baptism but the devil takes it seriously. When the man of God began to baptize his members, I saw that many of his members had covenants, bondages, ties, marks of witchcraft.
However, as soon as they would dip in the stream that had become the blood of Jesus all the bondages, chains, curses were destroyed and they remained in the stream. The blood of Christ was cleaning them. The blood was destroying witchcraft manipulation in them and they came out new creation. I mean they came out of water resplendent and shining thanks to the blood of Jesus Christ.
The devil and his mermaids and demons were watching the whole thing. The angels of God were assisting. I saw that they had their weapons ready. Whenever a person was baptized the devil was dismissing the monitoring demon and he was deploying two new demons of coolness more powerful. Thus when a Christian gets baptized the devil would replace the monitoring demon with a more powerful demon to cool down his faith and get him to backslide.
I saw the devil giving a scream of anger and telling demons in that place to leave. They were dismissed and they were replaced by cooling demons more powerful. These cooling demons came in order to fight the newly baptized believers. That is why many people slacken after baptism.
Baptism is very powerful in the spiritual world. I saw the devil ordering powerful demons of coolness to follow the baptized Christians. I saw these Christians coming out of water that had become the blood of Christ, they were covered. Baptism intensifies spiritual conflict in the lives of God people. There will be an acceleration of battle in the lives of those who are baptized. The newly appointed demons of coolness will pile pressure on the baptized believers with intense temptations.
Brother, when this young man was baptized, I saw that he came out of water with exceeding joy. There was a heavenly force that exploded in him to the point that he was much more resplendent and his joy was immense.
When I saw that my target had become more powerful I knew that they had no chance against him. I gave up this mission for fear of consequence. This assignment was a failure and the devil was angry. On that day I receive a warning and death threat. Often the devil kill his servants when they fail. I was not killed because I was important and I was working tirelessly for his kingdom.
The purpose of this testimony is that you change the way you walk before the Lord so that your family will be affected. I don't ask for a fee when I go to testify. I want you to align your life with the Word of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit every day. I seek to improve my walk before the Lord continually and every day.
Brother, in the dark dimension, the devil used to tell us - I remember in three or four occasions - he said, I do not have time before me. I might have 20 or 30 years before me because time is finished. I want my servants, the mystics and Satanists to double and accelerate the speed of the operation against humanity and the church.
Brother, we must understand that everything is ready and the stage is set for the imminent manifestation of the Man of Sin the Antichrist. He is about to rule the world. The Man of Sin is in the Vatican St. Peter's Basilica. There are 226 great ladies of the sea that were supposed to come to empower him before his appearing to the global stage.
At this stage, he is receiving his last power from the last goddess. Time is critical for the church that is to experience end-time revival. The devil has mobilized higher rank demons and his 10 angels of light around him to oppose the end-time revival.
Many churches are conquered and many are infiltrated. Apostate pastors and false prophets are preaching against fundamental Bible passages that are the pillars of the Christian faith. They will not escape judgment. Be careful with what is preached at the end of the time. Many of the prominent pastors in the country of the Ivory Coast are Satanists. God willing, I will tell their names.
The devil used to say, I have 20 to 30 years before me. The devil is desperately looking for ways to enter the church and conquer the church. The End Time strategy through which the devil enter the churches is through womens adornment and makeup products. When women enter the church with makeup they open the gate for demons to enter the congregation of God's children for these accessories are their properties. This is a war strategy of the enemy. The spirit world is at war.
One day I found a book which was a mystical book. I was interested in the knowledge and mystical content of this book, and I wanted to practice them. This book came from India. Quickly I managed to get into contact with a mystical master that I saw in this book. Without delay, he introduced me to the young people of this Indian order to learn the practices of this sect. Over time I was introduced to this Indian woman who was the queen of the coast.
When we got married, she gave me the 16th power in the world. I became the 16th occultist in the world. She gave me a powerful kingdom underwater. In fact, she loved me very much because I worked hard. I was advanced and I progressed with speed.
In this marine city, which was entrusted to me by the sea goddess, I had a majestic throne and I was rich. I had everything that a king is supposed to have. I had diamonds, gold, precious stones, and treasures.
Every time the queen of the coast came to see me on Earth, we had sex. I remember the first time we had sex, she showed me the sexual position according to God and the sexual position, which is her property because she designed them. She says, There are many sexual positions on earth that are mine. Whenever the children of God have sex with my position, I come to their room and we become three in the bed and we share the pleasure.
Brother, many Christian couples invite the queen of the coast in their bed when they have sex with a position that does not come from God. When the sea mermaid comes, she joins them in the bed and they enjoy together. Consequently, the marital bed is soiled and stained. Each time the children of God have sexual relations with the positions published in pornographic materials, the queen of the coast joins them in bed which becomes soiled. She always come in the bedrooms of the children of God when they practice the positions that are forbidden and she attends and participates in their sexual life. Because of sexual positions, many couples are joined by the great ladies of the sea in bed. Let us be vigilant.
Many pastors and prophets are trained in the world beneath the sea in the end-time in order to take souls to perdition. The marine kingdom will fight any pastor opposing outward adornment and makeup for in churches where women have abandoned makeup we were unable to enter.
The devil used to say, This is what the Bible says against wigs and artificial hair but this is the verse you will use in order to manipulate the servants of my enemy so that they accept that women can wear artificial hair.
“You should teach that a woman can pray over the makeup and purify our products in prayer.
This is what the Bible says about jewelry but this is the verse you will use to convince the servant of my adversary that jewelry is okay.
This is what the Bible says about adornment but this is the verse you will use in order to convince your servant that there is nothing wrong with makeup and adornment.
The devil teaches Bible courses underwater and he analyzed what the Bible says but he does not quote the name of Jesus. Underwater the devil teaches that you can pray and purify wigs and jewelry. In truth, these items designed under the sea cannot be purified. It is not possible because these things are consecrated to the devil and cannot be consecrated to God.
When the Assembly of God came to this country, they were pure and they oppose adornment. Later, they were infiltrated by marine kingdom pastors who corrupted them, and they began to accept makeup. I know one of their theological schools that is completely controlled by demons. There is an angel of light of Satan that is in control of the Assembly of God. We were training servants and sending them to the Assembly of God. Many souls of the Assembly of God are bound in prison beneath the sea. They are chained and they are asking for help. Yet they are alive on the earth.
When you join a church of marine kingdom pastor, your soul is incarcerated underwater. When we were sending the pastors, they were supposed to join a living church and become a collaborator of the pastor and they were supposed to get the trust of the church members. In the end, they were to cause these members to join them in rebellion against the leader so that the church will become two factions.
Underwater, we were training the men and women so that they would marry pastors. They were sent to God's children who fight and cause damages to the kingdom of Satan, such as intercessors, singers, preachers.
During the war against God's children, I was summoned to attend the throne of Satan in the second heaven, where fallen angels ruled the space. When I got there I was instructed to power a generator that was supposed to supply demons with energy. When I was inside the room that was inside the generator, I did concentration and I began to generate and assemble energy like some balls in the cartoon called Dragon Balls. And when I assembled enough energy I unleashed it just like in Dragon Balls. There was intense power and demons collected the energy that I had released. The generator was powered in order to empower unclean spirits working on the earth to cause disasters in the month of June, which is a month of disasters.
The month of September is the month where decisions of destruction are agreed upon in the world of Satan. From October to December death will strike the innocent as a result of these accidents. You must learn to prevent this by praying in September when documents are signed for accidents that are supposed to happen. I was the one powering this generator in order to empower demons from June to September.
In the second heaven and when I was with Satan, I said to him, Master, you always tell us that the old Papa has placed you here and that He is the master of Christians. I would like to see that old Papa.
It was then the devil arranged a day where I was taken to a beautiful garden in the second heaven that seems like a paradise. Inside this perfect garden, I saw a man on the cross. He was nailed on the cross and his blood was fresh. I was told that this is the old Papa, the God of Christians.
Later when I did my research, I came to understand that the man of the cross was a demon with capital D. I learned that the devil took flesh and blood and he was crucified on the cross and this was his flesh and body when he was on the earth. This is the same image that we see in the Catholic Church of a man on the cross.
In the second heaven, it is forbidden to quote the name of Jesus for you shall be put to death because of damage and disaster it causes unless you are important. The world of Satan is a world where the strong crushes the weak. It is a lawless world and we have managed to bring this mentality into the church. As you can see the strong crushing the weak in the church of Jesus.
We were assigned to stop God's children from praying for whenever they pray, if I were coming down to third heaven and cause bombardment in the second heaven and the first heaven, there are damages that happen on the infrastructure of the spirit world that will need to be repaired.
Praying in tongues causes a tunnel between God's children and the third heaven. When the angel of the Lord descends with the answer to your prayer that is always battle in space. For the devil has 24 elders and 4 living creatures and 7 spirits in space. The devil has copied the image of heaven. There is a battle that lasts for days and weeks in the second heaven between the angels of God and the angels of Satan.
The enemy fears the use of oil in prayer in order to have access to houses of children of God. We were instructed by the devil to prevent pastors from consecrating houses of God's children. Often pastors are called to consecrate houses of God's children. This was preventing us from entering. The devil instructed us to stop the men of God from using oil when consecrating houses of God's children for, in the spirit world, oil is liquid fire like molten steel that spread with the speed of the wind and cover all the house and burn the work of the devil.
Whenever the oil touches the floor during consecration prayer, the oil always turned to liquid fire and spread like wind and demons would not be able to enter the house of God's children. We use deception and we use to speak to the minds of God's servants telling them not to use oil. The devil fears the use of oil by God's children.
We were trying to get God's servants to ignore the bathroom during consecration prayer so that we enter and hide in the bathroom where the queen of the toilet hide. There is destruction when you use oil in prayer, for it turns to liquid fire.
The Bible says in Job 26:9-10, He covers the face of the full moon, spreading His cloud over it. He has inscribed a horizon on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.
Brother, I always tell God's children to learn to use spoken word and declaration in order to draw a circle of protection and fire around their houses, their properties and themselves. Whenever you draw a circle of protection around your life and your property, there will be a circle of fire and rays from the third heaven. When a circle and the line of fire come down on your life and your property no one will pass.
This passage was given for believers. The mystic always draws a black circle, they know our power. When you declare that no one will pass, this will be enforced in the spirit world and no one will trespass.
I would like to approach the works of the devil in the local church. First and foremost, every Saturday at midnight, there is a bright angel of God that descends to every living church on the earth. The purpose of this angel that descends in the local church Sunday morning is to release a power of attraction that will cause God's children to come to church on Sunday. When the angel of the Lord descends in the local church on Sunday morning, the devil deploys his angel who is the counterpart whose mission is to keep God's children from attending the church on Sunday.
Brother, every day of the week is ruled by a specific angel of the Lord. Since the devil is the imitator of Gods prerogative, he has assigned seven angels of darkness that rule the seven days of the week.
The angel in charge of Sunday is the Sun God. I used to travel to the sun thanks to the pyramid to meet the Sun God. Thus every month of the year is ruled by an angel of the Lord. The devil has also assigned demons ruling each month of the year.
On Sundays, the angel of Satan causes God's children to miss the church or to come late. Basically, in front of every living church, there is an angel of the Lord and there are great light and fire. On the other hand, before every satanic church, there is a demon and there is red light shining. the red light indicates the property of the devil.
In this critical time, there are living churches and occultic churches. During the service, the angel of God works to attract people to come to church while the angel of Satan is at work to keep people away from the church.
This angel of Satan is the one in charge of evangelical outreaches and soul winning. There are wars and tussles for every soul of men on the earth. The battle for souls of men is raging between the world of life and the world of darkness.
Whenever a Christian goes out to evangelize, this is an act of war. Evangelism equals to the invasion of the camp of the enemy. Whenever a soul leaves his home and makes the first step in the street for evangelism, immediately the angel of the Lord will descend by his side in the street to assist him. This is actually the angel of evangelism.
In terms of soul-winning, the crossroad is essential because Jesus said, When you go to the crossroad, say this and that.
Matt 22:9 -10
Go out therefore to the crossroads, and everybody you meet invite to the wedding.' And those servants went out on the crossroads and got together as many as they found, both bad and good, so [the room in which] the wedding feast [was held] was filled with guests.
Satanists don't like Christians to evangelize in the crossroads. It is a strategic place for them. In truth, there are nets and booby traps that are set up in many crossroads and roundabouts. When a Christian evangelizes in the crossroad, the four corners of the crossroad will be blocked by the angel of the Lord. As a result, a permanent demon that is posted in the crossroad will flee.
Evangelism and soul-winning is the most dangerous activity against the enemy. It is war and conquest of the prey of the enemy who is holding captives, countless souls. For whenever God's children went out to proclaim the Gospel in the street, there were things happening.
When they proclaim the good news of the Gospel in the street, I saw fire coming out of their mouths and traveling like balls of fire reaching people from long distances. Anyone that can hear their voice can be reached by bolts of fire coming out of their mouths as they are released through the proclaiming of the Gospel.
When souls of men are reached by the word that came out like balls of fire, the seed of the Word was planted in their heart and sealed in their memories. As a result, many were coming to Christ even weeks and months after hearing the Word.
The devil who is the arch-enemy has a class of demons called the evangelist whose purpose is to counter the effect of the Word of God in people's hearts. They cause people to harden their hearts. Every ministry of the body of Christ has a counterpart demon whose task is to counter the minister. As soon as a soul winner proclaims the gospel, a demon evangelist would come to oppose him and stop people from giving their hearts to God.
Every Sunday before the service, I used to see Gods women and the protocol cleaning the church before the service. Often when they clean the house of God, I saw that their brushes became luminous and fiery. When they were sweeping the church with these brushes, all the defilements, enchantments and curses were burned and incinerated by the brush that has become fiery and luminous. Spiritual dirt was cleaned and swept away from the church.
This phenomenon happens when the person doing the work for God was single-minded. This lady had a strong prayer life. She worked with joy arranging the chairs for God's people. We tried to discourage her, but we failed. We attacked her with the cough. But when she was sweeping the place and coughing, the sound of her coughing was like detonation in the astral world. and we were scared. We could not bear the sound of detonation.
And whenever the church service is about to start, the angels of the Lord descend with packages, and there were stars that came from heaven. Those who come early and on time received these stars from heaven in their spirits. Those who come to church late miss their packages and the stars from heaven.
The purpose of these stars was to cause God's children to be united and linked with the heavenly world of light. The one who received these stars in his system received celestial nature and heavenly light from heaven. The just will shine like stars in the firmament. The devil used to say, You're going to stop them from getting these stars in their spirits.
Brother, when it is no longer time, the Angel of blessing and the stars of heaven will disappear. When the church begins, the leader that is leading matters. Whenever the leader is not holy the heaven will be shut.
When God's children call the blood of Jesus, I saw the royal blood of Christ flowing in the church. As a result, demons were withdrawn from the church by the sirens.
When God's children confess their sin, the demons would be in agony and cry for the bondage of God's children was broken. It is when the confession is not sincere that the bondage remains and the demons would be joyful because you are not sincere in your confession.
I would like to warn Gods people to be careful with anger because many Christians kill, thanks to anger. In fact, they say things and do deeds that are killing as far as God is concerned. And given that they don't know that they have killed, they don't confess that which is sin. As a result, these killings remain in the presence of God.
Whenever God's children call the Blood of Jesus, we saw the red blood flowing in the church. During the service whenever people sing and praise with their hearts in the church, I used to see angels coming down among the people. They were working in the lives of those who were worshiping in the spirit. And when the angels descended, there was a white light in the middle of the crowd. And in the middle of the light, I saw the throne of God. I came to understand that the throne of God descends in the praise of his people.
However, when the one who leads the singing in the church is in sin, she was the gateway through which we entered, and when she sings, the heaven was shut for the church, and demons would be dancing.
When the time of the message comes, whatever the pastor preaches about on Sunday is always related to the angel of the Lord for every Bible verse is connected to an angel. When the pastor preaches peace, evangelism, love, the Angel of peace, the Angel of love, the Angel of evangelism were descending among the people of God.
When I was entering churches for confrontation, first and foremost, I was checking the pastor's spiritual strength and strikeforce. I was checking whether his spiritual eyes were open. Whether he is able to see the spirit world, whether he has discernment.
Brother, the devil is opposed to the gift of vision and discernment for he is scared of men of God who can see the spiritual world for witchcraft and manipulation will be exposed. Whenever I came to war inside the church, I was weighing the pastor on the balance in order to determine whether he was lightweight or heavyweight.
Whenever I determined that he was lightweight, I was erecting a wall between the pulpit and the people. In this scenario, he can preach as much as he wants, given that there is a spiritual wall, that people would forget the preaching as soon as they leave the church. If the preacher lives in sin, I could leave my body and assault his spirit.
I remember one day I came across a strong pastor. Whenever I was trying to erect a wall between his pulpit and the people hearing his preaching, there was a powerful hand that was crushing the spiritual wall. When I placed the wall for the second time, the hand crushed the wall again.
Whenever I was unable to reach a pastor, I was checking his wife. Many wives of pastors have an issue with anger. We have managed to initiate them subconsciously into witchcraft. We were taking their spirits to our meeting under the sea, where we were celebrating, eating, drinking. Whenever the meeting was over, we were erased from their mind and memories. When they woke up, they would not know that they attended witchcraft meeting underwater.
Whenever I enter a Christian service where the pastor was heavyweight, I was checking the singers in the worship group, whether they are living in sin or not. Many of them don't understand the importance of this ministry. The devil was a singer in heaven.
And there are three kinds of songs that people sing in churches. There are Christian songs that are inspired by demons. When churches sing that song, the angels of God move away.
There are some that we sing in Ivory Coast, it is popular but the song contains the name of Allah and this disqualifies that song. Allah is the name of a demon that resides in the moon. In French, her name means Luna.
There is another song that says, Jesus has seduced my soul. The song is disqualified because the word seduction does not apply to Jesus.
There is another song that is popular in Africa where we sing, Jesus is higher and the devil is lower. The fact that the name of the devil is in the song it is disqualified. When you are singing about the Lord, you cannot put the name of the devil in the song. The devil rejoices when his name is mentioned in the song of God worship. These are mistakes.
There are also Christian songs that the singer praise what the Lord has done in his life, for the Lord has given him house, money, and car. This is a terrestrial song that is not entering heaven.
The only song that is eternal and celestial is where the words glorify God. When Gods people sing these songs of worship the angels come down in the churches, in their houses with swords and they cut bondages and ties. They attack their problems with their swords.
Whenever I enter the church for war, we target first and foremost the pastor, then the singer, then the intercessor.
When God's children asked for the Spirit and when His power comes down, the whole place was enlightened and illuminated by a great light because of the Spirit of God. Whenever the church started casting out demons, I saw the heavens opening and warrior angels descending.
The devil gave us teaching about prayer and meditation. He taught us how to attack Christians. In truth, the Christian must pray for three hours. This is the minimum. We were supposed to oppose men of God who pray for long hours. We were alerted whenever men of God were in an intensive time of prayer. When a man of God pray for long hours for a month, he will reach a dimension of divine healing, miracle, and power.
When I was in Satanism, I saw great mysteries in the lives of God's children. As soon as a Christian begin to pray for the welfare and blessing of his neighborhood, the angel of God descended from the upper heaven to the marine world in order to grab the blessing of his members and the people of the neighborhood from the queen of the coast. She is the one who keeps gold, money, wealth and all the treasure of the earth under the sea.
Brother, when people are born, they are born with their qualifications, their jobs, their marriages, their finances. They are born with their blessings. The demons and mermaids steal all these blessings that are kept by the queen of the coast who had become rich.
And whenever men of God pray for blessing, the angels of God descend underwater in order to recoup the blessings that were stolen in the lives of his members including the people of his neighborhood. The angels will begin to restore and distribute these blessings to their owners.
Whenever the man of God called fire there will be fire descending from the upper Heaven. It will cause damage in the second heaven and the first heaven and fire will cover him and he would become more fiery.
In the world of darkness, long prayers block the system and logistic of Satan. Therefore, long prayers must be stopped and reduced to half an hour or an hour because all three hours of prayer causes great damage and destruction in the world of Satan.
And when long prayer is finished, demons will begin to pick up what has been destroyed and damaged. It takes time to repair the destruction of infrastructure and logistic caused by the long prayer of God's children. In the spirit world, the more hours you spend in prayer, the more angels are deployed in your life. The more you are dedicated in prayer, the flame of fire increases proportionally in your life.
There are men of God that get new angels every day. As a result, the diameter of the fire covering them increases. Their fiery diameter of protection increases. You cannot come at a distance of 100 meters from them because the rays of light increase the perimeter of protection.
Brother, whenever an angel comes to your life as a result of prayer, he comes with rays of lights covering you. This ray of light can be hundreds of meters depending on dedication and prayer. All things depend on how long and how much you spend time in fasting and prayer and meditation.
At the end of time, the devil is using adornment as war strategy to win souls of women.
I want to reveal what I saw beneath the sea. I was not a marine kingdom pastor but I used to see various pastors from all over the world coming to the marine world to attend theological conferences of the devil.
Underwater, the devil is continually training pastors in theology in the marine kingdom. The devil is actually a Bible teacher. He is constantly teaching theology to various pastors of the world in the marine kingdom. The devil is twisting the Scripture and in this course, the enemy kept saying, The men of God since their Master said this, you will teach this.
The marine kingdom pastors preach the same thing as the authentic pastors but they twist things. Whenever the devil fails to understand a Bible passage he gets frustrated and angry. There is a passage that aggravates the devil when he teaches theology in the marine world.
It's the passage where the apostle John was caught up in the Spirit and the Bible says there was silence in heaven.
Rev 8:1 When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
And the other passage that says that John was about to write the mystery and he was told to keep the secret to himself.
Rev 10:4 Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.
When God-fearing Christians walk the street, it is clear they don't touch the ground for they move in space. The Satanists know that fatal danger is around and you don't come close. There are Christians who are dedicated but they still walk on the ground. They are also Christians who walk in space for they don't touch the ground; they have reached another level and they are dangerous.
You can't fight these believers in spiritual war; you have to go physical. I mean, you will need to come through people in his proximity. You have to aggravate them and incite them so that the target will be vexed.
We were always checking the celestial armor of God. There are six weapons of defense mentioned in Ephesians six. Whenever I was watching the believer I was checking the six weapons like the helmet of salvation that covers the head, the shield of faith which is held by the left hand and the sword of the Spirit in their right hand.
In order to touch the believer, we look at their protective weapon and the offensive weapon. If you lack the shield of faith, we will remove the little faith you have. When you don't have sandal your feet become vulnerable. We will attack your feet so that you won't be able to evangelize and go to church.
When you put nail polish or artificial nail, you will lose the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith as your hand would not be able to hold them. You won't be able to hold the Bible for long because of nail polish and artificial nail.
When you don't have the sword of the Spirit, the breastplate of justice and shield of faith you are vulnerable. When your sandal is removed you become barefooted and powerless. Your feet would be reached by witchcraft when you walk on a fetish. It will touch you for there are entries in the foot palm.
There are two kinds of weapons around God's children. Whenever we came against God's children, we were checking defensive or protective armors that are on them. Whenever I came to make war against believers, I saw that the flaming sword of the third heaven moving before them. I often saw angels moving around them. I often saw the flame of fire turning around and covering them.
There are Christians when they walk the street they emit lightning and flashes of light and fire. In general, most God's children don't know how to use their weapons and armor. They only make use of the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and they call fire. In a battle, I saw God's children coming to fight without the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation. Some of them have no sword in their hands. Some of them have no breastplate.
The Cross of the Lord is a weapon you can use. I mean, you can drag the enemy before the cross and demand the judgment of the Lord upon them. There are words that are dangerous when Christians say them in prayer. The Christian must learn every word about Jesus like where the Bible calls Him, the lion and the judge.
When Christians wage spiritual warfare, there are death and damages in the spirit world but the Christians don't see it. Every situation on the earth is connected to Bible verses that Christians must know. Whenever Christians sing Gospel songs, I saw angels connected to the music coming down. You don't see them but they have come to surround you and join you in worshiping God.
I was a high ranking Satanist, the fifth in Ivory Coast. The purpose of my testimony is that you may know how the enemy operates. He is accelerating the velocity of his operation against humanity. Very often and even today, I can feel the wave of his power and action in the air. I feel in my soul urgency.
I have been a Satanist for 21 years and I have caused a lot of damage, so many damages. I regret these destruction and it hurt me. That is why I asked Christian parents to protect their children through prayer so that they will not be initiated in witchcraft, for I was just a child when I got initiated in witchcraft. Though my father and mother were believers, they were blind spiritually. You have the obligation over the children, you have begotten them in the world, you must intercede for your children.
I was assigned to destroy children. Therefore you must pray for your children to protect them from enchantment and initiation. Do you really know the spiritual condition of your children?
There is blindness and a lack of spiritual vision among God's children. However, the more you spend time in prayer, the Lord will open your understanding and discernment and you will know how the devil enter so that the enemy will not have an advantage on you.
One of the tasks we had in churches was to make sure that the spiritual eyes of God's children were shut. We worked so that God's children will remain blinded. They should not see the spirit world. We fought hard against the gift of vision and revelation.
Brother, your child may be a witch. Given that you are blind, you will not see it. When an enchanted object comes to your house, you will not feel it.
In the past, I used to see Christians wearing belts that were snakes. Actually, we were designing belts that were snakes in the Marine kingdom. We were bringing them to shops. Even God's children were buying. Since they are not led by the Spirit of God., they buy these belt-snakes in shops. The most expensive shoes in the world are made from human skin.
Because of lack of spiritual vision you eat, love and trust those who plot against you in the workplace, school, and church. Intense prayer will cause the scale on your eyes to be removed. There is a real conflict. Wherever there is a Christian the devil will send his agents. Christians will face opposition and evil will not leave them alone because they are Christians. You must have a prayer life. The war is inevitable.
A lifestyle of giving means prayer before God. Brother, we were fighting giving and liberality among God's children. Forgiving means a lot in the spirit world. There is a voice in your offering and giving. The more you give, the more your giving becomes prayer before the Lord, You shall be protected in your property because of your giving. Your offering speaks for you before the Lord.
The marriage of two spiritual believers is a forbidden law. And it is a satanic law that we were to observe for we were supposed to prevent true converts and spiritual believers from getting married. For when these two unite in order to pray, it is extremely dangerous. When two people assemble to ask something to God, they will be unstoppable. Thus the devil has ordered us to stop two spiritual believers from coming together in marriage. We worked to cause carnal Christians to marry spiritual Christians so that one will be a stumbling block for the other. The weak will be a gateway in order to reach the stronger.
Brother, TV is one of the weapons of the end time that the enemy has designed. God's children are exposed to all sorts of demons when they watch movies. Whenever you watch war movies, you are exposed to demons of war. When you watch vampires movies, you are exposed to the spirit of witchcraft that may enter your life. When you watch Italian and Brazilian soap operas of love, you're exposed to sensual spirits for in these movies, people kiss and expose their nakedness.
When people watch movies, you are exposed to demons of idolatry, for they constantly worship their gods in these movies. When you are watching these movies you are participating in the worship of these pagan gods and you shall receive the spirit of witchcraft. Thanks to TV, we caused perdition and destruction.
Since I was monitoring God's children, whenever you watch a movie for two hours during that lapse of time, I was stealing and consuming your energy. As a result, you lack the strength to pray and read the Bible.
Brother, whenever men of God go to watch football at home or public stadium since I was monitoring them, I would fly in space to monitor their reaction during the game. When God's children sit to watch a football game or any sport, my task was to monitor their emotional state and reaction.
Brother, the enemy is monitoring you with precision and detail wherever you go, and wherever you pass. He is in search of lack of vigilance and indiscretion in your lives. When you seek to watch games, I was there to monitor your gesture, your reaction, your excitement of anger and joy. And whenever you shouted to celebrate, I would capture the energy released in the air, which is called ether. Demons capture and feed themselves with these emotions when you release them. Whenever people shout out of frustration or joy there was a collection of internal infernal energy. When you release anger, I will enter to cause destruction in your life.
On the other hand, we must understand that football players are in Freemasonry and they are in contract with demons. When you support and clap for them, you are out of the will of God. How can you claim to be against occultism and support players that are Freemasons and they are in covenant with demons? They are not different from witches and Satanists. Each one of these popular players has demons. God's children must get out of fandom for the devil is coming. You cannot battle witches and wizards in the church and be a supporter of football players who are Satanists.
Whenever a goal is scored in a game when people shout with all their strength, demons attend football games for the energy. They collect peoples internal energy released by the crowds since football players signed a covenant with demons. When they score goals, the people would scream. As a result, these demons will then collect the energy of the people as a reward.
These demons sustain the footballer and the dragon is fed with these internal energies. Whenever a football game is playing, there are always demons assembled to collect energy. And when a believer is watching a football, he will come under surveillance and monitoring to check whether he is going to release emotion of anger or pride and to shoot him with arrows.
Brother, when witches hold meetings, it is mostly done in the physical Earth in isolated places, such as cemeteries, forests and mountains, and water. They also hold meetings in places such as schools.
When they gather in these places, as soon as they get together, they will begin to talk to the four elements of the Earth and take over these elements.
They usually say to the ground, We command you, Earth, to be subjected to us.
They say to the air, We command you to be subjected to us.
They say to the water, We command you to be subjected to us.
They say to the fire, We command you to be subjected to us.
After taking control of the four elements of the Earth, they will try to control the 12 gates of the city.
I want to inform you that in the spirit world, every town, city, and village has 12 gates.
Brother, when you settle in a new city or country, first and foremost, you must command and control the four elements of the Earth and you must control the 12 gates of the city. You must control the four corners, the square, the perimeter and diameter of your environment.
Each of the four angles of the square around your perimeter have three gates and three gates multiplied by four corners of the city and town where you live equal to 12 gates.
In Revelation 21:12-14, 12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. 14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
When the enemy arrives in a place, he will try to control the four elements of the Earth and the 12 gates of that place. And whenever God's children arrive in a city, when they failed to possess the land, which includes the four elements of the Earth and the 12 gates of the area, they will not prevail that the perimeter has been sealed.
This is why God's children suffer defeat and change the city. They fail to control the place and they fail to subject everything to their authority, and they end up leaving the city claiming that nothing is working.
Yet the Bible says in Joshua 1:3-6 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread on, that have I given to you, as I said to Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. 5 There shall not any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with you: I will not fail you, nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and of a good courage: for to this people shall you divide for an inheritance the land, which I swore to their fathers to give them.
When an agent of the enemy enters a village or a city, he will quickly deploy 12 demons before each gate of the city or village. Therefore you must increase your strike force in order to dominate the 12 gates of the city.
When the enemy is overpowered, he will seek reinforcement and for fortification.
The Bible in Ezekiel 48:31-34 And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi. 32 And at the east side four thousand and five hundred: and three gates; and one gate of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Dan. 33 And at the south side four thousand and five hundred measures: and three gates; one gate of Simeon, one gate of Issachar, one gate of Zebulun. 34 At the west side four thousand and five hundred, with their three gates; one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali.
In the world of Satan, we were working with the music. There is world music and Christian music. In the Ivory Coast, those who are in worldly music are occultists. All the musical celebrities in the Ivory Coast are satanic. For example, the [inaudible] is a Satanist. He kills human sacrifices and drink blood. We all remember his song The spirits are speaking to you. The singer who sang about Suka Laila (?) is also a Satanist because Suka Laila (?) is a mermaid, a demon.
Whoever aspires to a breakthrough in world music would need to resort to occultism as there is a lot of competition. Unless you resort to occultism you are not breaking through. Since you have musical talents you will be sacrificed by your fellow musicians and your star and talent will be stolen.
In order to become nationally recognized, you're going to have to offer sacrifices for all the great celebrities of Ivory Coast are Satanists.
One of the national singers who also resorted to occultism went to attend a Luciferian meeting in America and she came back with woman underwear called String. It was newly released in order to trick women. Basically, the string is cursed. It is an invention of water sirens. Today many women are wearing string yet it is cursed. This singer who brought string in the Ivory coast wear miniskirts and expose herself.
When you hear secular music, the demon who is in covenant with the musical celebrity will show up in your house. There are demons everywhere in the world. When this demon shows up in your house, he will steal your star and he will hand it to the musical celebrity.
We used to work to cause children of Christians to play worldly music on their phones and laptops. Whenever these kids play worldly music on the phones and laptops, demons were invited and landed in their homes. Worldly music attract demons in your homes. These demons will steal your grace and stars in order to hand it to the musical celebrity.
However, whenever God's children play Christian music, I saw the angel of God connected to the song landing around them. When you hear songs of worship and praise that are inspired, I saw the angel of the Lord coming down. You won't see him but I used to see him for I was monitoring God's children.
When you wake up in the morning and you play songs of worship and praise, I saw the angel of the Lord descending and cleaning the house from witchcraft activity that occurred in the night while you slept. It is dangerous when a Christian hear inspired Christian music for the angel connected to the music will come down.
On the other hand, whenever you play secular music, a demon will come down in your home. You must always hear songs of worship with the children at home. For whenever children learn to sing songs of worship, it is dangerous in the spirit world. When children sing, even with difficulty, the angel of the Lord descends. We must get the children to learn to sing songs of worship. I know children who had destroyed witches and wizards because of songs of worship.
In my village, there was a child that used to sing a popular song of worship every morning when he wake up. Many queens of witchcraft fear to come close to the child. One of them that tried to breach the perimeter of protection of the child was killed. No one could come against the child. I remember I was still a witch back then, but I was powerless against the child for he was singing everyday songs of worship.
Brother, when you build a life for personal praise and worship, the enemy will be crushed and the bondage of your life will fall, for the Lord dwell in the midst of the praise of His people. Gods people fail to understand the power of personal praise and worship in daily devotion. We knew that whoever dared to eliminate the child will face death. Therefore, we agreed on a strategy that consisted of causing his parents not to take him to church anymore. Because his parents began to leave him at home when going to church, this child was exposed to worldly music and he was no longer strong for he began to sing worldly music instead of songs of worship and praise.
The demon that manage world music is called Baphomet. He is not a man or a woman. Many artists are attached to this demon.
When I was still a Satanist, many celebrities and artists came to see me. They came to seek notoriety and fame. When they came to me, I took them to the river to meet the sea dragon called Dracula. I used to worship this demon. Many people have heard the name of Dracula in the movie. It is the name of the sea dragon that I was serving for I had a covenant with him. There are also dragons in forests. There are dragons of deserts, dragons of mountains.
The biggest dragon is in the second heaven and the Bible says in Rev 12:3-4 And another sign was seen in the heavens. And behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads! 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them onto the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman being about to bear, so that when she bears he might devour her child.
These artists were signing a pact with the sea dragon in order to become famous. I remember after conversion, many months after leaving the devil, the sea dragon appear to me to claim my soul. When he showed up, he said, You still belong to me, because you have something that belongs to me, which is the link between you and me.
When I heard this, I was surprised. I came to understand there was a link that connected me to him, which was supposed to be broken. Quickly I went on to do a week of fasting and prayer in order to break the link.
Brother, when a demon is in the body he won't leave if there is legality. He will hang on something that enables him to stay. They are hardhead demons.
Whenever these singers needed a great voice, they receive snakes of many heads, which enables them to change their voice while singing. In worldly music, celebrities invite demons in their songs and demons sing in these songs.
I was in a perpetual war against God's children. I was monitoring them and watching them in order to find vulnerability in their lives.
Last time, I said in order to enter the local church during the service I was enabled to do so when a lady come to church with the so-called lady pants. When a lady comes to church with a wig, I was leaving my body flying in space and entering the wig in order to enter the church. When I dwell in your eyelash, your wig or the so-called lady pants, even if you call Fire! I was not leaving or affected because of the property of the enemy, and I would remain there in the wig.
In the end time, the devil has come up with clothes that are exposing the body of a woman. Thus many women are walking half-naked in the street. The unclean spirit causing women to walk naked is the goddess of immorality.
Lilith is a dangerous female demon of the night, who is sexually wanton and who steals babies in the darkness.
In this eternal war against God's children, we were using water as a weapon. In order to bewitch water in our city, we were summoning the goddess of water called Semiramis, the descendant of Noah who uses magic dance in order to hypnotize people. She signed a covenant with Satan for immortality. She is serving the devil underwater.
Today in the Church of Christ, pastors are celebrating Mothers Day, yet it is nowhere in the Bible. When we were in battle against God's children, we were entering churches that celebrate Mother's Day, and no angels could stop us. When we enter on that day, we were possessing the ground, the air, and the pulpit and we were moving freely because no angels were present.
This celebration of Mothers Day is dedicated to the queen of the sea, the siren Semiramis. The image of the woman and the baby is that of Semiramis with the child, the warrior. This siren existed in the Bible. She was the Queen Regent of the Assyrian Empire. Her son was a conquering King. Whenever there was battle and conquest, she was practicing witchcraft to enchant the opposing army. In order to enchant the enemy, she was dancing like a belly dancing woman, exposing her belly and bewitching the troops. This woman that was a witch had signed a deal with the devil for immortality. When she died, she was handed control over a part of the ocean. She is the queen of the sea.
Brother, today most processed meat is not animal meat but human meat. When you eat human meat that you buy in the market, it stays in your body instead of going out. In times of battle against God's children, we were checking in their stomachs whether they have eaten human meat, and in case they had a piece in their stomach, it was a legality that it was enabling us to paralyze their prayer lives.
I said that the Principality in charge of World Food is the Goddess Maya, who would scan you in battle to check whether you have human meat in order to have legality to bring down your prayer life. We use this meat to downgrade the prayer life of God's children. We don't want God's children to pray for long hours.
Brother, in the astral world I had cars, planes, and helicopters and when I take off to travel to the hyperspace and the satanic world, the smoke was coming out of my engine and entering peoples houses that were filled with smoke. When people breathe these smoke, they fall sick.
Brother, wherever you live on the Earth, you must understand there are unseen transport and communication infrastructure.
There are logistics of the devil everywhere on the Earth. There are powerful and satanic satellites, radars and cameras filming this world 24 hours.
One day I was moving in space, I saw a satellite system of the satanic world in the spirit world. I was curious and I approached this invisible satellite. When I got closer I saw unknown entities who looked like robots. They were actually demons of technology working in satellites of Satan that are controlling this Earth.
There are communication systems installed everywhere in this world. The witches work a lot with communication infrastructure. The demonic army on the land win the war against Christians thanks to communication and advanced systems. In the war of witchcraft against God's children, there is always monitoring and surveillance of Christians.
In the astral world of witches, we had advanced phone system of Satan superior to the physical system in the physical world. Very often we call one another on the phone just like people of the Earth. Often in witchcraft conflicts, I would call the control tower to ask information about God's children.
I would call and say, Control tower, I want to know the whereabouts of the target in this precise moment. The control tower of surveillance functions like a police or surveillance center.
Often they will say to me, The camera and radar is showing that the targeted Christian you are after went to the market. At this moment he is on the bus in the main boulevard going to the market.
When I was informed about the location of a targeted believer, we were rushing to deploy snares and booby traps. We will often put them before sellers that are witches so that you would buy from that seller, a servant of Satan.
When the control tower informed me that you are in a bus moving, I would try to place a rock before the bus to cause an accident.
When I am informed that you went to visit a sister, I would work to influence the sister so that you would fall in fornication with her.
Brother, I am trying to tell you that you are under surveillance and you are monitored by radars, cameras and surveillance systems of the enemy. Whenever you leave your house to go out in the city there are unseen spirits following you. There are intelligence agents. I mean there are unclean spirits everywhere even in the trees. Wherever you see the telecommunication antenna in the city, the devil was also putting our antennas side by side and whatever phone call and message you sent to your friends and families were copied and recorded in our system. Whenever you make a call it goes first to the central server of the world of Satan before reaching your interlocutor.
It is only true Christians that lead a life of fasting and prayer that cause the system of Satan to crash when they call for we could not hear their call and see them in the camera and radar. Everything is monitored to gather intelligence about God's children in order to deploy traps and snares.
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