Glory to God. Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Word of the Lord teaches us in the Gospel of John the Apostle what Christ has promised to His beloved in chapter 14 of the Gospel of John. Jesus Christ declares to us an imminent reality and He tells us, “Let your heart not be troubled. You believe in God, also believe in Me. In the house of My Father, there are many dwellings. (John 14:1-2)
Beloved brothers in Christ, now I want to share with you guys an experience in relation to the abodes that are mentioned in chapter 14 of the Gospel from John, where we find a wonderful promise from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to brethren that would remain faithful to Him in this life.
The Lord has promised dwellings that He has prepared for all of us who will make it to the final goal that He has set for us. We know that this race is not in vain and that this calling that we have undertaken is done with direction and purpose. In the kingdom of Heaven, our fight is not in vain. Our race is not in vain. There is a great reward prepared for all those who have believed in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. (Colossians 3:23-24)
Beloved brothers and friends who listened to me, the Lord said, “There are many dwellings in the Father's house for all those who stay faithful to the end."
Beloved brothers and sisters, I want to highlight one revelation and experience that God granted me in 2009. Blessed be the name of the Lord. I remember back then in the year 2009, it had pleased the Lord to give me this revelation of the hidden knowledge of wonderful things and glories prepared for everyone who loved Him and awaits His coming.
Beloved brothers, I was taken to a place so glorious, so beautiful and so extraordinary, never before seen beyond human reasoning. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
As a Christian, I remember there were always many questions in regard to what the Bible teaches about heavenly mansions. The Lord was willing to show me such a place glorious and so precious. I remember that I was taken to a place ravishingly beautiful. It is a wonderful memory. I was taken to a mansion of high-end luxury, a precious, very beautiful palace. I was led to the door at the entrance of that mansion.
Quickly, I heard a voice that called me and told me to get inside. When I looked, I saw a very beautiful room. I was surprised in a great way for the One that called me seems familiar and gave me the impression that we have known one another for a long time.
I remember that I looked inside in order to identify the One that was addressing me and I saw Him sitting on a sofa.
I saw that He had the appearance of an elder. He called me by my name and told me, “Savi, My son, I'm waiting for you. Please come in.”
My brother and friend, I was stunned and very surprised for this Person without looking at me, knew my name and my life, and He was waiting for me with certainty.
When I entered this celestial mansion, I did not lose view of this Person. When I looked at Him, I saw that He was the Lord Jesus Christ, for I had seen Him years ago, precisely in 2006 when God allowed me to have that experience.
When I came face to face with the Lord, I was dazzled. Basically, in my first encounter with Him in the center of the Earth, when I saw Him, I ran fast, and He hugged me for I was crying.
This time around, the Lord told me, “My son, I was waiting for you. Fear not. I'm with you.”
The Lord said, “Take a seat, My son.”
There was another sofa in front of Him where I could sit face to face with Him in the room of this celestial mansion.
Immediately the Lord started talking to me and He told me, “My son, I know that life has not been easy for you on the land. I know that you have been in very difficult moments. I know that there have been problems that have been hard for you to bear. But you must know one thing. I'm with you to help you.”
He told me, “I know how much in your heart you longed to have many things, like having a family like everyone else. And you have longed to have a place to live. I have known your thoughts and all about you.”
The Lord told me, “I know My son, you have been through many hard times. I want you to know that I am your Father and your Mother, though your father and mother left you with all this sadness.”
When I heard those words, brothers and friends, my heart was filled with abundant joy and I was emotional. I was moved to hear that someone was interested and cared about me.
The Lord says, “Son, I know that on Earth, you have nothing. And that many times you said, ‘I don't have a house, I have nobody and I have nothing in this life.’ And you had frustration because of that situation. My son, I want you to know that you are one of the many millionaire men who has trodden the Earth.”
When He said these words I did not understand and I smiled. I thought He was making fun of me because of my condition.
Brothers, in my little understanding, I remembered the Lord telling me, “You know one thing My son, you may not have a home to live, you may not have a house of your own. You may not have money in the bank as you wish, but you got to know one thing, My son, you are rich because you have eternal life.”
The Lord repeated to me, “You are rich. There on Earth, there are people who have everything. They have a lot of money. They have many lands and money in their bank accounts and everything they have wished, but they are miserable and poor because they have no part in this kingdom. Blessed are those whose names are registered in the Book of Life. They have part with Me.”
The Lord told me, “Today you may not have anything in the land but you are rich and you have everything because I am with you.”
Dear brothers, these words without a doubt marked my life forever. They have marked my life like never before. I understood that whatever happens in our situation, whatever we are going through, we should never give up. As Christians, we should never back off and we should never stop for there is a special reward. There is a glorious prize that Christ has prepared for us in the age to come.
The first reward is the salvation of our souls, which is eternal life.
And the second reward is the shining mansion of Heaven and glorious abode prepared for all of you who are faithful to the end.
Then the Lord old, “Son, I want to show you something. You got to see with your eyes what I have prepared for all those who are faithful in the land.”
The Lord made me get up from the sofa and He also got up and we walked out the door of this mansion of light. We stopped at the gate and I started to observe more mansions of Heaven, like the one before us. There was not a small mansion here.
I saw before us a large city of light that was extremely luxurious, never seen in my life. It was something I never imagined and seen on television. I was stunned and amazed at the sight of precious stone and eternal material that composed this Golden City.
The walls were lit up. They were literally different colors beaming light. I remember that the city was decorated with a wall of multicultural light all around it and the wall was filled with precious stones.
And I said, “What a beautiful place. What a wonderful city.”
The Lord told me, “Your mansion is ready. And unfortunately, many of these houses are going to run out of residents.”
I was thinking in my human mind that many Christians were going to dwell in these mansions.
To my surprise, the Lord told me, “My son, this is not a city. This is your mansion, and it has your name on it.”
I was in wonder and admiration when the Lord said, “This part of the Celestial city that has many houses belong to you.”
I said, “Lord, I'm going to be in a city just for myself alone.”
And I thought in my human mind, I'm going to get more lonely there. What am I going to do alone here? This was my thought.
At that moment, the Lord told me, “You don't understand mysteries of the heavenly world.”
And the Lord told me, “In the celestial world wonders happened and everything is made new and rejuvenated all the time. Things don't stay the same for new things come to existence all the time.”
The Lord said, “Your dwelling place has your name.”
Then the Lord took out an unusual key chain like the ones we have here. It had two kinds of rare keys that I had not seen before. And this key chain had a very precious stone, very beautiful that was oval. This oval stone of Heaven in the key had the shape of a clam.
And I remember, Dear brothers, that there was an inscription in mysterious language marked on that heavenly stone, which was a mystery. It wasn't in Spanish nor any earthly language.
The Lord told me. “This inscription on the key chain is your new name.”
The Lord said, “My son in the heavenly world, you have a new name.”
When the Lord spoke this way, I wanted to know what my new name was in the eternal kingdom.
And the Lord tells me, “The one who is victorious, I will give the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone inscribed with a new name, known only to the one who receives it. Upon him, I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem that comes down out of Heaven from My God and My new name.” (Rev 2:17, 3:12)
I wanted to grab that key chain from the Lord.
Quickly the Lord denied me and told me, “You cannot have it because your time has not come yet.”
And I remember I was just staring at the Lord.
Then He told me, “Don't worry. In the land, you have to strive hard and be brave to the end of the battle. Be strong every day more and more until death. And one day I will give you these keys.”
The Lord told me, “Given that this dwelling has your name and belongs to you, you have to fight to the end and overcome.”
I was in wonder and stunned about the celestial mansion and I stayed dazzled.
Brother, this was a big city never seen before, something so extraordinary.
But the most wonderful thing is that if we can remain faithful to Christ, we will be dwelling in these mansions of light prepared for us.
Brothers, the Lord showed me many mansions. I started to see many other dwelling places, not just the one that He said was mine.
The Lord talked to me with much deep sadness about many of His children that are going to be without a mansion.
He told me, “It is not because I don't want but because many of My people with their action and style of life are telling Me they are not interested in this place.”
The Lord says, “My son, strive, be brave. fight the battle, endure adversity for the cause of My name and My word.”
The Lord told me, “Go ahead and don't stop because great rewards are prepared for those who love Me. One day you will be able to say it was worth the battle. One day you will be able to say nothing was in vain. You must fight the good fight of faith because Eternity is worth the grief and suffering and there is an award, a glorious accolade.”
There is a wonderful, extraordinary prize the Lord will give us.
He said, “Be faithful to death. I will give you the crown of life.”
Brothers, we want to live in those Celestial dwellings, so do not allow the world to dominate us. Give up the pleasures of this deceptive world and run to the presence of Christ Jesus. Run to the path of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I invite you, brother and friend to keep moving forward. Continue to fight and to be faithful and true to the promise that God has made because He is not a man to lie or a son of man to repent. (Numbers 23:19)
I know our end will be glorious and the tears and pain are worth it. All the sufferings and endurance have been worth in this Earth because He does not fail. He does not lie. He is not wrong. He is not like us.
Beloved brothers, He is faithful and true. I hope this message is a great blessing for each of you wherever you are. Don't look where you are today. Don't look how much you have. But look at how much God has for you in His kingdom.
Look how much God has prepared for you in His glorious kingdom. What He has prepared is what matters. What He has for us is valuable and important.
God bless your life in this hour. May God save you mightily that the peace of God be with each and every one of you wherever you are.
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