I had an insight into the heavenly offices which are very different from the offices of the churches. At the request of Jesus, the angels come down from heaven and pour a holy oil on the heads of the servants of God. These anointed ones receive great spiritual authority given by God to subdue the demons. The time of your walk with God will prove what I am saying. If you are faithful to the doctrine and obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit you will feel the profound change in your life and you will receive authority, the Word of Jesus guarantees it.

Those who receive these heavenly anointings from angels receive spiritual empowerment. Some people do not want to be submissive, but they want to give orders to God. This is a common sin that is happening in churches, many no longer have this reverence for the supreme God.

This hinders the growth of the people because we have to humble ourselves as servants, not to exalt ourselves and make God a servant to our whims and fancies.

Jesus is in heaven and we are on earth. He has His throne on top of our heads. Whoever has to submit to His orders is us. We cannot give orders to the king, He is not obliged to do our will on earth.

If you live a holy life you will have a heavenly position and you will be anointed by God on this earth. It all depends on your faithfulness to God. If you deviate from His path, you will lose all credibility with Jesus and have no strength to overcome evil.

I had a vision with an angel pouring holy oil on the head of a man of God. It was already the third time the angel was pouring the holy oil. Since he began the walk in the presence of God, he is anointed. And every time the oil was shed, he received more anointing and more spiritual empowerment. Each time the angel poured out that oil, the armor of the servant of God strengthens. These heavenly anointings are shed until the death of the servants of God. Each time a servant receives an anointing, he climbs a step in the spirit world. War is fought on the spiritual battlefield. It is necessary to receive one more anointing to be strengthened in the war. If you do not receive this oil from heaven, you will fall away in this war as many have fallen, to their great grief and sorrow.

It is not only in the church that there is a hierarchy where pastors anoint a worker for a particular work. In the spiritual world, there is a hierarchy as well. In heaven, there are the archangels, cherubim, and seraphim. And in the spiritual world, the angels of God anoint the holy servants who work for God, not man.

I remember when I was set free, I received an anointing from God. I was praying and felt like it was an oil coming down on my head when I ran my hand to see if my head was wet, I did not see any oil. Two years passed and a worker at my church had a vision of an angel pouring oil on my head. I was praying that day and I did not feel anything, nor did I see the angel, but I believe I went up one more spiritual step.

I had the vision with an old man who had the oil poured into his head by the angel for the fourth time and great authority in the spiritual world came upon him. He operated great signs and wonders. He was not able to receive the fifth anointing, for Jesus took his soul. It is hardly possible for a servant of God to receive even the seventh anointing of walking in the presence of God.

My father arrived to receive the seventh anointing of the angel six months before his death. That was the last anointing he received before he was ripe spiritually to be gathered by God. An angel came down and took his soul.

I do not like to be compared with my father. I know I am far short of where he stood. I have been anointed only three times by the angels since my true conversion until now. I received an anointing annually. When God wants to hasten the work in a servant, the anointing is released on him annually, but others receive every heavenly anointing every 2 years or longer.

To get the first anointing is very difficult, it is not the same as the churches that anoint the members every year. To receive the anointing of God is a lot of dedication, prayer, renunciation, and commitment in the work. And it is not the hour that we want, we have to wait the time of God to receive this celestial anointing.

I met a missionary at the beginning of my ministry. He told me that he received two heavenly anointings to do the work of God. He said he intended to be anointed until he reached the fifth anointing. Each anointing is for a different purpose in the work of God.

The Lord Jesus did not allow this young man to come to the third anointing and gathered him up. His ministerial life began to grow thorny. He began to suffer the marks of the suffering of the cross. He was 29 years old, still single, and had never had a relationship with a woman in his life, living in chastity. He was proven in his sentimental life. In his financial life, he was tested and proven when he did not murmur or complain when he was in need of proper clothing. He was tested in his spiritual life by being attacked by demons. All this because he wanted to receive another celestial anointing by thirsting for God and seeking Him in the early hours. All this thirst of wanting to grow spiritually made the demons furious with him. He began to feel the rising of darkness when he received the first heavenly anointing on the day when the angel came down into his room and anointed him.

Years later he was praying and the angel came down to his room and anointed him the second time. His authority in the spirit world grew and he was more clothed and empowered in the mission. The evidence increased and the war became more vigorously fought, for the demons realized that he was brave in the fight and he followed the Lord firmly. The demons called for more reinforcements against his life. This young man was in the work alone with no one to help him and without the intercession of the church. He fought the legions of hell alone. God saw that he would not stand the war and knew that he would go astray the following year on his way. One day he went to do the mission and rented a hotel to spend the night. He was tired from the trip and went to sleep. This young man did not wake up anymore. I saw in vision the angel coming down and gathering his soul.

These were the first visions I had at the beginning of my ministry, knowing the life of this young man I met personally, I saw how the forces of darkness do not want to see our spiritual growth. This young man was not anointed by man but was anointed by God. In his church, he was just a co-worker, but to God, he was a missionary.

Maybe you were anointed in church for the position of a pastor, but for God, you are meant to be a co-worker. You may be a bishop anointed by man but you are not a bishop anointed by God. I met an apostle who did theology, studied hard, and was anointed by his pastor. In the spiritual view, this man is small and was only a child in the spiritual world. This was how God saw him and the demons saw him as a harmless and insignificant person.

In the spiritual world, the small is always great, the humble is always exalted, while the greatest in the face of men is always going to be the least before God and those despised by the people will always be valuable to God.

After I had this vision, I prayed to God first to anoint a worker. I had a vision of a Christian from another ministry. The angel poured a celestial oil over his head. His pastor never paid attention to him and did not anoint that servant.

This Christian was anointed by God, but his pastor gave him no office in his church and suppressed his ministry. His shepherd anointed other carnal Christians but he paid no attention to this Christian and no opportunity was given for him to sing or speak anything of God in his church.

He was a humble Christian in his heart, simple and obedient to the Word. Satan blinded his pastor so he would not see the light of the Holy Spirit that was in his life. Satan was burying the ministry of this Christian through his pastor who forbade him to do the work and visit other churches that offered opportunities to him to do mission work in their churches.

His pastor did not want to anoint him. The Lord Jesus sent me to go to his house to anoint him as a missionary. I anointed him and the Holy Spirit visited his house. And that man went to do the mission of God traveling to distant places bringing the Good News to thirsty souls.

His blind shepherd did not see the great man of God that his member is. And when that pastor became ill, none of his workers came to visit him but his rejected ex-worker visited him and God healed him through the hands of this man whom he despised as no one else, as God exalts His little ones.

There are many pastors who do not see the anointed of God in their churches. They are shepherds without visions who do not know the flock that God has placed in their hands.

I have a revelation to those who have been given a position from heaven, not from men, but from God, being anointed for their work. They refused to obey the call of God, rebelling against His supreme authority. The rebels will have their names crossed out because they do not want to do the work as faithful servants.


I had a vision of prayers rising to heaven in the form of a fireball and a special anointing descending to empower a group of Christians. This is a form of gratitude from Jesus. I saw millions of prayers entering the celestial mansions in the form of letters that were read by the angels, letters encoded in mysteries that only the heavens understand. Churches that do not pray, angels also do not wage war on their behalf. The spiritual world will always act in this earthly world and even within the house of prayer. Dark forces act in false churches and the forces of the light act in true churches.



The angel took me near a giant oil tank that shines like gold.

The angel said, "This is the anointing oil that is poured out on the heads of the saints to proclaim the Gospel. The messenger angels filled the gold tubes with the anointings and descended the earth to anoint the saints."

The angel who was with me said, "They are pits of anointing, those who pray and sanctify themselves receive a portion of that portion. The number of Christians who really want to be seriously committed to God's work has diminished. And the angels stopped coming down with the anointings. There are few who live the true Gospel. These have received a heavenly anointing for their spiritual capacities. Any Christian who does not receive a portion of this portion will never be able to win spiritual warfare and will not endure trials."

I looked at the anointing oil tank and a warmth exuded from it surrounding my body. I felt a deep joy and bliss standing next to it. That tank is a reservoir that will end when grace is taken from the earth. The church will no longer need the anointing, for she will be next to Jesus.



After I received this revelation in the church I returned home. I want to tell you that you live a holy life, you will receive a great authority in the spiritual world if you do not stop searching. If you remain in holiness and do not deviate, you will rise up the ladder of spiritual positions.

In the spirit world, angels also have heavenly offices that they are named after. In heaven, every angel has the function that God has given him.

The church is like this too. Jesus Himself commands the angels to pour a bright oil on the heads of the saints. Each anointing that the angel sheds over the saved grants spiritual empowerment in the war against the demonic legions.

The devils respect the Christian who had his head anointed by one of these heavenly oils. They know that they have no strength against the anointed, and they lay wait for these Christians to fall into sin on their own.



The night at home I was praying to God. I had a vision of a spiritual ladder coming down from the sky.

Each staircase had people going up. 40 still had not climbed the stairs, 30 people were on the first steps, 20 people were halfway up those stairs. I saw myself on those stairs. I had passed the middle of the steps, approaching the celestial entrance, 10 people were on the same step I was.

Jesus told me, "The steps is the position of every servant of mine in the spiritual world. Every step they ascend, their values increase, seals of authorities are passed in their hands. Each step they advance, they receive heavenly offices and are promoted in the spirit world. Gifts and experiences accompany it. The office of man and earthly anointing is not valid for me, the Christian can be a bishop of the church and yet his office in the spiritual world be small. And a Christian who has no office in the church can have a great position in the spirit world and be feared by the diabolical legions."

The spiritual world is inverse to the material world, the small and humble to men I make great, and the great ones on earth in the spiritual world are small. Those whom men have not anointed for my work, I will anoint. I have commanded many pastors to anoint mine chosen ones, they have denied their anointing by their financial appearance."

"Kenzo, who raised your ministry, was it Me, or the man? Look at you, how I use your ministry. If you were raised by men, you would not have gotten where you came. I do not want your name divulged in the satanic media, lest it be exalted by man. I exalt the man without needing media. I have revealed to you, the three spheres of the spiritual world, know heaven, hell and the air of spiritual regions where the rule of Satan rules the earth."



I went to Pastor Juan's church, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the pastor has to anoint a Christian to help him.

Pastor Juan said, "I have anointed the evangelist Julio to help me; he is intelligent, educated, has theological training and will help me through his knowledge."

When Pastor Juan took the oil to anoint the evangelist Julio, the Holy Spirit told me, "This is not the one chosen." When I heard that voice, I said, "Pastor Juan, this is not the boy."

The pastor Juan said, "If it is not Julio, who will he be? I do not see anyone who has the qualities of this evangelist."

I replied to Pastor Juan, "God does not see how man sees, nor chooses as we want."

As I spoke these words, I saw in the vision an angel with olive oil spilling over the head of a young man named Joseph.

I told Pastor Juan, "It's that young man who will help you in the work, being your right arm."

Pastor Juan said, "This young man is shy, he does not speak, he never ministered in the church."

I answered, "Shepherd, God chooses the crazy things to confuse the wise. It is this young man that God will use. I saw the angel anointing him, God anointed this vessel from the womb of his mother, today his ministry is confirmed."

I called the young Joseph ahead and said, "Many do not give anything for you, they despise you by your inferior way, that is not capable of anything. Thus saith the Lord to thee, to-day I empower thee, and My spirit resteth upon thee."

When I prayed with a laying on of hands, he began to whirl and speak in tongues of fire, and at the same time interpreted his own tongue.

On that day he brought such a strong prophecy that he changed the ministry of Pastor Juan to this day. After that demonstration, Pastor Juan anointed him with oil to be his helper.

A shy young man who did not like to speak in the church, quiet and silent, was taken by Holy Spirit and used greatly that night. Today he is a living instrument of God's power in this church and has been gaining souls by making his pastor happy.



I was ministering in the church. In a vision I saw a giant gold cup on the ceiling, I asked the Lord Jesus what this means.

He answered me, "This giant cup contains My oil, which I will pour the holy oil upon My people. They believed in My preaching, now I will work in their lives."

When Jesus spoke these words, that giant cup began to pour over all those people, they received their portions and were renewed at the same time. Minutes later, that cup disappeared, rains descended in the church, descended from God, tongues spread like fire within the church. That rain kept falling, then I heard a strong wind coming into the church and igniting those flames that burned the church. The fire was uncontrollable, the people prophesied and spoke in tongues.



After my preaching, Jesus showed me in the vision, a bottle of olive oil, a lamp, an olive, a burned-out lamp, a burnished lamp, and a piece of electric wire.

I asked Jesus, "What is that?"

He answered, "The church is the light and the bottle you saw is the anointing. The lamp is every person and the light that shines within it is the Holy Spirit that shines within each of them. The electric wire that gives energy to each lamp to light is My anointing."

"The servant who does not have My oil will be put out. I am like the electric energy that I offer light to the lamps. Tell the lamps that are extinguished to shine in the darkness. It is time for them to ascend, the end is near. Tell the bulbs that are going out that they have to have enough olive oil in their reserves. By the time the oil runs out they have will more oil in their reserves to burn. The world is in darkness, be lit and make a difference."

"Only these lamps will attract the Bridegroom at the time of the separation of the tares and the wheat. The lights on them you saw are My seal in their lives, the mark of the Holy Spirit. Tell the church to fill with My oil that is My strength within them and that will make them shine."

"I have a very strong bond with My Bride on earth, that is why the demons did not destroy the earth. The Bridegroom wants the Bride by His side and will prepare her to bring near to Me, and make her heiress. It will not be long, the Bridegroom will appear to free her whom He loves from this world of darkness. I have already demonstrated My love on the cross of Calvary, making a high price, rescuing, washing, purifying and sanctifying."


On hearing these words, I heard the sound of trotting horses.

The voice said, "It is the cavalry of hell invading the earth, all the torment of hell has risen to the earth. The earth will now be the hell of suffering, the prince of darkness has taken over the government."

He said, "Let's reign, it'll be hell on earth.

People began to look for Christians to pursue. The Christians were frightened away; they fled so as not to die in this great persecution and genocide. The world and the government were against us. The era of the martyrs began; they will be human sacrifices for Jesus' sake. They would offer their blood to eternal life, shedding their blood for Jesus' sake, as Christ did on the cross of Calvary. That was the form of retribution they made for Jesus.

Many Christians were killed by persecution. When they were alive they could not stand. The Christians groaned in pain. They could not stand it any longer, and they cried a lot.

The trumpet rang and the remnants disappeared. I saw in a vision the lights rising to the sky and disappearing. The world was filled with darkness when these lights disappeared. When these lights disappeared, the world grew darker, totally filled with darkness. I saw a black hole that opened on the floor, black shadows were coming out from inside. The sky turned red, nature was inverted. It felt like it was turning against us.

A voice said, "The heaven is disconnected from the earth, there is no connection with humans anymore."

All were abandoned, the Holy Spirit was taken away, the bond with the earth was cut off. What made the heaven to be connected with the earth, was the church while still on earth, Jesus took His own. People sought out Christians who had disappeared and despaired of not finding them. These people were dull lamps that stayed on the ground. Jesus broke the bond with them, the connection was broken, the mediator Holy Spirit was taken away.

Grace has ended. There was no more covenant with the rebels. The Bride has been taken away, the covenant of salvation is over. Now the judgment of the lake of fire is approaching.

After these visions and revelations, I went to the church saying, "I mean for all the brothers who are living torches of God, keep them lighted so they do not go out. You are live coals from the altar of the Most High and are in this world to shine. When the Bridegroom has come, He will take those who are alight in His presence."

Jesus showed me in the vision, many torches fading. I saw many dim lamps covered by darkness because of sin. And where there is no light on, the darkness prevails. The Lord will not take the ones who are blotted out by darkness. Many are called and few are chosen. The separation will leave the tares and carry the wheat. Only the lighted lamps that will be taken from the earth, for their brightness will attract the Master to His meeting. These are the stars that shine in the darkness of the night and embellish the dark sky.



The next day I went to visit a church and when I began to preach my vision opened and I was seeing rains of fire falling inside the church. I was shocked to receive this rain, but the people of the church felt nothing.

I asked Jesus, "Why am I the only one who felt this rain?"

Jesus told me, "This rain was from Me, but the people are spiritually dead and those who have died are unable to feel anything. If they feel nothing, it is due to the absence of My spirit in them; their lamps have gone out. They need to light them urgently before it is too late; they need the renewal."



After that night of impact with the presence of the Holy Spirit, my wife was to preach in a house meeting. The service was only for women. She was overflowing with oil, and when she preached, she burned that house and all the women were renewed with the power of God.

A believer when he has intimacy with the Holy Spirit is a receiver of God's grace and a disciple-maker where he forms followers. At night I went to preach where I congregated and I had a vision of the Holy Spirit landing on the shoulder of a brother. This time He was in the shape of a dove and moved inside the church flying all over the place. The activity of the Holy Spirit began in the church. He is the light of the life of those who seek Him. I saw the Holy Spirit removing spiritual scales from the eyes of many brethren. That dove landed on my body and I felt electricity invading my soul. I was filled with the anointing and when a brother passed near me he felt that presence and was impacted by the power of God. This young man had never spoken in tongues and for the first time, he spoke receiving this gift. My wife also became more participatory in church.

