Testimony of Sabino Barrientos Zamudio. Jesus rescued an unbeliever from Hell and gave him a second chance.

God bless you, I want to share with all of you the experience of Heaven and Hell that I had, and the way that God dealt with my life. I want to share it with you because I know that it will change hearts and the lives of many of you, and it will transform you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. He changed my life.

Before I share this experience with you, I want to read a Biblical passage, a portion in the second letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians and chapter 12, verses one to verse four.

2Co 12:1-4, 1 Indeed, it is not profitable for me to boast. For I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ fourteen years before (whether in the body, I do not know; or outside of the body, I do not know; God knows) such a one was caught up to the third Heaven. 3 And I know such a man (whether in the body, or outside of the body, I do not know; God knows), 4 that he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not allowed for a man to utter.

The whole thing happened in the year 2006 on September the 14th. Back then I was not in the way of the Lord. I was a sinner living according to the trend of the world. I was far from God and sunk in sin, but thanks to His mercy so big that He rescued me. He is even today trying in an emphatic way to speak to us and warn us. He is trying to touch our lives. That is why He allowed this experience. I have the passion to share it with you because it is an assignment that God gave me so that it would change your life. I know it's going to make an impact on your soul.

Beloved brothers, many people do not believe in Hell; they do not believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell. Prior to this experience, I doubted the existence of Heaven and of Hell. But today more than ever, I'm sure dear brothers and friends that Hell is real and Heaven is real.

On that day of September 14, I was in my room resting apparently listening to secular world music that was popular back then. We used to hear those melodies while we were in all kinds of sin in this world. I was a careless person. My life was full of bitterness, hatred, arrogance, pride, and I did not think of something else.

But beloved brothers and friends, I didn't want to hear about God and I rejected any attempts by Christians to evangelize me.

I remember on that day and the night while resting in my room, something unforgettable began to happen. I had the most amazing experience that transformed and shook my life at the core.

While I was resting I felt cold in my soul. While I listened to this music in my room, a black shadow entered my room. I felt chill in my body. I did not understand and I did not know what was happening, for I was not religious or spiritual.

Having seen this black shadow entered my room and faded before my eyes, I did not know what to make of it. Actually, when a black shadow entered my room, I was not asleep. I was in my five senses. When the strange black shadow faded, I looked and I saw an animal. I couldn't describe it. It seems to be a bright black bull. The animal was impressive for its size burn like two flames of fire. This animal looked like something out of the ordinary.

Beloved brothers and friends, I was surprised and confused. I did not know what was happening. I felt a strange feeling in my body when I saw this animal. It faded away in the smoke like the black shadow.

And when the animal faded in smoke, I felt negative energy in my soul. And I was wondering, What is going on? What is this?

Many questions went through my mind at that moment. I could not explain and make sense of all this manifestation. In truth, I was on the frontier of death and I was dying. My spiritual eyes were now opening and seeing uncommon reality.

Then the animal that faded appeared again in my room. Then he turned to a black dog. Then he began to grow in proportion and dimension reaching the roof of my room. I do not find the adequate word to express these things, something that had never happened in my life.

When the animal approached me I felt evil energy difficult to describe. I tried to master my emotions. However, my flesh began to tremble in the worst possible way. I wanted to control myself. However, I tried and failed to control my nerves.

Brothers and friends, I remember when I was down and the animal got close to me. I felt pain in my whole body. This pain started to invade my being internally. Something was going on inside out. The pain was so intense that I started to cry and despair.

I called my friends and my people in the neighborhood for help. I remember, beloved brothers and friends, while I was calling my colleagues and crying for help, there was no one to help me. And I was confused about what was happening.

And to be honest, I began to shelter the biggest fear I have ever experienced in my life. I was overwhelmed and I began to see my pride and ego fading. I felt the fear of death. I sensed that something was happening to me that I had no control of.

In the reality, I was dying, though I did not know what was happening. And while the pain continued to intensify, I was crying in desperation. As the pain got unbearable, I began to lack air to breathe. The oxygen to inhale was missing. I started to make an effort to breathe with much difficulty, but I could not breathe for there was no more air to breathe.

I entered a moment of panic and despair. I wanted to know what was happening to me. Yet death was on the corner. I felt the breath of life leaving me. While I struggled to breathe, something happened. I felt that I was sinking down beneath the floor of the room where I was, and I began to descend beneath the Earth.

I started to enter an abyss of darkness. I started to descend in a dark tunnel, where I could not see anything except thick darkness. The only thing I was contemplating, brothers and friends, was dense darkness where I could not see anything.

I do not know how much time passed but I was descending in that void in the abyss. I was falling into the abyss in the void. Finally, I reached the bottom of the abyss and I hit the ground. I was lying down stretched on the floor. In that place, I could feel my legs and my arms no more. I felt my head fractured and a huge pain. I did not understand what was going on.

I shouted names of my friends, family, and acquaintances to tell me what was going on. At that time, in that desperate and agonizing moment, I could not know that I was dead, for I remember loved ones.

Brothers and friends, I turned around and I wanted to get up, but I could not because everything in my body hurt. They seem broken up. They were only darkness in this place. In that moment, a light illuminated the place and I start to visualize where I was lying. And I had a panoramic view of this place of darkness. It was a huge field.

In that field, I saw thousands of bodies lying there, and there was blood everywhere. When I beheld this scene, a tremendous and intense fear invaded me and it kept growing. I started to cry. I tried to get up from that place, and I fell, again and again, I could not hold my body to stand.

At that moment, brothers and friends, I remember I started walking above those bodies and I wanted to find the exit. I looked everywhere. I could not find the exit. I did not know where I was.

Then at a distance of 700 meters, I saw a huge arch. When I looked I saw that there was a kind of gigantic gate in a relative distance. I said in my heart, It must be an exit from this place. I must get there to get out of here.

I was desperate. Then brothers and friends, in the middle of nervousness and fear, I started to walk over the bodies. I did not want to step on bodies, but there was no room in that place to put my foot. I was moving forward until I reached the arch that I saw in the distance. I noticed that in distance it looked strong and gigantic but when I arrived at the door about 10 meters away, it was just a two-leaf gate. I was about 10 meters away when the gates started to open automatically. I remember when I got two steps from the gates, suddenly an infernal animal appears again.

This entity was a calf man. The hybrid demon was literally speaking burning fire. He was like plasmas of burning fire. When I saw him, I remembered the animal that showed up in my room and caused me pain. I started insulting the Beast because I was exasperated, and I was confused.

I said to the Beast, Who are you and why are you following me?

I stood there staring into the eyes of the Beast. And when there was eye contact, I lost my physical strength. Literally, my whole body got weak, and I fell to the ground on a kneeling posture though I did not want to kneel.

I asked the evil spirit before me, What is happening to me? Where am I?

There were crowds of questions with no answer in my mind. At that moment, brothers and friends, the hybrid calf man went through a transformation. He faded and became a smoke, a kind of thick black smoke and it was awesome to behold. He was in the process of taking another shape, and this thick black smoke turned to an infernal lion. And then the lion grew in size and dimension. He grew both beyond human imagination, beyond science fiction. I had to look up to be able to see his mouth.

But there was something strange about this animal. I remember that he had a big chain over his body and his four legs. Then I noticed that half of his body was covered with a huge bracelet. The lion was laying with his back legs on the floor and the front leg in front which he extended like a human form for he was holding a very large book.

Actually, this lion was acting like a person, like a human being and was handling a huge book. There was a black pen around his book. He took the pen and opened the book and he started writing in that book and the Beast acted and proceeded like a person.

He wrote in this book my name and told me, Zavi, you are welcome.

I did not answer him for I was confused. There I was conscious. I was in my right mind. But I was puzzled by this talking animal for they only talk in television, movies and character cartoons.

Moreover, the Beast seems to know me for long and he addressed me in my name as if he knew me.

He said, Zavi, talk to me a bit. Do you no longer remember me?

I did not answer his question for I was amazed at what was happening. The Beast addressed me again by my

name and said, Zavi, talk to me. You don't remember me anymore? You do not know who I am?

I remember brothers and friends, I answered this Beast in a foul language and I insulted him. I said, I do not know who you are. The only thing that I know is what a miserable animal you are. And how come you are talking like this? I do not know who you are. Animals only talk in TV and they talk in movies and character cartoons.

The Beast said to me, Do you no longer remember me?

I did not answer him. The Infernal Beast addressed me again by my name and tells me, Zavi, you don't really remember me.

I noticed that this Beast had a despotic and dominating attitude. I refuse to answer his question. Then we had a violent and insulting verbal exchange there. I was insulting him for he kept telling me, Do you know me? and the Beast did not back down.

He said, Zavi, since you know me and since I know you, I'm going to tell you who you are. And I am going to tell you where you are coming from and why you are here. I will tell you where and when you were born. I will give you the year, the place, even the month, the day, the hour and the second.

When he said this I started laughing to mock him.

I said, How come an animal pretends to know the exact moment I was born?

In truth, I was confused and ignorant of the fact that I was dead for I was still having my senses.

The Beast told me, Zavi, I don't want you to have doubt and confusion, therefore, observe these images.

To my surprise, brothers and friends, technology appeared in this place. I remember that a big screen appeared. A giant screen like cinema appeared and a video was projected on that screen. The video began with a date scrolling. I noticed there was on this date, the hour, the minute and the second after the scrolling of this date. The video began. I watched on this screen the birth of a baby. As the video was showing, I noticed the baby was growing.

There were a date and time indicating the progression of time in his life. The movie showed the growth of the child that was me up until the day I died. I remember when the movie was showing my childhood. When I was about to reach six years of age, I began to remember my action for I did not remember my deeds before the age of six, and I came to understand that the child in the video that I was watching was me.

The video continues up to the age of 19 when I died. I remember when I was going to reach 19, surprisingly, the video was cut when I was in my room. It was actually the moment I sunk down the floor to the abyss. I lived my life on Earth failing to realize that all my action was filmed and recorded. I wondered why my life was recorded in audio and video with everything in detail. The video goes back to all the memory of my life like yesterday.

When the video finished, I fell to the floor on my knees crying. I started crying literally like a child for what the video had projected was true. This Beast has my entire life recorded in audio and video. It was an exasperating moment. I saw this infernal lion heading towards me.

He says to me, Zavi, look at you. I know who you are.

Then I saw the Beast playing back the video from the start. When the video played the scene where I was about to turn six years old, I saw the Beast pulling out another book. I do not know where. I just realized he had another book apart from the first book.

I came to understand that this second book was the Bible. As the video reached the sixth year of my life, which is the age of accountability, the Beast opened the Bible. Every single evil action or word that I did and said as a child was judged and condemned by this Beast, who was a sort of Judge of Hell. The Beast opened the Bible and began to condemn my action that was shown in the video.

He turned towards me and told me, Zavi, do you notice that in such a year, such a month, such place, such minute and such second, you did what is not allowed in the Word of God? You broke the law of God.

And as the video continued, the infernal lion was coming up with one verse after the other to condemn my action and my words. All the evil action and evil words that ever came out of my mouth was projected on the screen and was condemned by this infernal lion until my death.

When the video ended, he closed the Bible and finished condemning my evil deeds and words. I was confused. I failed to understand that I was dead.

I said, I must be dreaming. This is a dream. I have to wake up from here. I have to go back to normality.

I remember at that time the Beast said, Zavi, I want to tell you something. You must understand that I love you. I know you do not know me, but I know you since your birth. You are my son and my disciple. I love you. All your life, you did my willing and my bidding. I am your father.

Dear brothers and friends, given that I grew up away from my father, I always said that I don't have a father and I don't like people calling me Son. It was one of the strongest offenses that I do not tolerate. When that Beast called me Son, I started to curse and insult him.

The Beast said to me, Zavi, whether you like it or not, you are mine. Your soul belongs to me. I have won your soul.

The Beast says to me, You know one thing. Your father in life was my faithful disciple, but he betrayed me before dying. He turned his back on me and I lost him. But I'm happy and grateful because you did not betray me like your father. You are my faithful servant unto death, and you did my will all your life. I failed to win the soul of your father who turned his back on me in a betrayal. Nevertheless, I have conquered your soul.

In fact, my father had practiced Satanism and occult in his life. But before dying, he left that world of occultism and came to Jesus Christ and he died in the way of Jesus Christ. When this Beast talked about my father, I wondered who is this animal that seems to know even details of my fathers life.

Finally, the Beast said to me, Zavi, you must know that you are dead. And there are laws that say that nobody can come back to life. I would be violating the laws of death if I let anyone go back to life. Zavi, you are dead, and nobody here comes back from them as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment.

When I heard the Beast speaking that way, I started laughing. I said, This animal is crazy. I'm not dead for I'm moving, looking and I'm alive. I can feel, I thought I was alive as I had my senses and memory with me.

On the other hand, this animal kept calling me Son. I did not know what to do to get rid of him or to stop him calling me Son.

I was looking for a way out of here. I was so frustrated that I found myself insulting him, but he did not give up calling me Son.

I remember that moment there came a thought in my mind. I thought about telling this Beast that God is my Father, not him.

Brothers and friends, when I considered this option, immediately I said to the Beast, You keep calling me Son, you're not my father. I'm not an animal. You must know that my Fathers name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth who died on the tree, not you.

When I said the name of Jesus Christ, this Beast got so enraged. He began to curse and blaspheme the name of God and he was insulting Christians. Never in my life had I ever listened to such expressions of hate on Earth. This infernal animal was insulting and cursing God and His son in such a way that I wonder who is this Beast? He was so mad against the Lord Jesus Christ.

I said, How could you insult God that way?

I also began to say foul words to him. Yet the Beast was so mad that he ignored me; he kept insulting and cursing the God of Heaven and cursing His son.

He said to me, Zavi, given that you have been my faithful disciple until death, I have a special gift prepared in this place for all my children and disciples.

Immediately the Beast tells me, I'm not going to lose my time with you Zavi. You must receive your reward for the Bible says that not even a glass of cold water is without its reward.

The Beast shouted in this abyss and said, Let him receive his rewards.

Brothers and friends, at that moment, I saw a group of 12 to 15 beings showing up. I have never seen these creatures in my whole life. I do not know where they came from. I watched these strange beings coming together to me. They would walk as demons. Their height was half a meter. They were horribly frightening. I saw another group of hybrid beasts coming with them. They were a group of animals, demons, they were different from dog demons. Today I came to understand what people call demons, which is the right word to describe these animals who came to take me. As they came to grab me I started to defend myself.

Brothers and friends, I remember when they came to grab me, I put up a fight and I defended myself with kicks. Five of these horrible demons pounced on me to overpower me. I fought with them, body to body. I hit them with all my strength.

As the fight went on, I began to lose my strength. I fought with these strange beings and dog demons until I began to lose hope. I asked for help and I cried helplessly. I fought these demons to a point that I got exhausted for there was no strength left in my body. I could not fight anymore as my strength ran out and I fell to the ground weakened.


At that moment, I heard the character dressed in black showed up. I do not know how many of you ever watched satanic sects on TV, the kind of clothes they wear that seems like a black cassock. The entity that showed up was dressed in a kind of a black cat. I could not see his face. That was dark. I have never in my life seen this kind of being. There was something strange about this character.

He became walking and flying through the air and he stood in the air when he joined the infernal Lion, the dwarf demons and hybrid demons that had overpowered me. It was made known to me that this entity was the angel of death, the personification of death.

I was in wonder and I had a question. I came to understand through the word that death is a demon, a fallen angel, for the last enemy to be destroyed will be death. I was already without strength, and the dwarves and hybrid demons grabbed me. And they were taking me, I don't know where. They were dragging me in this abyss of darkness.

Finally, I saw like an ocean like a sea of fire, which seems like metal heated in high temperatures like molten steel. The ocean of lava that seems like liquid molten steel was boiling constantly. This liquid metal produces something awful and frightening. I cannot explain that specifically.

What I saw from above the sea of fire seems like waves constantly boiling and producing an explosion. These waves were so big that they reached from 15 to 20 meters high, something out of the ordinary. There was no explanation that science can produce for this phenomena of the sea of lava burning and bubbling.

I was looking with amazement and wonder and I was scared. I felt powerless in that place. I saw these dogs and hybrid demons including the personification of death dragging me towards the sea of lava boiling and bubbling. I knew that they were about to cast me in the sea of lava.

They said, Zavi, this is your reward. This is your gift. You will enjoy it for all eternity.

When they said these words, brothers, and friends, I was baffled, perplexed, puzzled and confused. I was thrown off balance and disorientated.

I said, It cannot be true. This is not happening to me. It is not real. I'm dreaming.

Yet I was descending with these hybrid demons, the dwarves and the Angel of Death towards the ocean of fire, which was constantly boiling with waves rising up to 20 meters. The demons that were holding my two arms and two legs were dragging me to the edge of the ocean of fire in order to cast me there yet they seem to be playing. It was like a game for them. They were enjoying it.

They said to me, Zavi, we are going to count to three and in three, you will be cast in the sea of fire.

Brothers and friends, at that moment, I started to remember all the instances that Christians talked to me about God. I started remembering when my family talked to me about Jesus Christ. I started remembering every opportunity squandered. This was it, I was finished.

I never believe Heaven and Hell were real. I said, This cannot be true. I wondered and I said, Is this place Hell that Christians were warning me about?

So all these things about Heaven and Hell were true. When it was crystal clear in my mind that demons were going to cast me in this boiling sea of fire, I got desperate and I began to cry.

It was at that moment that I said, Lord Jesus Christ, if You are real, if You really exist, forgive me, get me out of this place. If you give me an opportunity, I swear it with my life that if You take me out of here, I'm going to do whatever You want from me. But give me a chance, Lord, if You are real, show me that You are real. Show me a signal that You exist and that You are real, Lord. Give me an opportunity, please.

I now knew brothers and friends that what was happening was real. And I was now convinced that it was not a dream. Though it was not something common, it was something beyond inexplicable. There is not a concrete way to explain. It is so real, so tangible. I was screaming in despair to God as these demons were about to cast me in the sea of boiling and bubbling fire.

As I continued to cry to God, these demons removed my ability to speak. It is when they stared in my eyes that my mouth was shut in order to stop me from invoking the name of the Lord, for I was calling on God for mercy.

They knew if I keep calling on God, there will be a reaction. When my mouth was shut, I could no longer speak. I started to cry to God in my heart. I remember when we got to the edge of that sea of fire, I could not speak anymore. I could not say anything. I was praying and talking to God in my heart and my thought.

I said, Lord, if there is forgiveness, give me a chance. I now believe that Hell is real. Forgive me, God. Now I realized that it is real.

I cried for I felt helpless, and I knew what was going to happen to me. When these demonic beasts were going to count to three in order to cast me in the sea of fire, something happened. I remember at that time, the sky opened and parted in two.

Immediately a big powerful light illuminated that place where I was. I remember an audible voice like a human voice spoke. It was a very soft, but it reverberated like thunder, and the voice addressed hybrid demons, dog demons and the angel of death.

The voice said to them, Stop!

Immediately, these devils released me and I saw these dog demons running away from the sea of fire. I saw the entity called Death running at great speed through the air. He flew above the sea of fire. I saw the infernal lion running towards the edge of the sea of fire. He was really scratching the sand backward like a dog when it is tied. I saw that the lion would not fly above the sea of fire, that he was running away from the glow of light in the sky.

I was impressed and I said, What is happening? They are all afraid. Who is the one who is talking in the light?

I did not want to look at the glow of light. I remember from the glow of light came out the voice that called me by my name. I did not know who was talking but He addressed me in personal terms.

He said, Zavi, My son, is this the place where you have fallen?

Brothers and friend. I did not know who was talking to me, and how did He know my name? It seems that everybody knew my name in this place, though I did not know them.

I said, Who is this voice talking to me in personal terms?

The voice spoke for the second time from the glow of light and said, My son, Zavi, look at where you have fallen.

I was amazed by the powerful and thunderous soft voice, which said, Zavi, how many times I spoke to you? How many times did I give you the opportunity? How many times you rejected Me? How many times you have humiliated Me? How many times you spat on Me? How many times did you make fun of Me?

The Lord said, Zavi, count how many times I gave you the opportunity to repent? Should I count the number of opportunities I gave you on Earth? How many times did I knock on the door of your heart and you closed the door on Me?

Then the Lord said, Zavi, I want to tell you that you have have exhausted all your opportunities.

In my ignorance I responded to the voice, I do not know who You are. Why are you're accusing me of something that I have not done? I do not know who You are. I don't know when I spat on You. I don't know when I humiliated You. And when did I insult you? When did I despise You? When did I close my door to You?

He told me, Whatever you have done to one of My little ones, you have done to Me.

Let Me remind you, said the Lord, Look towards the screen.

Immediately, a screen appeared in this place. And that movie and video of my life, which I spoke to you at the beginning, was projected on the screen. It was a video of my life. And the video was a projected scene of my life when I was in the street and people talk to me about Christ and they gave me a booklet. I saw a scene where I went near someone who spoke to me about Christ. The moment I was introduced to Christ, I did not want to hear because I thought my life was so miserable.

I said, Where is God in my life?

I questioned the sovereignty of God. I was full of hatred and bitterness. I did not want to be told about God.

I said, God did not love anybody. He did not care about our lives. Because we grew up with so much hatred with so many misfortunes. We live in the middle of such a sad life so miserable.

I said, Where was God?

I questioned the sovereignty of God at that time.

At that moment, the voice of the Lord said, Zavi, I'm not here to help you. I am not going to get you out of here. I'm only here to clarify something for in all your life, you blamed me for your misfortune. You said I was the cause of the pain you went through in life. You lived a life so difficult that you kept saying, I did not exist that I do not love anybody. And I am not interested in humanity,.

Zavi, I have just a question because I heard you calling Me Lord and you are asking Me for forgiveness.

Brothers, and friends, I was speechless. I started to behave like a child.

The voice said, Zavi, I am here to tell you that My Word is faithful and true. I have come to tell you, Sabino, that the days of your life were numbered on Earth and have concluded. And I want you to know, Zavi, that this is not a dream nor a revelation. I want you to know that you are dead for the days of your life have concluded on Earth. There is no hope. There is no more forgiveness to ask.

Brothers and friends, when I listened to those words, I felt like a dagger piercing my heart, I realized the gravity of the situation. I now knew that I was dead and I was facing the reality of my situation.

Brothers and friends, I started to feel remorse and the gravity of the fire of Hell. There is no peace. There is no tranquility in this place. I started to curse the day I was presented the Gospel and I rejected it. The day in which I had the opportunity to come to Christ. I began to see what a miserable man I am. After having heard the Gospel, I find myself in this miserable place and after having had the opportunity to accept the Lord I landed in this place.

I blamed my friends. I said, These infidels do not go beyond what people think and beyond the human senses. They misled me.

I was in despair in this place of agony. There is no gentle climate. The challenge is how to explain to the world that Hell is real. I have seen that place. No one told me about this, I have experienced it. If I am speaking to you today it is by the grace of Jesus Christ, who granted me to come back to life and tell the world to repent of its sins and look to Christ who gave His life for the world on the cross of Calvary. He wants to save our souls.

Beloved brothers and friends, I was so desperate that I made an oath to God. I made a promise to God to serve Him if He ever gets me out. But these promises were in vain. Do you know the answer that God gave me?

He said, Zavi, you should not give Me promise. You better be quiet instead of promising. I do not like people who spend their time promising Me. I like people who only spend their time doing My will. They are people who do not promise Me but they do My will and practice My word.

Brothers and friends, I felt that the words that the voice spoke in regard to my promise canceled my hope. I was finished. My aspiration and hope were eliminated. All the possibility of me going back to live was gone.

I cried desperately, when all hope was lost. I began to remember my sisters and my brother that I left in the world. We are five in the family. I remember my mother and siblings.

When I remembered my family, I said, Lord, I'm already doomed here. All hope is lost for me and I am damned. If there is no hope for me, for the sake of love, please send an angel to my family to warn them not to come here. I don't want them to come to this terrible and horrendous place. I do not want them to come here. I have three sisters, a brother and my mother who is still alive.

The Lord answers me from the glow of light, saying, Zavi, that is no longer possible because they have My servants who preach My word that on the Earth and if they do not believe My word and if they do not believe My servants who preach My word, they will not believe an angel that descends from Heaven or a dead man resuscitated.

Brothers and friends, I said, Lord, if an angel or a dead man come to preach, they are going to believe. Please send an angel.

He told me that it is not possible anymore. They have the opportunity on Earth. I cried because I wanted my family to be saved. As for me, all hope was lost. I was doomed forever.

I remember that moment the Lord gave His final verdict on my fate and said, Zavi, by the divine laws, by My word today, I judge you according to the truth. Zavi, all your life you were a practitioner of sin. You committed things abominable in front of My presence, for which today you are condemned and sentenced to eternal damnation because My word says that the wages of sin are death, the free gift of God in Christ Jesus is eternal life.

Brothers and friends, when I heard these words, I accepted God's judgment. I could not do anything anymore. I was crying bitterly and lying on the ground. I remember when God finished giving the final verdict, there was a silence. Then the dwarves and the hybrid demons came to get me. This time I did not resist and I did not put up a fight.

Brothers and friends, at that moment when they were going to take my hand, suddenly the voice that came out of the glow of Heaven said, Zavi, My son, I will forgive you and I'll give you the last opportunity of your life.

Brothers and friends, when I heard these words of forgiveness and last chance, you cannot understand the happiness that invaded me. I felt the greatest joy of my life. I felt so much joy that I began to yell, Thank You, Lord, thank You! I swear I'm going to serve You. I'm going to do what You ask me. But get me out of here.SABINO BARRIENTOS ZAMUDIO OF MEXICO 2



Welcome Beloved. I did not believe in Heaven and Hell. I lived life in rebellion and rejection of God. I thought He did not care about anybody. I had a lot of bitterness in my heart resulting from the issue and misfortune of life. I didn't want to have anything with God until I died.

On that day I fell in a thick, dark void in the pit of darkness and fire. I was confronted by the judges of Hell. Finally, I was sentenced to eternal torture in the sea of lava that was boiling at extreme temperature. I was desperate and hopeless. I came to understand that Hell was real, but then it was too late. I was to be cast in the fire of Hell.

Demons were about to cast me to the sea of fire when I cried to Jesus Christ. As a result, the kingdom of Hell was illuminated by an intense ray of light in the sky. I saw the demons of Hell running away and standing at a distance. And Jesus spoke to me in the light and promise to give me a second chance. I glorified God as I was overwhelmed with joy.

Then there was a moment of silence for He said nothing. I feared and I got worried. I thought the Lord had abandoned me again.

Immediately He spoke again and said, "I want you to know that you will go to the Earth and not because you are very beautiful. No, because you are worthy. It's out of My love, Zavi.

I said, Lord, I will do what you are asking me but take me out of here first.

I remember from the light, the Lord said, "Come forth.

I started to approach the glow that illuminated the abyss. And when I approached the light, brothers and friends, the rays of light that illuminated the place disappeared, and the sky that was opened was closed. Things returned to normality, and there was absolute darkness.

I felt a lot of fear for the thick darkness covered the place. I was assailed by doubts.

I said, "Lord, just promised to take me out of this horrendous place.

But where is He? It was at that time of anxiety that I saw a body of light moving above the sky. This celestial body of light was descending in immense speed. When it got closer, I saw that it was not just a radiant light, for I saw an extraordinary character.

He was covered by a brilliant, dazzling and bright light. I saw that He was dressed in a resplendent long white dress. It was a really radiant and exceedingly white garment. I was observing this character in awe for He was extraordinary and strikingly wonderful with white vestment. Not a white like the one we know on Earth, but a whiteness never before seen by men on Earth.

I remember that His hair was white curly, whiter than milk. He had a long beard, which was white as His hair. When I saw His white hair and a white beard, I said, "He must be an elder. I can afford to call Him an Old Man.

However, I cannot describe His face for there was an intense ray of light that prevented me from seeing. I remember something that happened to me when I wanted to look at His face. In fact, I tried hard to stare at His face. As a result, I felt His light burning my sight. I lost my vision instantly and I could only see darkness. I was scared. I felt pain in my eyes. I cried, and I could not see anything. This has happened to me because I tried deliberately to look at His face that was covered by radiant light.

I said, "Is this happening to me because I tried to watch His face.

I was very afraid for I did not see again. I spent about 10 minutes in darkness until my view came back. When I recovered the vision, I did not want to look at His face again. When He spoke to me, I look at His garment that it was radiating bright light. I noticed that the Lord who was in front of me never touched the ground in that place and He remained in the air. As I stood before the Lord Jesus Christ, beloved, there was pure radiance, splendor, and magnificence.

The Lord said, "Zavi, My son if you knew how much I love you, you will never find yourself in this place today. If My children knew how much I love them, they won't find themselves in this situation.

When I heard this word, I was confused.

Jesus said to me, You are welcome My son. Come here because it is necessary that you deliver the message to My people on the surface.

Sincerely, I was excited. I felt a lot of joy and a lot of happiness in His presence. I could not walk because of the emotion of joy. I just stood there. Seeing that I was not coming to Him, Jesus came as far as I was. When the Lord came and He hugged me, and He told me, Fear not, I am with you.

I want to explain, brothers and friends, when He hugged me, I felt what I never felt in my life - the love, the joy, and the happiness were bigger than ever in my existence. I started speaking in an unknown language. I started to feel a burning desire to come to the Earth and apologize to my mother, to ask forgiveness to all the people that I have caused pain and damage, for we did so much damage in the world of the misery of sin. And I felt so much guilt and misery in my heart that He simply decided to forgive all my sin.

I can say, brothers and friends, it was the first time that I felt that love was the greatest thing. I would change it for nothing. Blessed be His name forever when He pulls me from this place, and He said, Come follow Me. You will deliver My message to My people.

I remember when He said this, brothers and friends, the infernal beast who stood in distance with the dog demons said to the Lord, You cannot take him out of here, because he is dead already. Remember, your Word said, "But the one who practices sin is of the devil. And your Word said, That it is appointed unto men once to die but after this, the judgment. Zavi cannot leave this place because he is dead.

Beloved, I remember when I heard these words, I felt like my hope of returning to life was canceled. I was emotional. Jesus did not talk much. He was very calm with much patience. This demon who was an infernal lion quoted Bible verse to demonstrate that I was condemned.

And when he stopped speaking, the Old Man who was Jesus Christ, asked him, Have you finished talking? If that is the case, it's now My turn to talk.

The Beast said, Certainly he is dead. And if he comes back to life, You would be violating the laws of death because it is appointed to men to die once.

Once the Lord said to this demon, You should remember who has the power to give life and to remove, for I have the power to give life to whom I want and to take it away.

Blessed be the name of God for all eternity. To Him be all glory and all honor forever and ever. Brothers and friends, when the Lord said these words the beast could not talk anymore.

The Lord held my hand and said, "You will deliver the message to My people.

Immediately we began to ascend up. We rose beyond the stars. I could see the stars for they were huge. They were gigantic and beautiful. I saw the sun at close range. It was clearly something mysterious and inexplicable in the hands of the Lord.

Then we passed beyond the stars, we reached the space of vacuum of darkness where you do not see anything. It was absolute darkness. I could only see the ray of light produced by the Lord. And we were moving forward at a tremendous speed. I do not know how many kilometers per second, but we were moving very fast. We kept moving forward, we were rising up and after a long time, I started to observe a bright star. I began to see a single bright star. The more we were advancing towards that star, it got larger. The more we were approaching at a distance, I saw that this bright star changed from looking like a star to looking like a bright and shining gold coin. It was extraordinary.

As we approached the heavenly city, I began to hear a melody, an infinite song. Then I realized that I heard that before on the Earth for believers sing that song in funeral ceremonies. I remember that song for it was never erased from my soul and my spirit.

The melody said, "Beyond the sun, I have a solar home with millions of souls. They told me beyond the sun, I have a home, a room where I will fly for all eternity when I leave the Earth.

When I saw the city I started to cry. Humans have no awareness about this place. In the past, I doubted the existence of Heaven. I did not know that everything was real. The Old Man now told me, Fear not, I am with you.

As we were approaching the huge city of light, I could not see the end of it and it was extraordinarily strikingly wonderful. I remember that the city had walls all around it. It was an extraordinary wall and I was struck by the beauty of the wall.

Brothers and friends, the wall of the city was embedded with precious stones like diamonds, crystals and other heavenly materials of different colors. I saw large stones. When I look at these precious stones from distance they produce an extraordinary color. I was looking at a multicolored life produced by the wall at distance.

I remember I said, "I am not worthy to see this. I am not worthy to be here.

The Lord said to me, You are here because you have to deliver the message for My people.

Then we arrived at the entrance of the city and we entered. There was no fear at the gate of Heaven like in the gates of Hell. There was a big pearly gate that was huge.

When the Lord told me to get in, I was dazzled by the wall of the city that was generating thousands of colors. The material of this wall was impressive. It illuminated literally the city with shining lights, something amazing. I wonder how is this done?

I remember while we entered the Golden City, there was before us an endless hallway, going to the end of the corridor. There were rooms to the right and to the left with wonderful gates. I do not know what material these gates were made from.

I noticed on all these gates were embedded symbols or letters, which I now understand to be Hebrew letters. The more I looked, I understood the meaning of this letter.

I was in wonder about the Jasper wall and I asked what was it made of? It was a matter that cannot be found on Earth. I had never seen anything similar. I wish to know more but I didn't feel like asking the Lord.

As I did not dare to ask Him, I rubbed my hand over the walls of the city. I said, "I have to know what it is. And as soon as my hand touched the wall, I realized it was not wood. It was a cast metal. I don't know what metal it was. Everything in that place was beautiful in exaggeration. There is nothing with a defect. Everything is wonderfully shining.

There was a celestial melody playing in the city. And I was in wonder and amazement. The beauty of that place dazzled me so much that I passed the Lord. I went in front of Him looking at everything.

I said, "Wow. Never in my life, I had dreamed or imagined something similar. It is more beautiful than what people are counting; it is more beautiful than what people think.

As we continue walking down that hole, the Old Man stopped and opened one of the many gates. While I was admiring everything, the Lord called me, but I ignored Him. When He called me for the second time I again ignored Him, for I was still dazzled by what I was seeing. He called for the third time with authority and told me to come. I turned around and joined Him.

I wanted Him to enter first, but He told me to enter that room that cannot be compared to a five or seven-star hotel. The whole Earth does not have a beautiful facility in comparison to this place.

When we got in the heavenly world, I was excited. And in my mind, I wanted to see angels. I wanted to talk to them. I wonder if they will be like on TV and in magazines.

I said, "I have to see what they look like.

As we moved, to my surprise brothers and friends, I looked and I saw like a library where there were hundreds and hundreds of books, well accommodated in an impressive way. It was clearly beautiful the way they have arranged the books.

I looked at them and I said in my thoughts, Lord, You brought me here, but there are only books. I do not want to see books. I want to see the angels and I want to talk to them.

The Lord led me to a kind of beautiful desk. There was a big chair with metal decorated on its back with all kinds of wonderful precious stones. Besides that chair, there was another chair pretty beautiful like the previous one. I remember the Lord sat on the chair that was decorated with precious stones. He pulls out a thick book and puts it on the desk.

I stood looking at books. I went to get a book. I started reading the header of books. One of the book drew my attention. It was called, Every Disobedient Christian is a Rebel.

I grabbed the book and I started reading it. I realized that the book was similar to the Bible. The difference is that the letters in this book were like metal. They were embossed on the sheets. Actually, each letter was producing light like a lamp. And each letter had a different color. And paragraph was forming in unbreakable colors. You may ask brothers, what color is it? The truth is that in Heaven, I observed colors that really do not exist on Earth. They have never been seen on Earth and we can never assimilate them to something, for there is no such thing on Earth.

Jesus told me to put the book back in its place. When I was trying to put it back to its place, another book caught my attention. I took it and opened it. This book was dealing with angelic matter and mysteries concerning angels.

The Lord told me to leave it. He said, "Do not waste your time because this is angelical.

And for the last time, the Lord said, "Come! with a voice higher in authority, like a big brother. I left the book. I got to Him at the desk.

When I got to Him, I saw that He was crying painfully.

He said these words, "Zavi, My son, listen very well what I will tell you today for you will speak to My people without adding and removing anything.

I said, "Yes, Lord, but I did not understand why He cried.

In that moment when He told me to sit down, I said, Lord, do not worry. I'm fine. I'm not tired.

The Lord was crying without consolation, and for a moment I thought He cried because of me. I thought that I had offended Him and I started to cry. I also could not contain myself.

Jesus said, "Zavi, wake up from your sleep and get up from the dead and illuminate Christians. I want you to go to Earth and I want you to go to My people and give a message to My people. There are thousands of religions on the face of the Earth and every religion, professors of salvation, they all speak of a God, but I want you to go to My people and tell them that I'm not coming back for any religions. I'm not coming back for those who profess to be Christian and hold a Bible. I am coming back for those who have been washed with the blood of the Lamb. I am coming back for those who do My Fathers will. I am coming back for a holy church, clean without spot and without wrinkles. A church that has remained in Truth of My Word, a church that has cost Me.

The Lord told me, I know Mine. I come for a church that has caused Me tears, torment and insult. It is a church that lives on the Word in holiness and obedience to the Word. Tell them that I'm coming back.

When I heard this word, brother, I was truly frightened. I was scared by the seriousness of the Lord. I was shocked. But I was paying attention because I had already committed that I would speak His word like that.

The Lord was saying, I know those who belong to Me, but My people are not the same anymore. They have changed. My people are indifferent. They have betrayed Me. They are paying Me a coin of betrayal.

Jesus said, "The only thing I've done to them is to love them, protect them and laying down My life at Calvary so that they may have eternal life. My people turned their backs on Me. They are so indifferent and they are no longer the same. They have changed so much. They are blaspheming against My name and against My words. My peoples have become indifferent in front of My presence and they say they will be with Me in this kingdom of light. These people live as they want. They do what they want. They walk as they see fit, and they say they will be with Me in this glory. That's why you see Me crying this way.

Jesus told me, Zavi, speak to My people what you hear from Me today. If you see Me crying like this, it's because My people are missing things that are within their reach. You must tell My people not to miss what I have prepared for them. What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him. But Satan has also done everything possible to destroy the work that I am doing in My people. Satan in this time invented the doctrine of demons that already deceived thousands of churches in the whole world. That is why I am in this situation.

When the Lord asked, Do you know what is the doctrine of the devil?

I answered I have no idea. Sincerely, I thought in my mind about Satanism and the occult. I have no idea what a doctrine of demon is.

He told me, Zavi, My son, I'll tell you which doctrine of demon is prevailing in My Church. I want you to go to Earth and tell My people this message. Tell the church that women who cuts the hair, woman who wear makeup and jewelry are in abomination in front of Me.

But I do not send you to condemn anyone. Tell My people your body is the center of My Holy Spirit and anyone that destroys the temple of God will be destroyed. My people have become reprobate; they have abandoned the old path. They claim that the biblical Gospel is outdated and that it is the old way. They have left the truth for doctrines of demons, which is a modern gospel that promotes libertinism and lawlessness to go to Heaven. This liberal gospel preaches that it is easy to get to Heaven and that people should not worry about Heaven.

But tell My people in Heaven no sin, no stain, and no impurity will enter for it is My presence. Tell My people I come shortly but I'm coming for a clean church without spot and without wrinkle that has remained in the truth. There are many within the church living in sin and living in disobedience. In this modern church, there are many with hateful hearts with envy, others condemning their fellow brothers.

This message is only for those who are in commitment with Me. Many in the church teaches that I'm only interested in their heart, yet I have demanded in My word, the sanctity of the body, soul , and spirit. I am the way, the truth, and the life and nobody will reach the Father except through Me.

Tell My people not to leave for tomorrow, what they can do today. Tell them to change and repent today. The day of change is today. It is today that you should live the words because you do not know what tomorrow will bring. You can be visited by death tomorrow.

This was the message I had received and I'm repeating it here.

I told the Lord, The message is tough and I am not brave enough for this task. People and gangs in the quarter where I live would think that I am crazy and they won't believe me. Please find someone else.

Jesus said to me, My son Zavi, I just want to tell you something and listen very well. If you do not tell My people this message and if you keep quiet, you will regret having been born on the Earth and you're going to wish you never seen the light of the day and you will fall in the hand of the living God.

He said, My people is.worth a lot. They are My favorite and this is for love.

Jesus told me "Zavi, you have to know that I love you. But note this one thing: you must live My words, keep My words with fear with reverence. Do not mind being called ancient Christian and outdated for they will accuse you of being out of style. Do not worry about it.

Zavi, if you do not live My word, if you fail to keep it with fear with reverence, you are not coming to this place. Keeping My word will guarantee your entry into this kingdom of light. But if you do not live My word, you shall not partake this kingdom. You will deliver the message. Many won't like it. They will leave. Only a small minority will accept it. What is not Mine fades. What is Mine will remain and what is not Mine will dissolve. One day they will give an account in front of My presence.

Brothers and friends, the Lord said, "In the last days, a revival will come, and it will shake the land in an extraordinary way. It will be the prophetic sign and warning of My return. But tell My people who are waiting for this revival to change their way. They are waiting for the revival but they should leave hypocrisy. They should abandon indifference, coldness, complacency. There is a remnant that will carry this revival.

The Lord Jesus Christ told me, "Zavi, I am sending you to the world with this message. Do not dare to put a price on My word and My grace. You must never charge for the Gospel. My Word and My grace are not bought or sold. What you have received freely, give freely. Speak the truth on time and out of time. Do not be worried about food and clothes because I know your needs and I know how to bless you. I will supply your needs.

Jesus said, "My people think that I was not hurt in the cross. They think it was easy for Me to die on the cross.

As the Lord spoke, I began to look and see His hands. There were big holes and the piercings seem recent. I was appalled and I started to cry. I cried, and I said, "It cannot be possible.

He told me, I humbled myself, but My people think it was easy for Me dying at Calvary. I was hurt by the nails. At that cross, the spear pierced My side but I did everything out of love for them. All for love of them but look how they are paying Me. How My people are indifferent.

And Jesus told me, I don't identify Myself with many of My children. They have blasphemed against My name, against My Word saying the time of miracles has passed. Yet My word is the same yesterday, today, for all ages. I do not change, I am the same today and for all eternity. They will be able to change how many times they want but I will still be the same today and all eternity. Heaven and Earth will pass but My words are true. Truth is the name of the Lamb immolated on the cross of Calvary in eternity.

Jesus said, "You will say to My people to learn to show love. I asked them, Where is the love among them, I do not see it.

Many times when their brother and sister falls into sin and departs from Grace, many of them when they see their backslidden brother and sister in the streets, they treat them as strangers; there is indifference and hypocrisy.

You will tell them, only those who have cleaned their garment and the pure-hearted that will be with Me in this place. My Church must keep My words with fear and with reverence and this will be the message to My people.

If you fulfill it, as I do command you, today I commit Myself to you. I will go to where you go. I'll be with you wherever you go. I will be your friends and you will be My friends. Your enemies will be My enemies. I will bless those that you bless and curse those who curse you.

In this you will have a signal and sign to prove that I have called you. I will lift you. I'll make you prophet to the nations and I will take you to the World.

Jesus said, "There are many preachers in the world preaching My Word. Some are in truth, but many preach because of the love of money, others for envy and competition. But in the middle of this confusion, there is a very small group of a remnant: those who preach for love because they have known Me, they know who I am. Tell women who cut hair and women who wear makeup, there will be no excuse. Everyone is going to give accounts for his life. Those who are fighting for their salvation, tell them to fight until the end of the dispensation of Gentiles.

The Lord told me to speak the truth in time and outside time.

Tell those who still speak My word for love, tell them not to get tired of doing good, tell them not to get tired for very soon, the One that is to come will soon appear, their trial will end, their suffering will end. This great reward awaits you in the kingdom of Heaven. You will tell those who have fallen I still love them, and I follow them waiting for them because I laid My life on the cross of Calvary for them and I just hope they go back to the fold like the prodigal son.

Jesus told me, Zavi, My son, about five people of each church on Earth will come to this kingdom of Heaven.

When I heard this word brother, I got confused. I started crying and questioning the Lord.

I said, "It cannot be true, it cannot be possible. It is absurd.

He told me, My son, do not get confused. You do not understand the mystery. I'm talking about the percentage on the global level. And it's not that I do not want people to come here, but their way of life show that they are not interested in the salvation of their souls.

The Lord said, "Tell My church that it is true that today the many worthless shepherds who settled for the tithe, the spiritual hunger of My people does not matter for them. They do not speak to My people the truth. They do not speak about obedience, sanctity. They have no respect for the Word.

The Lord told me, There are many of His children in churches of these useless shepherds who do not repent and turn to the truth. If these leaders do not repent, their place is already prepared in the lake of fire. But I give them the opportunity to go back to the truth of My word. I am the Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep. Time is running out, My son. Understand why these pastors do not speak the truth. Many of these pastors have thousands of members but they are in greed. I know you are still speaking the truth, you will tell them to keep preaching the Gospel of the good news, the Gospel of peace. They must preach My word without omitting or adding things.

However, go and tell these preachers that preach lies motivated by money to repent and come back to My word because their place is already prepared in the lake of fire if they do not repent.

The Lord said, "I don't want My people to be in confusion. Tell them that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are useful in the exercise of ministry. But today there are many ministers with gifts who are hiding behind the pulpit in a lifestyle of adultery and fornication. They are hypocritical and reprobate. These gifts are gifts of My Holy Spirit but they do not guarantee salvation. The Salvation is only guaranteed by keeping My Word with fear and with trembling until the day of My coming.

When He said this word, I asked Him to help me to live His Word.

He told me, Tell My people that nowadays many ministries of preachers are trash. You know why? Because in these ministries, they only care about the crowds. If you want to do the work that concerns My Spirit, you will speak My word in time or out of time. Never compromise the true Gospel. When people believe or not, whether people listen or not, whether people accept or not, you will say it, you will speak and the rest is the work of the Holy Spirit.

You will go to Earth and you will take this message to My people. Many will despise you. There will be places where you will possibly run before the altars but you will speak My word above everything that comes because I called you to speak to My message on time, for time is running out.

Brothers and friends, it has not been easy for me in the ministry. I know it is not a common Gospel and not everyone would like to hear. Even if nobody wants to accept, but it's my responsibility to love them. That's why I'm committed to speaking this message. I cannot change the world to the truth of God. I have to talk about taking on the challenge and the responsibility with which I have received. That was the message that I received.

I came back entering my body and this message has changed my life in a radical way. I'm going everywhere with this message and millions are changed by this experience and the message. This message has changed my life radically. Christ is coming soon and we will have to give an account.

Jesus said, "Tell My people to live according to My word. Because one day I will pay everybody according to their works.

That was the message that I received.SABINO BARRIENTOS ZAMUDIO OF MEXICO 3


Blessed be the Lord. I have come to talk to you tonight about my second experience of Life Beyond the Grave. Christ came to this world to deliver the human race from that place called Hell. For humans to avoid that place, they need the remission of sins in the sacrifice offered in the Calvary. Blessed be the Lord forever.

My brother, we are living in very dangerous days and things are tough and tight in the spiritual realm. Yet the modern church today is confusing grace and permission to live a sinful life. They preach a lot about grace and many superficial teaching instead of the narrow and wide road that defines eternity of humans. There is a wide and spacious road that leads to Perdition that many are using, and there is a narrow path that leads to eternal life and few people use them. Today the theme of Hell has become a controversial issue in the 21st century and very disputed and some people classify it as science fiction. People are deep in entertainment, fun, and leisure and do not understand.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I want to tell you about a personal experience God granted me to have about the afterlife. On the 15th of the month of January year 2012, I was proclaiming the infallible Word of God in the city where I live. I was also ministering in many municipalities. We were in three nights of ministration where I was sharing my first experience of Life Beyond the Grave. I saw that people were sincere. I was with a brother who was accompanying me in the ministry and the local church hosted us in a room of double bed. The two beds were close to one another and there was a space.

We finished the activity on Sunday. The following day, which was Monday we had to travel. That night, as we ended the meeting, I was with my beloved brother in the room and we were resting and talking about everything for he was a true brother who likes to ask good questions. And we talked about the work of God and the operation of the Holy Spirit in the meeting held. We were to rest. We laid down on the bed and we were in discussions.

As the dialogue went on, the minutes passed. Suddenly my beloved brother began to slumber and he was snoring. When I realized the brother was snoring, I said to myself, my brother has left me talking alone. I'm not going to wake him up because he is now sleeping and resting. Later I got up to turn off the lighting that was on. I was physically tired and sleepy and meditating. Minutes later, I was there struggling to sleep.

I do not know how much time passed when suddenly the room became illuminated by a powerful light as if it was a public light. The room that was dark became illuminated. My brother, I was not dreaming and I was not sleeping. I was looking at something strange. In fact, I saw something like the sun descending through the roof of the bedroom and landing where I was, and I was overwhelmed. In this ray of light that was like the sun, there was a character who was covered in a powerful light of white color.

This was not a terrestrial whiteness, for it was whiter than snow and shining. The light shone in a way that I could not visualize with clarity that being of light, that it was great and that stood between my bed and that of the brother. This character that was in the light was really tall and I was scared. I wonder what was happening. I had a feeling of uncertainty.

Immediately, I began to cry out to God and invoke the blood of Christ, like every good Christian when he is threatened and has fear, but the man that was like the sun said nothing. At that moment, I did not know who he was and what he wanted. I went into this kind of nervousness because I did not know who he was. He was covered in pure light. He did not say a word or anything to me.

He looked at my brother who was sleeping while I was looking at him. Though I felt uncertainty, I had mixed feelings. I felt a peace, love, security, and trust. Despite my emotions, there was something that gave me confidence and a sense of security for I really never felt in danger. There I was in wonder, while the shining man that was like the sun was watching my partner. I closed the eyes for a moment so that he may think that I am asleep. I then opened it up so slowly and slowly to look at him.

My brother was still sleeping, and I wanted this man to think that I am sleeping too. There were many thoughts in my mind. When I looked at him, I saw that he was looking fixedly to my eyes, and he did not take away his eyes, but he was contemplating me, and I could no longer pretend to sleep.

Immediately, he grabbed me by the hands and I could not hide anymore. He raised me like a pen and I stood up. When I stood up, I said, Let go of my hand. I don't know who you are. But the man did not answer me. I asked him again to let me go and I said, Tell me who you are.

Finally, he said to me, I'm going to travel with you and I will bring you back. We must make a visit to Hell.

When I heard this man talking about Hell, I started to despair and I wanted to overpower him and I tried to hit him.

I said, Please let me go, I do not know who you are. Then I said to this character, The blood of Christ has power. There is nothing you can do to me.

Seeing that he did not react, I became desperate for I sensed that this character came to take me to a place that I did not like.

My brothers and sisters, I started yelling at my partner that was sleeping and snoring.

Though he kept snoring, I shouted to him, Tiger, help me, please wake up.”

The character spend a few minutes in that room. Suddenly I saw the Earth literally opening in two and we started descending into an abyss of darkness at an immense speed.

When I looked, I started to see darkness. Immediately I began to observe cells. When I saw this I started to remember the first experience that I had years ago, and I started to cry, Lord, help and extend your mercy.

I started saying to this man, You are wrong if you take me to Hell. Christ has already rescued me from Hell on September 14 in 2006.

I mentioned to this man what the Lord had done in my life when He took me out of Hell. But this man did not say a word about this account as if he did not hear me yet I told him all this story.

We were going down in immense speed, and we stopped in a place.

Beloved, there was terrors and questions. No one wants to go to Hell. Many people paint Hell but human science does not know even 1% of the mysteries of that place. People don't understand the reality of Hell for there are no words in no language and no dictionary to describe that place. When you see that place and what is happening there, you would not dare to trample on the blood of Christ. You will value the sacrifice of the Lamb when you see the magnitude of what Hell is.

I do not understand why many people today preach superficial messages. You will not dare to neglect this serious sacrifice of Christ on the cross. I do not understand why many people have gone to Hell and continue to preach superficial messages of so-called motivation. So much vain preaching in the church yet eternal damnation is something serious. In Hell, there are millions and billions of people imploring mercy and opportunity to repent. Meanwhile, thousands of Christians in the world and America are playing church with the material Gospel. Soon you will understand why I am speaking in this way. Because no one comes out and no one escapes this prolonged experience of Hell. In Hell, there are bad smells and rotten odors. There are chilling noises of millions and billions screaming. You have heard about the fire of Hell and people think it's localized.

When I talk about fire, I am talking about a world lit on fire. The flames of Hell are not like what many people believe. They think it's just some kilometers or three kilometers high and wide. You see nothing but fire and there are running souls screaming and running in fires and demons tormenting them.

When I was taken to Hell by this man, I knew I was going to be tormented and I cried. I am just a human with feelings, emotions and I thought I had lost my salvation.

In fact, there are people who are so confident with God, they think that they're okay with God without realizing that they are going there. When we arrived in Hell, I cried like a baby boy because I entered a state of confusion. Imagine yourself preaching as Minister, as a servant of God for years watching the power of God in action and the moment that follows, you open your eyes in this place of fire.

I cried like a child. In this experience. I spent hours in Hell and not a second passed that I did not cry like a child in that place. Hell is not what people think, it's worst.

When I was in Hell by the side of this character that was like the sun, my only question to him was, Sir, what did I do wrong to land here? Which area of my life did I fail in order to land here? You have to tell me my mistake that caused my soul to be lost. I want to know that failure that caused me to land here.

I told this shining man, I know that the preaching of Gospel did not guarantee my salvation. I know that the gifts of the Holy Spirit did not guarantee eternal life. I know that the ministry does not guarantee the kingdom of heavens, but in my walk with the Lord, I tried to live according to God's Word because I wanted to be with the Lord one day.

The only thing I wanted was to love God. You have to tell me why I am lost in this place. I know this is a bad opportunity for what I wanted was to have the opportunity to look at my errors and repent. Yet this character of light would not tell me anything. It was clear that he was leaving me there. But I did not enjoy this goodbye for I did not know why I was in this place and what I did wrong.

I prayed and I said, Forgive me, Lord, I am only human I know humans often fail and we are often wrong and we make mistakes. I recognize my mistakes.

However, this man who was like the sun said nothing and he left me in this horrendous and gruesome place where the ground was arid like the deserts. There were underground, there were caves and caverns that were endless. I stood there and I fainted around these dry rivulets of arid and stony Earth.

The shining character went away without a trace, and he did not say anything to me.

Brother, what would you think in this scenario? I cried endlessly. And I implored a good explanation from this man to tell me why I was abandoned in that place.

I said, Lord, give my heart the beat. And I would never be ashamed to scream that You are good.

There are Christians who know the truth, but they are ashamed to tell the world that Christ is coming soon before society. They're ashamed of saying that Hell is real as the people laugh and mock the message of Hell. I do not know exactly how long I was in Hell.

I was there crying, and I was on the ground saying goodbye to my life. I was asking to be given one last opportunity. I said, Lord, I would not get tired of screaming to the world that Christ lives and reigns forever if only You give me an opportunity.

I was there in Hell when suddenly I started to hear like thunder.

Actually, the demons in Hell were making tremendous noises. Demons scream and talk rough. I heard the rumble of demons as they move like storms. The shout of a human was clearly different from the demons for the demons in Hell makes noises of animals and wild beasts.

I was also hearing yelling of people being tortured by demons. In comparison to the human world, I can tell you, the devils are the masters of the tortures that have never been seen on Earth. And I was scared because I did not want to be there, but I was there and things were not in my hand. I did not know if I would return to Earth. The only thing that I wanted was to go back to Earth where I can ask God for forgiveness and asked Him to tell me if I corrupted and falsified the Gospel.

I spoke for hours and hours but nobody answered. I cried, asking the God of mercy for I was there humiliated. I was crying for forgiveness, asking Him for mercy.

Suddenly I hear a rumble like noises of many horses running towards my location. And when I heard that rumble of demons I was nervous. In Hell, the devils are not all equal for they vary. There are different from humans. We, humans, have the same body members and there are a structure and order. But that is not the case for demons for they are all different.

I heard the rumble that was approaching like sticks and command. At that moment, I did not know where to go and hide. This is a world of fire and constant flame. Finally, I moved towards the place where the rumble was coming from. I had the impression that there were horses moving in water making a lot of noise. It sounded like many horses running in water and I was paralyzed by fear.

There was a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness. There was a nervousness that I had and I was scared and expecting something surprisingly bad. I did not know what was coming but I was scared because I only expected them to capture me and torture me like they usually do with the souls that were there. It was a crucial moment of impotence, nervousness, and fear of uncertainty.

Suddenly, I looked before me and I saw something moving in the air. I thought it was a demon, for there were horrible demons flying like birds in Hell. And I thought it was one of them. I saw this thing spinning and falling not far from me.

When I looked, I saw that it was actually a man who was about 28 to 30 years old. He was bathed in blood. Upon his chest was written, Proud and liar. This man shouted, he swore and mentioned the names of his mom and dad and all the families and people that preached to him the Gospel.

He said, Please, Pastor forgive me. I thought you were all fanatics and a bunch of religious, but now I regret. Lord, I cannot stand this torment anymore. Give me a chance and I swear I'm going to do Your will. But please get me out of this place.

When I saw this man in his deplorable condition, I was amazed. The man was confessing everything and crying about atrocities that he was going through. I was there looking at this man and I'm scared and nervous.

Then I hear that noise that came and approaching when suddenly I saw a group of strange demons appearing. I have never in my life seen anything like this. These demons were approximately two meters higher. They were dressed in black. They were wearing black clothes like celebrities. They seem like these vampires that are shown on the TV. These demons had legs like horses and they had literally had heads on their backs which were large. It was disgusting and abominable.

What I was looking at was a group of about 40 demons who came like a military escort. They came and they stood in front of me about a meter. In the middle of these demons, there was a being never seen before. There was a different demon that showed those weird demons came escorting. They came with a demon of approximately five meters. In fact, this demon exceeded the five meters. The demon was so weird and disgusting. He gave me chills. His body was like the body of a human being but his skin was literally the skin of a snake. The skin was of a strong blue color or purple. The color of his skin was completely scaly as a snake. This demon had legs literally like that of a rooster, and he had strange claws that I had never seen in my life. He had a head that seemed like a meter. On his head, he did not have a single hair. He had teeth like big fangs of a lion and they shone like metal, and he had blue eyes penetrating. He held a spear made from a strange metal, but I could see that it was metal. This creature left the group of demons and start walking towards the front of these weird demons.

When he got in front, I noticed that he had a tail like a scorpion which exceeded two meters. It was something that words escaped me to decipher. This was repellent. This was cancer that I had in front of me.

This creature talked to me in a strange language that I did not understand. I do not know what he said. But he was striking his spear on the ground. I noticed that he was very angry and he hit on the ground. I was threatened and I felt helpless.

I said, Lord, have mercy. Please help me.

Brother, this demon did not do anything to me at that time. But he grabbed his spear and pierced the young man that was around me in the back. When the spear pierced the back of that young man, his blood splattered my face and the shirt that I was wearing. I was shaking.

I said, God help me.

The feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness took over me and I shouted, God help me, please have mercy.

This devil began to raise that boy with his spear. He lifted the spear together with the boy and he shook his spear and the boy came out spinning, and then he fell on that strange ground where there were endless rows of bars that looked like ice or crystal. Everywhere, there were high bars that were a meter and a half.

When the demon threw the young man with his spear, I saw that the young man fell upon these bars that penetrated his body. He was pierced by these materials and I screamed for I felt helpless. I felt like they were doing it to me and I wanted to help him. I wanted to go and do something for him, but I could not. And I felt powerless because I was also lost in that place of detention waiting for my sentence. I felt that my time of torment would come. I do not wish anyone to go through what I felt on that day.

When this demon had released that man from his spear, he was angry and he began to threaten me. As the young man fell on these bars in pain, he started to twist and scream with all his strength.

When I saw this, I asked God forgiveness and I asked for mercy. I swore to do things for Him if He gets me out of Hell. I saw the young man twisting and moving his body that was penetrated by these bars.

Later on, he started rolling towards me. However, these demons would not let him rest.

The young man told me, Tell my family and my people that I cannot stand this torment anymore, please.

I told the young man, I'm also scared. I cannot help since I am stuck in this place. I am in the same situation as you. I did not know what to do.

I remember when I was talking to the young man, suddenly the giant demon came again. He approached me with his group of demons that were under his authority. They moved towards the young man and they grabbed him with their claws. One of them gave him a bite on his neck and tore the piece of his flesh. Another demon gave him a bite on his chest, another on his arm. There were four bites that he received, they tore his flesh like a vampire. I saw when all four took out the pieces of meat from him and I cried.

At that moment, the giant demon who had a skin of snake stood before me. He started hitting hard with his spear on the ground, signaling his intention to attack me. I felt like running, but terror and fear was so great in this place that I was paralyzed. You cannot run because you know that even if you run and wherever you go, you are going from one demon to another worst. The only thing I expected was my turn to be tormented.

But I remember, brother, that something surprising happened at that time. I remember that a glow covered that place where this devil and his demons were. This light was the man who was like the son who dropped me to this place. When this character that was flamboyant, dazzling and glowing, descended, I saw these contingent of demons and their leaders who was more than five meters being projected by his tremendous force, and they went flying backward, and they fell about 30 meters away from me. The giant demon and servants were projected and fell in the same area where the young man that was pierced by their spear and thrown in. The young man was still in pain and screaming and he was looking at me. I saw that there was someone in the glow of light that had neutralized these demons.

Things changed in my favor when I heard the man who was like the sun speaking. I heard this bright and shining character speaking and threatening these demons with an authoritative voice. He asked these unclean spirits of Hell, Do you want more? You're going to regret what you just tried to do because you have believed that he was alone but you're wrong. We are to keep him from you until the last moment of his life in the land. You're going to pay to the last quadrant of what you just tried to do against his life.

When I heard these words, they infused in me confidence. These demons were in fear. I turned around to this shining character who was behind me in the light. When I turned around to see the radiant man of light speaking, my brothers and sisters, I saw a tall man about four meters high, everything was big. The man was dressed in white vestment resplendent. The man had huge wings and arms. He had beautiful blue eyes, but something amazing about this angel, his skin and his face were literally shining, beaming and flamboyant.

When I'm looking at him, I started to recognize that he was an angel of the Almighty, an angel of the Lord was what my eyes will be holding at that moment. And you may wonder how did you know that he was an angel. In fact, God gave me a privilege to encounter angels and I talked to them, though I do not like talking about them.

And I knew that this angel was the Archangel Michael. The Chief Angel was a beautiful being. In fact, the Archangel was beautiful in exaggeration. Angelic beauty is far beyond terrestrial. It's beyond human beauty. When I looked at the Chief Angel, I saw that he was also looking at me. In fact, I was looking up to him because he was four meters high, and I look like a dwarf before him, and he was looking down below watching me. I was actually waiting for him to tell me something. I expected him to explain and tell me why I was there.

However, I did not want to be rude and shout at him. I told him, I do not know why I'm in this place. I do not understand why you put me through this.

Finally, the Archangel Michael said, Zavi, do not be afraid. You will not stay in this place forever.

When the Chief Angel spoke like this, brother and sister, I started shouting, Thank you, Lord.

I got excited. I started to glorify God. I ran to the angel and I hugged him, I mean his feet.

Then the Chief Angel said,  You know, Zavi, I want to tell you something. Jesus Christ sent me to bring you in this place.

I said, You would not talk to me and you refused to speak.

Michael told me, The Lord asked to bring you to this place of torment so that you will never forget where He rescued you from. Jesus Christ told me you should never forget where He rescued you on September 14 in 2006.

When I heard those words, I could not contain the crying. I knew what he was referring to.

Brothers and sisters, I want to be clear and sincere about this. When I had this second experience of Hell, I was having a hard time in my spiritual life and in my ministry. I was living in trials and I was going through the wilderness. At some point, I felt like leaving everything and running away from the ministry to live a normal life. My life was extremely difficult though I was not showing it to Gods people. Many people think when you are Christian, it is synonymous of life without struggle and you will not have problems and that you will never have tests, fights, and tribulations. I was about to give up and abandon Gods work, but in His love, the Lord Jesus send the Chief Angel Michael who took me back to Hell where the Lord had rescued me previously, in order to remind me where I was saved.

There are people who look at men of God as extraterrestrials, as immortals. And as the superheroes who are always fine and do not go through tough times, yet men of God will be processed in adversities and tough times.

Michael said, Zavi, the Lord sent me to bring you to this place in order to remind where you were rescued from. I am here to tell you that God has previously raised great servants on the Earth throughout history, and He has used them greatly. But being in the glory of ministry, many of them forgot the One who used them and the One who raised them, thus they have fallen.

Zavi, the Lord Jesus sent me to tell you not to forget that you were chosen and rescued from the womb of Hell to proclaim freedom to the captives and salvation to the lost.

Today God is doing great things through numerous men on Earth. Yet these men have forgotten the One who used them and the smoke of arrogance went up in their head in their fame as they are recognized. They think and believe that they can depend on their ministry and they forgot His presence.

Zavi, I have been sent to warn you to be very careful about the way you walk in front of the Lord. As a matter of fact, you started to forget where you come from. In a time not too distant there will be growth in your spiritual life and in your ministry. There will be magnitude, the Lord will open the borders of the nations of the world for you and you will take His word to countries but do not forget the Lord who is the cornerstone. I have been sent to warn you to be very careful. There is coming growth to your life and your ministry for God will put to you as a blessing channel for thousands of people on Earth. Through your ministry, God is going to bless nations and thousands of people are going to be blessed through you because God appreciates you. I have come to warn you not to change. You must stay the course. There are pastors that change the Gospel into the unfavorable and adulterous word; the preaching of riches instead of the truth that confronts sin.

The Chief Angel said, Zavi, there will come a time you will be approached by many important religious leaders in the world with a single purpose and goal to get you to change the message of a truth to material and liberal Gospel. There will be a great trap for your ministry but stay the course. You are humble of heart, you don't change that for growth is coming in your ministry. That's why I was sent to you so you do not forget to stay humble when growth comes.

The Chief Angel Michael said, I am nothing. The Great One is called Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Son of God. Many great men of God were raised from drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution. homosexuality, witchcraft, idolatry. Many of them come from the streets. Others come from hospitals, but many forgot where God picked them from and where they came from. And today they are leading congregations and they are boasting with their mouths instead of giving God the glory. They were nothing but now they are full of pride, which is destroying many congregations.

Certain friends have deceived them. They are hypocrites because they are indifferent to God's word and they do not want to hold on to it anymore and do not want to live it. They easily forgot from where God took them. They are ungrateful. The Lord is being paid badly yet He is the One who gave them everything. It's hard to give back to Him what He gave for you in the Calvary.

The angel said, Zavi, Gods people today on the Earth has taken a strange attitude towards the faith. Gods people think that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a garden of rose and that is an easy way. They are wrong. Jesus path is a path of tears. It is a path of contempt, a path of persecution, a path of test and fight. In that path of adversity, people are going to betray you. They're going to chase you, they are going to despise you. But Zavi, you are going to do so many things because of Someone who gave it all for you on the cross.

Michael told me, Zavi, do not be slandering other servants. You cannot dwell in that for God knows where they are standing. Those in distraction have time for discord, they have time for contention. They have time for that rubbish of the devil. The only thing that they do not have time is to be in the presence of God. It does not matter how you began this race. It's about how you end this race. Paul warned Galatians telling them they started in the Spirit, they should end in the Spirit. He said O foolish Galatians who has bewitched you? Before your eyes, Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. Are you so foolish? After starting in the spirit, are you now finishing in the flesh?

Many men have gotten churches have started well, but their end is death and perdition. You started well, but how are you going to finish this race? The Lord said, Whoever remain faithful I will give you the crown of life. There are people who do not deserve to be given a bicycle. God gives them a pair of shoes they walk wanting to fly in the cloud through the air, it hurts.

Zavi, people will despise you, they will humiliate you without cause. They will make war against you without cause. You will wonder why you will think that they hate you without any justification.

But it is for the sake of the One who paid for you at Calvary more than 2000 years because of that One who endured the whips, the slaps and the crown of thorns, He endured the spear in His side, He bore the nails on His hands and advanced forward on the road to Golgotha and get there because of you. Tell your people they must value the sacrifice that Christ offered in the Calvary. Think, Zavi, despite all the persecutions, you must continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That Angel told me, Zavi, do not put a price on the Word. God is going to bless you in a big way but never put your eyes in the material things that God gives you. Everything that comes to your life, take it but your gaze must be in the kingdom of the heavens. Paul looked at all things as trash to gain Christ; death was a gain. Yet the devil is robbing preachers, ministers, evangelists, of the most important thing that is salvation of their souls. For a few miserable rotten wealth, their crowns of life have been stolen. Many church and leaders are harlots and are already prostituting to the world. Today they are in entertainment shows on the altars. People are looking for fame and looking for money and seeking approval.

The Angel said, Today the church lives on emotions. The true doctrine of purity and the preaching against sin has become uncomfortable. People want superficial and the material Gospel. People confuse any weird moves, people do not understand what is the glory. For you to talk about the glory of God, there must be a transformation in the heart a rebirth, a revival in someone's heart.

Zavi, you are going to preach the Word of purity. We angels would like to be in your place. We would like to go preach the Gospel, but we are not allowed. I want you to know something, Zavi. Many will despise you; many will be your enemy. But I want you to know that we are with you. I repeat, do not change the truth.

Then the Chief Angel said, Zavi, today 99% of those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Earth are children of the devil.

Brother, when I heard this, I was left speechless.

I said, It cannot be.

The angel told me, You do not understand the mysteries. 99% of preachers who preach Christ in the Earth are not children of God, like many think. They are children of the devil. In the current day in the 21st century, those who preach the Word boast of being servants of God, but they are using the Word to shelter sin, they using the Word to hide sin. And when you speak openly about sin in the land you will be confronted. There will be official complaints. Jeremiah did not close his mouth at the sight of the sin of Israel. Many died for speaking the truth. They died by confronting sin and corruption. However, for many preachers, it is sin that you speak about sins openly. John the Baptist was killed because he would not shut up before sin. He paid with his life by confronting sin.

Zavi, God has taken you to big cities in the Mexican Republic. Often you had come down from an altar and platform crying because of the indifference of Gods people who are rejecting His word and you have said in your thought, I will not speak again Your name in these churches in the city. Please God, send me to the villages to the mountains, to the provinces. I want to go anywhere else. You know He has heard you because He sent you for years to places that you wanted. He knows that when you talk you do not think twice to talk about what He tells you to say. You do not hesitate to tell Gods people that they are wrong to dress that way. They are going the wrong way. You have the courage to tell them in the face that they are in the wrong way so they can turn to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's why He sent me to tell to stay the course.

He has cried with you when you have come down from a disappointed altar, that the people do not accept His Word. Get ready because growth will come to your life and ministry. Many councils and local authorities will try to close the door of Gods work and will slander your personality but be calm because the Lord will fight for you. If they close the door for you, my God will open another in front of you that you never imagined. This will be the signal. You will be invited by people who don't know you, people of other countries from other places.

The biggest letter of introduction is not the conciliar letter; it is not a recommendation letter but the grace and power of the Spirit of God in the life of a human being. Today in the current times the devil brings his extra recommendation if he wants to denounce the truth. Demons are standing in pulpits with so much intellect, preaching the Gospel of demons invented by the devil. What you need is the presence of the Holy Spirit.SABINO BARRIENTOS ZAMUDIO OF MEXICO 4


Prophecy published on the 23rd of May 2019.

A great misfortune will devastate America. As one puts together silver, copper, iron, lead, tin in the middle of a furnace by blowing on them the fire to melt them, so I will assemble you in My anger and wrath. I will put you there and I will melt you. And I will gather you up and blow on you the fire of My wrath and you shall be melted in the midst of it. Like silver that is melted in the midst of a furnace so you will be melted in the midst of it and you will know that I the Lord have poured out on you My wrath.

Welcome, beloved, terrible moments are coming. Distress is coming on all the people of the Earth but a judgment is coming in the Church. Many people had time to be honest with Christ but they are playing Church and deceive themselves, but evil days are coming.

Listen Brother and sister of Paraguay and you who are very distant, various coming misfortunes, calamities and difficult moments that are enough to change the framework of American history are on the way and innocent blood is going to run in the streets and cities and villages.

Blessed be the name of the Lord forever. May God have mercy on us and those who love Him, and may God provide supply for His servants. Let us prepare ourselves for God is about to operate a cleaning in His Churches around the world.

This is what the Holy Spirit told me. I received from God this message that does not suit millions of Christians of the world. Very few talk about these things. Yet God told me there is going to be cleaning in the body of Christ worldwide, no matter the country, the race, the color, the language, the cleaning process will happen worldwide. And He told me when you see this judgment and cleaning of His house, look out for the redemption is at the door.

The Lord said, The wheat will be separated from the tares on Earth, not in Heaven. The wheat will be separated not by human intervention, but by the Heavenly hand of God. The hand of God is going to move within the body of Christ globally.

The Lord said, Many ministers are going to die tragically.

Listen, brother, I already saw it in my country. A lot of people would prefer to avoid this message and they are turned off. But this is what the Lord told me. God warned me that many shepherds are going to die for the time of trial and judgment is come in the body of Christ. And notorious ministers are going to die with diseases. Many will die right there on the altars, others will die in a catastrophic way and there will be confusion, wonder, and regret. God's people will wonder and they would be stunned. Man cannot play with the Word of God for Gods Word does not falter. The Word of God is infallible. People have ignored Gods instruction. God cannot be mocked. All that man has sowed, he will reap for the time of harvest has come.

The Church must understand that what is about to happen to the body of Christ is precisely what do we do not want and expect. The hour of consequences has come for God is about to clean the altar from liberal and apostate ministers preaching Earthly Gospel hiding sin and handling holy things.

The Lord said, What happened in the beginning of the Church would happen in these times, especially in America.

What God told me is that there is coming an acceleration of the operation of the Holy Spirit who is going to move to such a degree that there will happen events, like in the times of Ananias and his wife, Saphira, who conspired to test the Spirit of the Lord. They fell dead and great fear fell upon the whole Church and all who heard about these events.

The body of Christ in America and around the world will suffer the separation of tares and wheat, especially countries of Latin America. They are going to feel the agony of God's hand and there will be despair, and many here will remember God, but it will be too late. For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)

Beloved brothers and sisters, now is the time to look for God while He can be found. There is coming a day you will call on Him, but He will not answer. You will cry at Him, He will not respond. God has touched the Latin America and North America. Therefore there will be judgment on the two Americas for we have not responded to His touch though God has visited us and we have ignored Him.

God has walked among us and we have done nothing for Him. We have been indifferent to His spirit; we have overlooked the essential standards of the Holy Spirit. We have been complacent about the One who has offered Himself on the cross for us. America, you will know what it is to reject God, you will know the price of mocking God.


Listen, Paraguay, I have not come forth as a peaceful speaker. I have not come to talk to you about revival because it will not come. But what will reach you is the misery and misfortune, events of despair, death and hunger. Take advantage Paraguay, says the Lord tonight. Take advantage of the economy that you still have, because very soon another economy will fall to the dust of the Earth and you will remember normal times. Take advantage, says the Lord, because they are finished; the days of glory and days of success, which is just a memory. The remaining time ahead will be tough. The economy will crash at the international level, Latin American countries will be the most affected; they will look at each other because of what is coming.

The devil has a plan to crush the world economy. This is necessary for the rise of the Antichrist who has to rise soon. The occultic plan to crush the world economy and precipitate the rise of the Antichrist is happening sooner and the Church is going away. The Church will fly before the rise of the Son of Perdition.

What the Holy Spirit speak on this night to Paraguay is a warning message.


Island of Puerto Rico, the Lord showed me a vision when I was in the island of Puerto Rico. The Lord said, There is coming trial in Puerto Rico in a short time. God said, This island has gone astray.

God told me, In the past, I raised fearful men of Mine, men who love to read My Word, men that respect My presence and sanctify themselves, but the island has now corrupted itself.

The Lord said, This island is not the same Island like that of past times. The island of Puerto Rico is corrupted in apostasy and many have abandoned holiness. They have left My fear and reverence to My Word. And today the Church in Puerto Rico is all about liberalism, modernity, and fashion. It is the Neo Christianity that is fashionable. The false teachings are common and had become the standard. Doctrinal falsehoods are fashionable in the island. False doctrines of demons are being introduced in the Church of this island.

After hearing the warning of God, I dedicated myself to the island of Puerto Rico.

My brothers in Puerto Rico, receive the greetings of the love of Jesus Christ. The Lord is calling the island to holiness. I make a call for holiness and do not forget the true Gospel. Puerto Rico is an island blessed by the Lamb of God. It is an island that has the grace of God where God has raised great men in the history, men of renown that God has used as useful vessels for the glory and honor of His name. However, in the current day, many Puerto Ricans have corrupted themselves. They have been sold with the falsehoods. They have gone astray with weird doctrines that are unbiblical. This is what God told me.

I address to our Puerto Rican brothers, be careful with what you are doing. Remember the truth of biblical Gospel. Remember that God has not change and that the Lord is still the same yesterday, today and forever. God is going to shake Puerto Rico once more. It is true that Puerto Rico has been shaken by God in the past. Judgments will come to Puerto Rico so that the people may know that God is three times holy and He is making it on the island of Puerto Rico.


And God is also claiming my country Mexico. Gods people must return to the ancient path of holiness. We must return to the genuine and true Gospel in light of the biblical truth.

The Lord revealed showed me something dramatic. I was looking for His face. Suddenly the Lord began to talk to me in a direct and audible way. The Lord showed me a large river of murky water. I heard the Lord voice telling me, Many of My people have little of My holiness. Many ministers have little sanctity. They have trampled on My holiness. They have attempted to overrule My sanctity.

The Lord said, The prophets who pierced holiness of God will be thrown into the river of murky waters until they drown. Many ministers started well and changed the glory of God for the glory of men.

When the Lord spoke to me this way, I sensed that the Lord was angry. He was very upset and frustrated by something.

The Lord told me, My Church in the end time has little sanctity. But I'm going to do justice in My house. I'm going to implement judgment in My house.

Immediately I saw a big screen which was broadcasting international evangelists, pastors of renown. The screen was showing people that I know and preachers that I do not know and they were evangelists, prophets, pastors across the ministerial range.

Then the Lord said, I'm going to cut from the Earth many of them because they have attempted to come against My sanctity.

He told me, They have despised My sanctity, they have iniquity and they have taken sin in.

He told me, I will cut them from the Earth.

As the Lord spoke to me at that moment, He told me, Observe, I will show you what I will do.

I looked and I saw a man. The Lord threw him into the river of turbulent and dirty waters.

Beloved brothers and friends, I looked and I saw a man falling into the water. There were crowds of people looking at that brother. I looked at that man that God threw him into the river and he did not know how to swim and started to drown. He started to drown in those murky waters and that crowd just watched how that man was slowly dying with desperation.

While I watched, I felt the desire as a human to run and extend the hand of help to him and get him out of there. When I wanted to run to help the man, the voice of God spoke to me and told me, Do not do it, do not do it.

But I ran to the edge of that river and I extended my hand to help him. I remember when I wanted to jump in that river of murky waters, the voice of God spoke and He told me, Do not to do it. If you disobey, I will kill you.

I was in amazement and fright. I said, But why tell me do not do it. And when He said, Do not do it, I stopped for I was paralyzed. I looked and saw the man drowning in those waters. That man stopped breathing and died.

Brothers, the Lord told me, I have allowed it because he tried to play down the central road of holiness. You should not have come against holiness.

The Lord told me, No one mess with holiness because I am three times holy.

This man had little sanctity and this is the payment he has received for he despised holiness. He has received his reward.

The Lord told me, Servant, what you have seen is exactly what I'll do with many on Earth and they will perish because they have made fun of My holiness. They have little holiness.

He told me, They have ridiculed this message and they attempted to play down the central importance of sanctity.

The Lord told me, Zavi, be holy because I am holy.

Brothers and friends, when I heard the Lord speaking this way, I felt very afraid in that revelation. I felt very scared because I am a mortal man of flesh and bone. However, thousands of ministers are living passively. They are relaxed with no sense of urgency. They talk about material things instead of getting Gods children to purify themselves. They understood the process of purification and sanctification that take time. Yet they should be insisting to the Church to clean up and walk in holiness. For without holiness, we won't enter the kingdom of God. Without holiness, we will not conquer salvation. We cannot play with the Word of the Lord who created the Heavens and the Earth. We have to be careful about what we are doing in the Church.



Glory to God. Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Word of the Lord teaches us in the Gospel of John the Apostle what Christ has promised to His beloved in chapter 14 of the Gospel of John. Jesus Christ declares to us an imminent reality and He tells us, Let your heart not be troubled. You believe in God, also believe in Me. In the house of My Father, there are many dwellings. (John 14:1-2)

Beloved brothers in Christ, now I want to share with you guys an experience in relation to the abodes that are mentioned in chapter 14 of the Gospel from John, where we find a wonderful promise from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to brethren that would remain faithful to Him in this life.

The Lord has promised dwellings that He has prepared for all of us who will make it to the final goal that He has set for us. We know that this race is not in vain and that this calling that we have undertaken is done with direction and purpose. In the kingdom of Heaven, our fight is not in vain. Our race is not in vain. There is a great reward prepared for all those who have believed in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. (Colossians 3:23-24)

Beloved brothers and friends who listened to me, the Lord said, There are many dwellings in the Father's house for all those who stay faithful to the end."

Beloved brothers and sisters, I want to highlight one revelation and experience that God granted me in 2009. Blessed be the name of the Lord. I remember back then in the year 2009, it had pleased the Lord to give me this revelation of the hidden knowledge of wonderful things and glories prepared for everyone who loved Him and awaits His coming.

Beloved brothers, I was taken to a place so glorious, so beautiful and so extraordinary, never before seen beyond human reasoning. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

As a Christian, I remember there were always many questions in regard to what the Bible teaches about heavenly mansions. The Lord was willing to show me such a place glorious and so precious. I remember that I was taken to a place ravishingly beautiful. It is a wonderful memory. I was taken to a mansion of high-end luxury, a precious, very beautiful palace. I was led to the door at the entrance of that mansion.

Quickly, I heard a voice that called me and told me to get inside. When I looked, I saw a very beautiful room. I was surprised in a great way for the One that called me seems familiar and gave me the impression that we have known one another for a long time.

I remember that I looked inside in order to identify the One that was addressing me and I saw Him sitting on a sofa.

I saw that He had the appearance of an elder. He called me by my name and told me, Savi, My son, I'm waiting for you. Please come in.

My brother and friend, I was stunned and very surprised for this Person without looking at me, knew my name and my life, and He was waiting for me with certainty.

When I entered this celestial mansion, I did not lose view of this Person. When I looked at Him, I saw that He was the Lord Jesus Christ, for I had seen Him years ago, precisely in 2006 when God allowed me to have that experience.

When I came face to face with the Lord, I was dazzled. Basically, in my first encounter with Him in the center of the Earth, when I saw Him, I ran fast, and He hugged me for I was crying.

This time around, the Lord told me, My son, I was waiting for you. Fear not. I'm with you.

The Lord said, Take a seat, My son.

There was another sofa in front of Him where I could sit face to face with Him in the room of this celestial mansion.

Immediately the Lord started talking to me and He told me, My son, I know that life has not been easy for you on the land. I know that you have been in very difficult moments. I know that there have been problems that have been hard for you to bear. But you must know one thing. I'm with you to help you.

He told me, I know how much in your heart you longed to have many things, like having a family like everyone else. And you have longed to have a place to live. I have known your thoughts and all about you.

The Lord told me, I know My son, you have been through many hard times. I want you to know that I am your Father and your Mother, though your father and mother left you with all this sadness.

When I heard those words, brothers and friends, my heart was filled with abundant joy and I was emotional. I was moved to hear that someone was interested and cared about me.

The Lord says, Son, I know that on Earth, you have nothing. And that many times you said, I don't have a house, I have nobody and I have nothing in this life. And you had frustration because of that situation. My son, I want you to know that you are one of the many millionaire men who has trodden the Earth.

When He said these words I did not understand and I smiled. I thought He was making fun of me because of my condition.

Brothers, in my little understanding, I remembered the Lord telling me, You know one thing My son, you may not have a home to live, you may not have a house of your own. You may not have money in the bank as you wish, but you got to know one thing, My son, you are rich because you have eternal life.

The Lord repeated to me, You are rich. There on Earth, there are people who have everything. They have a lot of money. They have many lands and money in their bank accounts and everything they have wished, but they are miserable and poor because they have no part in this kingdom. Blessed are those whose names are registered in the Book of Life. They have part with Me.

The Lord told me, Today you may not have anything in the land but you are rich and you have everything because I am with you.

Dear brothers, these words without a doubt marked my life forever. They have marked my life like never before. I understood that whatever happens in our situation, whatever we are going through, we should never give up. As Christians, we should never back off and we should never stop for there is a special reward. There is a glorious prize that Christ has prepared for us in the age to come.

The first reward is the salvation of our souls, which is eternal life.

And the second reward is the shining mansion of Heaven and glorious abode prepared for all of you who are faithful to the end.

Then the Lord old, Son, I want to show you something. You got to see with your eyes what I have prepared for all those who are faithful in the land.

The Lord made me get up from the sofa and He also got up and we walked out the door of this mansion of light. We stopped at the gate and I started to observe more mansions of Heaven, like the one before us. There was not a small mansion here.

I saw before us a large city of light that was extremely luxurious, never seen in my life. It was something I never imagined and seen on television. I was stunned and amazed at the sight of precious stone and eternal material that composed this Golden City.

The walls were lit up. They were literally different colors beaming light. I remember that the city was decorated with a wall of multicultural light all around it and the wall was filled with precious stones.

And I said, What a beautiful place. What a wonderful city.

The Lord told me, Your mansion is ready. And unfortunately, many of  these houses are going to run out of residents.

I was thinking in my human mind that many Christians were going to dwell in these mansions.

To my surprise, the Lord told me, My son, this is not a city. This is your mansion, and it has your name on it.

I was in wonder and admiration when the Lord said, This part of the Celestial city that has many houses belong to you.

I said, Lord, I'm going to be in a city just for myself alone.

And I thought in my human mind, I'm going to get more lonely there. What am I going to do alone here? This was my thought.

At that moment, the Lord told me, You don't understand mysteries of the heavenly world.

And the Lord told me, In the celestial world wonders happened and everything is made new and rejuvenated all the time. Things don't stay the same for new things come to existence all the time.

The Lord said, Your dwelling place has your name.

Then the Lord took out an unusual key chain like the ones we have here. It had two kinds of rare keys that I had not seen before. And this key chain had a very precious stone, very beautiful that was oval. This oval stone of Heaven in the key had the shape of a clam.

And I remember, Dear brothers, that there was an inscription in mysterious language marked on that heavenly stone, which was a mystery. It wasn't in Spanish nor any earthly language.

The Lord told me. This inscription on the key chain is your new name.

The Lord said, My son in the heavenly world, you have a new name.

When the Lord spoke this way, I wanted to know what my new name was in the eternal kingdom.

And the Lord tells me, The one who is victorious, I will give the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone inscribed with a new name, known only to the one who receives it. Upon him, I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem that comes down out of Heaven from My God and My new name. (Rev 2:17, 3:12)

I wanted to grab that key chain from the Lord.

Quickly the Lord denied me and told me, You cannot have it because your time has not come yet.

And I remember I was just staring at the Lord.

Then He told me, Don't worry. In the land, you have to strive hard and be brave to the end of the battle. Be strong every day more and more until death. And one day I will give you these keys.

The Lord told me, Given that this dwelling has your name and belongs to you, you have to fight to the end and overcome.

I was in wonder and stunned about the celestial mansion and I stayed dazzled.

Brother, this was a big city never seen before, something so extraordinary.

But the most wonderful thing is that if we can remain faithful to Christ, we will be dwelling in these mansions of light prepared for us.

Brothers, the Lord showed me many mansions. I started to see many other dwelling places, not just the one that He said was mine.

The Lord talked to me with much deep sadness about many of His children that are going to be without a mansion.

He told me, It is not because I don't want but because many of My people with their action and style of life are telling Me they are not interested in this place.

The Lord says, My son, strive, be brave. fight the battle, endure adversity for the cause of My name and My word.

The Lord told me, Go ahead and don't stop because great rewards are prepared for those who love Me. One day you will be able to say it was worth the battle. One day you will be able to say nothing was in vain. You must fight the good fight of faith because Eternity is worth the grief and suffering and there is an award, a glorious accolade.

There is a wonderful, extraordinary prize the Lord will give us.

He said, Be faithful to death. I will give you the crown of life.

Brothers, we want to live in those Celestial dwellings, so do not allow the world to dominate us. Give up the pleasures of this deceptive world and run to the presence of Christ Jesus. Run to the path of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I invite you, brother and friend to keep moving forward. Continue to fight and to be faithful and true to the promise that God has made because He is not a man to lie or a son of man to repent. (Numbers 23:19)

I know our end will be glorious and the tears and pain are worth it. All the sufferings and endurance have been worth in this Earth because He does not fail. He does not lie. He is not wrong. He is not like us.

Beloved brothers, He is faithful and true. I hope this message is a great blessing for each of you wherever you are. Don't look where you are today. Don't look how much you have. But look at how much God has for you in His kingdom.

Look how much God has prepared for you in His glorious kingdom. What He has prepared is what matters. What He has for us is valuable and important.

God bless your life in this hour. May God save you mightily that the peace of God be with each and every one of you wherever you are.  
