Ubani Kingsley divine revelation of hell, time is over


Ubani Kingsley is a young man that dropped his education in the university to become an evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ few years ago, and still (by God’s standards) was ‘disappointing’. He was warned in a revelation about the urgency of the end of time, and the need for the real children of God to stand up, or risk losing their precious salvation.


This testimony is an excerpt from the book; Time Is Over by Brother Ubani Kingsley, on whose permission we are reproducing it . He hails from Abia-State, Nigeria. His encounters with Jesus Christ and eternity and had his second encounter with Christ some few years ago, which he published titled, ANOTHER WARNING He preaches salvation to the core and he is dedicated to bringing deliverance to His people. He is the founder of Fountain of Salvation Ministries International. Take time to read this encounter in Brother Ubani’s own words with all concentration. Frankly you will never be the same!

Other Heaven & Hell Experiences from Ubani Kingsley: End time revelation & Another warning.

Ubani Kingsley time is up


A Young evangelist met me at Eke-oha shopping center Aba to book me for a program. He has being interacting with me on cell phone before we met with each other, and each time he would call me, he would want to know the days I would have chance to visit his evangelism team and share my experiences in heaven and hell with them.

When 1 saw him, I was amazed because (thought that the person who has been speaking with me on phone was an adult, but I was wrong. The person wasn't an adult but a teenager more so, I thought he was sent by his father or his evangelism leader to come and meet me, but he came by himself. Nobody send him. After a little conversation, he said that he wanted to snap me with his camera, and I consented.

On the 15th and 16th of September i visited the evangelism team, when I came there, the audience were children except the parents of the young evangelist and the parents that brought their children to that place and whose number was not up to seven.

Having seen that my audience were children, I brought down the language low and applied some communication skills according to their level in order to capture their interest and I did.

To the glory of God, after those children were crying to God for mercy on their souls at the end of each message. As I was looking at these children who were crying for God's mercy, tears started rolling down my cheeks, and I tried and held myself, but I couldn't hold myself again when I got to my house-I began to cry.

The reason why I was crying in my house was that the judgment of God is very strict, as far as heaven and hell are concern, God does not want to know whether the person is a child, a teenager, or a youth or an adult. It is his word that will stand against the person in judgment as it is written in John 12:48; he that rejected me and receiveth not my word hath one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken the same will judge him on the last day.

God has nothing to do with unbelievers or people who are not born again because already those people are dead or condemned while they are still alive. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God, John 3:18.

But we who have accepted Jesus Christ as our only saviour, our judgment will be very strict. The Bible says the time is come that judgement to begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what the end will be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 1 Peter 4:17-18.

When I saw those children crying I remember that even though the Bible has said that their angels are beholding the face of their father in heaven yet God will still judge them strictly then I asked myself: what will happen to me if I don't pass the standard of God. After asking myself that question which I know that the answer is that even though I am a preacher of the salvation message, if I don't pass God's standard, he will send me to hell fire. Then I began to cry for mercy upon my soul because it is better for me to cry now that I am alive than to cry in hell fire because God will not listen to me Instead his anger will burn more on me.

Child of God, I cried for mercy for a long time, but there was no answer that could give me relief. Then I started asking God question. Understand that as a child of God, you have the right to ask God question because he is your father. You are not a bastard as far as you are born again genuinely, but you must be very polite and respectful in your question to God. You must not be harsh in your language to him.

I was asking God whether he will abandon me at last to suffer in hell fire. Please understand me. I didn't ask God such question only because I saw the children crying and I remembered how God carries his judgement out, but because I was having a feeling that something was wrong in the supernatural.

Then on the 16th September 2012, being the second and last day I visited the evangelism team. When I finished sharing my experience in heaven and hell, I went back to my house. I could not sleep. 1 was restless. I knew that If I miss heaven after preaching the gospel in this world Satan and those muscular ugly beings in hell fire will torment me greatly.

As a result of that, I started crying again and asking Jesus whether he will leave me behind when he will take away his people. As I was doing that, an angel appeared to me physically. Please I would like you to understand that the reason I. said physically is because I was not sleeping, but 1 was awake.

When the angel appeared, my room became very bright. The angel was wearing sparkling white clothes, and he had wings. For clarity, that night there was no electrical light in the house: the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) interrupted it, and the light went off. And what 1 used to illuminate my room in such situation was torchlight. I switched off the torchlight at that very moment because the battery was not strong; it was weak. In addition to that, there was a very bright light around the angel, but there was darkness around me. It was as if 1 was in spiritual darkness, and he was in the spiritual light, and it seemed there were a separation between, us.

Then the angel called me 'Kingsley' and 1 looked at him, and he said to me, 'your master (Jesus Christ) asked me to pass a message to you. When 1 looked at the angel, I asked him what the message was all about, and he said to me, "your master asked me tell you that you are trying, but he expects you to put more efforts so that more people can be saved before his arrival. Then I told the angel that I have heard him, but that message is not the issue at hand. The issue was whether Jesus Christ would leave me behind to suffer in hell fire when he comes to take away his people.

When I said that, the angel said to me, "Kingsley, 1 am a messenger, and 1 don't have any answer to your question. 1 only came to deliver the message I was asked to deliver to you. Having heard the angel, I was grieved, I needed to know whether Jesus Christ would leave me to suffer in hell fire after all my efforts to make him happy because on 13th day of May 2012,

when he opened the book of life and showed on the screen the names of people who were obediently and faithfully waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ and their pictures, my name and my picture were not among them. And when he opened my file of work, nothing was written in it then he was very angry at me, so I wanted to know how he will treat me on the last day, and that was the reason why I was crying.

As a result of the angel's inability to give me answer to my question, I asked him about my master (Jesus Christ), and he told me that he was in heaven and I was more grieved. Then I said to the angel, "I now understand the reason why I was having feeling that something was wrong in the supernatural, and he asked me what was it that I understood, and I told him that it was because my master has abandoned me that was the reason why he sent him (the angel) to me. If it were not so, he wouldn't have sent the angel to me.

Then the angel said to me, "Kingsley, you are wrong, and I told him that I am not wrong but right because ever since I came into relationship with my Master, He has never sent an angel to pass a message to me, and now that I needed him most, he did not come instead he sent him (the angel) to me. But the angel still insisted that I was wrong. Then I said to him; if you said that I was wrong, go and show me my master. When I made that comment, his countenance changed. He became angry at me, and in that mood he asked me, do I want him to take me to my master? and I answered "yes" to him. I didn't want to know whether he was angry at me or not: all I wanted was to see my master Jesus Christ.

Then the angel said to me 'Kingsley, since you insisted that you want to see your master, you will certainly see him now. When the angel said that, he came closer to me and touched me, and I collapsed and became like a dead person on the bed when my spirit came out of my body, When that happened the angel held me on my right wrist he said 'to me, 'now, let's go and see your Master, and we left my room to heaven.


When we left my house, we started walking up to heaven. But at a point, I saw an endless queue of people who were moving toward the gate of heaven. When we came closer to them, I started looking at them. Some of those people were looking at me as someone they knew, but I didn't recognize any one of them. All of those people were shivering in fear as they were moving to the direction of the gate.

The gate is so small that two people cannot; enter into it at the same time. - One person must wait for the other person to pass whether he is going inside or coming outside. Another thing I want you to know is that the gate was opening by itself.

There were things that caught my attention when we came closer to the gate of heaven. The things that caught my attention were two invisible bold lines which were red and black in colour, and either of these lines was appearing on the ground, and either of the lines was appearing when each of those people In the queue crossed the points where the lines were positioned.

However, from my observation, the position of the lines could be about five feet or 60 inches from the gate of heaven. The width could be about 1 foot or 12 inches,and that line is the line of judgement that was separating the people who were not born again from the ones who were born again.

Another thing that caught my attention was this: if the person who crossed the line was born again, the line would appear red in colour which was an indication that the person has accepted Jesus Christ into his or her life. Then a voice would say: move forward and enter the gate. But if the person was not born again, the line would appear black in colour which showed that he or she did not accept Jesus Christ into his or her life, and a thunderous voice would say: depart from me, 1 know you not. Depart from me! Depart! When the word' depart' was been exclaimed by the voice, a terrible wind came and carried the person to the direction of hell fire.

READ ALSO: Testimony Encounter After Death.

Beloved of God, there is danger ahead of us. While I was there, I noticed that the number of people who were asked to depart was greater than the number of people who were asked to move forward and enter the gate. What I am saying here is that the people who were asked to move forward and enter the gate were 2 in number while the people who were asked to depart were more than two thousand, six hundred and thirty people.

As those people were moving forward to the point where the line was located and were being asked to depart to hell fire by that voice, a man stepped on that very point, and the line appeared black in colour, but there was silent. Then an angel walked to him and called him "Francis" and asked him: do you know the reason why the black line appeared, and he said no. Then the angel asked him to open his hands, and he opened them. When he opened his hands, there-were some drops of blood in his hands.

Moreover, the angel asked him, do you know the reason why there are drops of blood in your hands and he said, no. Then angel told him that the reason is that the souls he was supposed to have saved were dead and each drop of blood represented a soul that was lost to hell fire. Your work was important to you than the souls that were perishing. You have destroyed yourself. When Francis heard that, he began to shiver in fear, and then 1 heard the thunderous voice which said,

'Francis! Depart! 1 know you not. Depart from me. Depart! and immediately a wind whose sound was like the sound of a flying jet came and carried Francis to hell fire.

Four people came to the point and were asked to depart and whom the wind carried away to hell fire after Francis was sent to hellfire. But when the fifth person reached at that point, the line appeared black and the angel called him Jonathan, Mr Jonathan was a pastor.

The angel asked him: Jonathan, do you know why the line appeared black in colour? and he said no. Then the angel told him that it was because he was pleasing his senior pastor and was displeasing God. The angel told him that he was displeasing God by walking in church as a pastor instead of an evangelist. He was called to- be an evangelist, but he became a pastor only because his senior pastor wanted him to pastor his church.

Then the angel said to him, Jonathan, you disappointed God, and you have been caught off from God's mercy. You will -have yourself to blame. As soon as the angel told Jonathan that he will have himself to blame, a thunderous voice said: Jonathan, I have rejected you forever. I know you not. Depart from me! Depart! And a wind came and carried him out to hell fire.

After Jonathan was carried by the wind, a man reached the point where the line was, and it appeared black in colour. This man's name is Emmanuel Ikechukwu Okoye. When the line appeared black in colour, the angel asked him, Emmanuel Ikechukwu Okoye, do you know the reason why the line appeared black? And he said no. Then the angel lifted up his right hand and a screen appeared. When the screen appeared, the angel asked. Emmanuel to watch the scene on the screen to see whether he can recognize the person on the screen. When I looked at the screen, I saw that it was displaying where Emmanuel was drinking alcoholic drinks secretly and in different places.

Emmanuel Okoye was dumbfounded when he saw himself on the screen. Then the angel asked him,' Emmanuel, do you recognize the person on the screen, and he said yes, that the person was him. When he confirmed that he was the person, the angel told him that it was because he was drinking alcoholic drinks that made the line to appear black in colour. When Emmanuel heard that, he said to the angel: but my pastor told us that it is not a sin for somebody to drinks alcoholic drink. Then the angel asked him who his pastor was, and he told him that his pastor was Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Love World Ministries (a.k.a. Christ Embassy).

Having told the angel who his pastor was, the angel told him that the name of the person whom he said was his pastor was not in the book of life because he was encouraging sin against God, and the Holy Spirit, He has never brought a single soul to heaven ever since he became a minister, but he has been sending many people to hell fire.

Then Emmanuel asked the angel to forgive him, but the angel replied him that he has no power to forgive anyone, he is only a messenger. The only person that has the power to forgive him is Jesus Christ, and moreover, there is no sacrificial prize he (Emmanuel) paid when he was in the world that would have attracted a second chance for him. Therefore he must go to where he belongs. When the angel had said that, a thunderous voice said: Emmanuel, you have no part in me, "Depart!" And immediately a wind came, and carried him to hell fire.

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A woman reached the invisible line, and it appeared black. When the black line appeared, the angel asked her whether she knew the reason why the line turned black and she said no, then the angel told her that she didn't complete her restitution by giving back the item she collected from her neighbor and the woman told the angel that she was her neighbor and they sharing thing in common. But the angel asked her, "did you return her belongings to her and she said no." Then a voice said to her "Depart, I know you not," and a wind came and carried her to hell fire.

A lady reached the point the line was and the line appeared black. The angel asked her whether she knew the reason why the line appeared black and she said no. Then the angel said to her, look at your blouse and responded that she did not see anything wrong with it. Then the angel asked her, "Dorothy Tope, can't you see that your blouse did not cover your breast? You practice whore. You exposed your body to the world. You are immoral, and you must go to the place prepared for people like you. When the angel said that, a thunderous voice said: I know you not Dorothy Tope. Depart from me! Depart!

A man reached at the point where the invisible line was, and it appeared black and the angel asked him, James Ogbonna, do you know the reason why the line appeared black and he said, No. Then the angel said to him, “the reason is that you were busy doing networking business. You were advertising and marketing the products of Satan, and you have no time for God. You did not find out from God the things that involved in the business spiritually, you went and started it. Did you know that you belong to Satan? And James said no.

Then the angel asked him to open his hands and he did, and in his palms were written the figure, "666". The angel also asked him to open his tongue and he did. On his tongue was written the figure (666', When James heard all these things, he was surprised and as he wanted to say something, a voice said, James you are my enemy forever, Depart from me into eternal damnation, and instantly, a wind came and carried him to hell fire.

A man reached the point in which the invisible line was, and it appeared black in colour. The angel asked him whether he knew the reason why the line appeared black in colour and he said no, Then the angel told him that the reason was that he was owing his in-laws. The man asked the angel how he was owing his in-laws and the angel said to him, Charles, when you went to your in-laws to marry their daughter, you made some payment and presented some items which you were asked to present, but you promised them that later you will bring the remaining money and which you did not do till you died.

You are owing your in-laws and no one who is owing will enter into the kingdom of heaven, therefore, you must go to where you belong. As soon as the angel told Charles that he must go to the place where he belongs, a voice said, "Charles, I know you not! Depart from me now!” and a wind came and carried him to hell fire.

A white man reached at that point where the line was and it appeared black and the angel asked him, Geoffrey, do you know the reason why the line appeared black? and he said no. Then the angel said to him, Geoffrey, you are a murderer. You were worshiping God with gun in your hand. You served God, but you were police officer, you were carrying your gun about. Nobody who carries gun have a part in heaven, and nobody who belong to a force whether Police force, Army force, Navy force will enter heaven because they carry gun and their heart is filled with evil. They love killing and their camp is filled with human blood. 

They killed both innocent and guilty people, and any person who is one of them, even if he is righteous, he will equally partake in their sin because the person belongs to the group of murderers. Nobody has the right to kill anybody no matter the offense that person must have committed.

Furthermore, the angel asked him, Geoffrey, do you know you are the one that destroyed yourself?, and he asked the angel how? The angel told him that an angel came to him one morning when he was about to enter his car for work, and told him to resign, that he will die very soon, but he pursued the angel.

When Geoffrey heard that, he said that it was not true, that no angel was sent to him. At this point, another angel came out from the gate and walked up to him. Then the first angel asked him (Geoffrey), can you recognize this angel? He said no. Then the first angel told him that the second angel was the angel that was sent to him at the front of his house.

As Geoffrey wanted to argue, the second angel lifted up his hand and a screen appeared. They showed him how the angel came to him. The angel did not appeared in the nature of an angel, but he came to Geoffrey like a small boy and Geoffrey pursued him. Six months later, Geoffrey was shut dead by armed robbers.

READ ALSO: Danger In Disobeying The Voice Of God.

When Geoffrey saw that, he began to ask for forgiveness, but a voice said to him, Depart into eternal damnation! When the voice said that, a wind came and carried him out to hell fire. Then the second angel went back.

A young boy reached the point where the invisible line was, and it appeared black. The angel asked him, Jideofor Chika, do you know the reason why the line appeared black in colour, and he said no. Then the angel asked him to look at the screen. The screen was the one which the second angel used to show Geoffrey himself.

When I looked at the screen I saw Jideofor Chika kneeling down and bowing down to the image called the Virgin Mary. Jideofor Chika was confused when he said that, then the angel said to him, Jideofor Chika, you were worshiping idol in the world. But Jideofor Chika told the angel that what he was doing was not idol worshiping. He also said that the image was not an idol rather it was an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He also told the angel that his parish father, Rev. Father Fred, did not tell them that it was a sin to bow down to the image, but he told them that it is a way of honoring Virgin Mary for keeping herself for God which made Jesus Christ to come through her.

READ ALSO: Special Adoration Or Worship Of Any Saints Is Idolatry.

Then the angel told him that nobody who bows down to the image or calls it the mother of Jesus Christ will enter heaven. Furthermore, the angel told him that nobody under Catholic Church will make heaven. Jideofor Chika asked the angel why he said that, and the angel told him that the head quarters of Catholic which is at Rome is the seat of Satan. It irritates God because it is filled with idols. The Catholic Popes drank with Satan (Lucifer) from the same cup, and that the Catholic Priests and the Reverend Fathers and their sisters are committing sexual immorality with themselves.

Some with same sex and some with opposite sex. They are abominable before God. The Holy communion the Priests are giving to their members are not holy at all but defiled. They are giving the communion out with hands that are full of immorality and bloodshed.

Jideofor Chika, the angel called him, you have no part in heaven, your place is in hell fire and immediately a thunderous voice said, Depart from me! And a wind came and carried him to hell fire. When Jideofor Chika was carried by the wind, eleven people reached at that point, and they were carried by the wind to hell fire. The angel did not talk to them, then I turned to the angel that was taking me to heaven and asked him: please, why did the other angel not talk to those people? and he said to me, Kingsley, those people were Muslims. They did not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

                                                                                                                                                                    After these eleven people, came the twelfth person. She was a woman. She died at the age of 43 years. When she reached there the line appeared black in colour and the angel asked her "Angela, do you know why the line is black?" and she said no, then the angel told her that she was a thief, and she said that she has never stolen since her lifetime. Then the angel showed her on the screen when she went to her neighbor's container of salt and collected a little quantity of salt which she.-added to her soup.

When Angela saw it, she told the angel that it was just a little salt she collected from her neighbor container and the angel asked her,"Angela, did you tell your neighbor that you collected some salt from her. container?" and she said no. The angel again showed 'her crown to her in the screen, and she was happy. But the angel told her that she will not be given the crown instead the crown will be given to somebody else. When Angela heard that, she began to asked for second chance, but a thunderous voice said to her, "Depart, I know you not!" And a wind came and carried her to hell fire.

As soon as Angela was taken to hell fire, a white lady came there, and the line appeared black in colour and the angel asked her "Sandra Johnson, do you know why the line appeared black?" And she said no. Then the angel said to, her, "the reason is because you always open your hair any time you are praying and also whenever you are going to the house of God.

No woman is expected to leave her hair open any time she is praying, even whenever she enters, the house of God because it is a dishonor to God, and any woman who does not cover her hair in the house of God or when praying is going to hell fire. Therefore, you are guilty of the offence". As soon as the angel said that, a thunderous voice said to her, Sandra Johnson, depart from me, I know you not! And immediately, a wind came and carried her out to hell fire.

The next person that came to that 'point was wearing Chelsea football club uniform. Then the line appeared black in colour, and the angel: asked him, Christian Orji, do you know the Reason why the line appeared black in colour and he said no. Then the angel said to him, the reason is that you always come to church - service late, and you don't spent time to study your Bible, but you were spending time to watch movies and football matches. Now look at your clothes you are putting on symbol of Satan on your body.

On hearing that, Christian Orji began to look at his clothes. But the angel pointed the logo of Chelsea FC on his jersey and told him that the animal inside the logo is dragon and it represents Satan. Then the angel said to him "Christian Orji, you have no part in the kingdom of heaven, you will go to hell fire. Before Christian Orji would open his mouth to say something, a voice said, I know you not, son of the devil. Depart from me into eternal damnation.

However, while I was watching those things that were happening there, the angel said to me. "Kingsley, you are wasting my time. It is enough. Let's go and see your master." When said that, I followed him, and we went inside the gate.

The angel took me to a street which was totally different from the street Jesus Christ took me the previous times. But I did not say anything or ask him any question because ever since I insisted that I wanted to see my master he was angry at me.

However, the main reason why I did not ask the angel question was because I was afraid that since he was angry at me, and I was not expected to be there by that time they might decide to send me to hell fire Just as they did on the 13th day of may 2012. So l held my peace.


While I was following the angel, he brought me into a building. The building had many rooms-The angel opened one of the doors to the: rooms and he asked me to come inside and see my master. As I was about entering the room, I saw somebody who was facing the wall and was crying. Then 1 stopped and stood at the door.

I was embarrassed when I saw the person. Then I said to the angel, I thought that heaven is a place of joy, but why was that person crying instead of rejoicing? And he said to me, Kingsley, you insisted that you wanted to see your master, come and see your master. 1 told the angel the second time that I was, informed that heaven is a place of joy, but why was that person crying instead rejoicing. The angel said to me Kingsley, now look at your master," Then I told the angel that he wasn't sure of what he was telling me. When I said that it was as if the angel became more angry at me, then he said to the person "your son, Kingsley is here, and the person turned and looked at me. 

When he looked at me, I saw that his eyes were red, and the tears that were rolling down from his eyes were as thick as blood, and I was shocked. The person who was crying was Jesus Christ. When I saw him, I said to him,' my Master, why are you crying? but he didn't talk to me. He only made a gesture with his left hand which indicated that I should go out of that place, and I pleaded with him to at least say something to me, but he didn't instead he kept on making the gesture with his left hand. Then at a time, while I was still pleading with him to talk to me, he turned and looked at the angel in an angry manner and the angel asked me to follow him and I went out of the room with the angel.


When we came out of that place, tears started rolling from my eyes. I asked the angel the reason why Jesus Christ was crying, and he said to me (in a low tone) it is because his (Jesus Christ) time is over ,and his people are not ready for him, and that was the reason why he sent me to tell you to put more efforts in order to save more people.

Then I told the angel that since my master wanted me to put more efforts, I will like to know the result of the efforts I have already put from the time I started sharing the message titled "Another Warning. Then the angel said to me," Kingsley, this is the result of your efforts: from the time you started sharing the message "titled another warning" fifteen thousand, one hundred and seventy four (15174) people who, were once born again have repented, and among these figure, three hundred and five (305) have genuinely repented from their sins.

Then the number of people who became born again for the first time after hearing or reading another warning are fifty nine (59) people. These are the result of your efforts. Then the angel asked me to go and do what I was asked to do, and I started coming back to this very evil world of sin. But as I was walking along the street of heaven to first gate, the whole walls became a screen, and what I was seeing on those walls was; Kingsley, run, the time is over. I did not run instead I began to walk very fast from that very point to outside the city.

When I came outside the city, a wind came and carried me to my room and inside my room I saw my body still lying down on the bed exactly as it was when it collapsed. Then the same wind came and pushed my spirit into my body, and I got up. When I looked at the time it was 5:39 am.

I relocated from Aba to Port Harcourt City of River State on the 29th of September 2012. The reason why I relocated to Port Harcourt is not because I like living in it, but because God asked me to do that in order to tell his people there the truth which the ministers of the gospel have refused to tell them, only because they don't want to become poor or loss their members. They want to secure their stomach and their pockets.

On Thursday, 25th day of October 20,12,1 went to bed having in mind to wake up in the mid night to praise God, and which I did. I woke up at 1:32 am. When I woke up, I found out that my body was so heavy as a result of the strenuous work I did on that very day. I couldn't sing songs of praise when I knelt down. I was struggling with myself: my spirit was willing. To praise, but my body was very weak. I kept on struggling to praise God in songs.

And while I was doing that, a bright light shone in my house. Then I turned, and it was Jesus Christ that came into my room. I was happy seeing him come into my room, but when I looked at him, I saw anger on his face because the appearance of his face shows that he was angry, then I became afraid.

Having taken a long look at me, Jesus Christ did not say even a single word to me instead he turned back and left my house. As a result of that I became so much afraid that I began to plead for mercy. Then two nights later being 27th of October 2012, I was just praising God the way I used to praise him when a bright light shone in my room; and Jesus walked into my room.

Immediately I saw him, fear gripped me, but when he saw the fear in me, he stretched his hands out and said to me "son, peace be unto you. Do not be afraid I am your master Jesus Christ. I am he, who was, and he who is, and he who is to come. I am the one who died on the cross to redeem all who will believe in me, I am the first and the last. I am the alpha and the omega. I am the owner of your soul. The author and the finisher of your faith. I am he that created you and chose you to be my witness to all human race before you were born.

I have seen your love for me and your efforts to my work. I love you so dearly. I will reward you with eternal life if you do not go back and remain faithful to me. I will not abandon you if you keep all my commandment. Do not be afraid. I am here to tell you that I still love you. I want to take you to heaven to show you what is happening there now.

Having come closer to me, Jesus Christ crossed his right hand on my shoulder and said to me, 'son, I want to take you to heaven. Can we go now? And in respond, I said yes to him. Then he removed his hand gently from my shoulder, and my body remain still while my spirit came out of the body, Jesus Christ held me on my right wrist and said to me, son, let's go now. And we left my room for heaven.

Then Jesus Christ took me to a place where the saints were staying. When we got there, the place was so bright as result of the light that was radiating from the body of those people, and I could only dimmed my eyes in order to see them well. Those saints were not singing but they were shouting; Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, the time is over! and they were extremely happy.

After 1 have watched these people for some minutes, Jesus Christ took me to another place, and when we got there, I saw angels shouting the same; hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, the time is over. Then Jesus took me took a street. What 1 saw in that street is still making me afraid.

In that street, I saw another set of angels who were matching in a unique way. Each of them was having a trumpet in his hands but the angel who was leading them was holding a bigger and longer trumpet.

Jesus then, said to me, "Son, these angels you are seeing here are going out to the world to blow, the trumpet," These are the things that are happening now. I am showing you all these things so that you will go and tell the world that my time is over. I want to rest. Ever since 1 died on the cross for humanity, I have been crying for them, but the people 1 am crying for, are not showing concern about my pain. Furthermore, Jesus Christ said to me, son, I have tried. I want to rest. I can't continue to cry.

Although Jesus Christ said that he can't continue to cry, yet he was still crying while he was talking with me. And while Jesus Christ was still crying, he turned and said to me, son, 1 am happy that you are putting more efforts in doing the work, but do you know that you are leading people to hell fire.

Having heard that I was leading people to hell fire, I asked Jesus Christ, how? And he said to me, Son, when women were asking you about how they will be keeping their hairs, and you were telling them they should not be attachment on their head, and they should not be using wool to keep their hair but you keep on telling them to be using thread to plait their hair, don’t you know that thread is also an attachment?

Then he asked me to follow him to hell that he wanted to show me something, and I followed him. When we reached there, he brought a woman out from the pit of hell fire, and he said to me, son, take a look at this woman. She is from Deeper life Bible Church. She heard that it is a sin for a woman to plait her hair with any type of thread, but she didn't believe it.

When she died, she was found guilty of using thread to plait, and as a result of that; she went to hell fire. When; I took a look at the woman, I saw that she plaited her hair with plastic thread. The woman was pleading for forgiveness, but it was not granted to her. Finally she was sent back to hell fire.’

However, I asked Jesus Christ the reason why he didn't forgive the woman when she was pleading forgiveness, and he said to me "the woman was given several warning through revelation, and through people, but she refused to take correction instead she took herself to be perfect in everything: let he who thinks he is stands take heed, lest he fall, 1 Corinthian. 10:12. Son, Jesus said to me, do you know that if the woman had taken correction, she would have saved many people and herself because many people were looking up to her as their role model, but she had led many people to hell fire, therefore she must go back to hell fire.

However, while was asking for mercy, she wanted to move closer to Jesus Christ when, a loud Voice said "go back! And a terrible wind' came and carried her back to hell fire. Really, this shocked me. After the woman was taken back to hell fire, Jesus Christ brought out" a man from hell fire, when the man came out, it was as if the man had little relief by the way he was doing, I looked at him, 1 saw that he had some cuts (wounds) all over his body, and he was looking unpleasant and unattractive.

Then Jesus asked the man to tell him how he was feeling, and the man said that he was feeling relieved. Having answered so, Jesus said to him, "do you know that the way you were feeling inside the fire was how I was feeling when you were teaching my people what would please them instead of what would please me. When you were not telling my people all the truth about my kingdom, 1, Jesus Christ began to feel the heat of hell fire all over my body. You disappointed me, you will go back to the fire. When Jesus had said all these things, it was as if the wind were waiting for him to finish his conversation with the man before it carried him back to the fire.

When the wind had carried the man to hell fire Jesus Christ brought him;:out the second time, and when the man came out from the fire an angel brought water from heaven to Jesus Christ. The angel carried the water with vessels that looked like big buckets of paint. The vessels were two in number, and the angel carried them on his hands. These vessels sparkling white in colour.

When the angel brought the water, Jesus Christ asked him to pour it on the man, and he did. When the angel had poured the water on the man, Jesus asked him how he was feeling, and he said that he was feeling relieved, and he was happy. He began to thank the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be precise, this was what he said:

....Thank You Lord Jesus for pouring water on me. Oh! Thank you Lord. I am ok now. I am better now. Lord Jesus thank you.

While the man was thanking the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ said to him, now listen to me. When the people 1 commissioned to preach my word preach what I want from them, and a soul repent from his sinful way, did you know that the same you are feeling now is the same way I always feel? Whenever a soul repents from his sinful way I feel like some water is poured on my body, and I feel relieved. But as my ministers are preaching what I don't want from them, I feel very hot like you were feeling inside the fire.

Furthermore, Jesus said to the man: I called you to preach my word undiluted, but you messed up. You joined group of preachers who were preaching their philosophy, their stomach, and themselves, and they influenced you. You left what I called you to do for me, and you started doing another thing. -You pleased people and displeased me. You made name for yourself and disappointed me.

You built and gained many houses in the world and lost my kingdom. You made Satan happy, and you nailed me to the cross a second time. What did I do to you? Testify against me? Tell me what I offended you with. You trampled the grace I gave to you under your feet, and because of that many who thought you were doing the right thing and were following you have gone to hell fire. Why did you do these to me? 

You told them that Christianity is in the heart and not in the appearance, and many people were misled by you. You made my death on the cross of no effect. You destroyed my efforts in saving lives. Can you hear the voice of the souls you misled to hell fire crying? What you did is still bringing many people to hell fire, and as a result of that, I will not spare you. You must go back to hell fire. You that worked iniquity.

                                                                                                                                                                      When Jesus Christ finished talking to the man, I heard a loud voice that said" the wages of sin is death, and the soul that sins will die. You must reap what you had sown. Therefore, depart into eternal damnation! And immediately, a terrible wind came and carried him back to hell fire.

Child of God, I want you to know that from the time Jesus Christ started speaking to the man till the time the man was sent back to hell fire Jesus Christ was crying. And when 1 looked at the way he was crying, I pitied him because he was crying like a woman whose marital relationship was broken. His heart was broken.

Then Jesus said to me, "Son, I want you to go to the world and tell my people what I have shown you. Wherever you go hold your right ear with your right ear and tell them," He Who Has Ear, Let Him Hear." Tell them that 1, Jesus Christ said, "No woman should plait her hair with any type of thread, and no woman should add or attach anything whatsoever to her hair. I their Lord and master hates those things. I am not the one that asked them to be making use of those things. It is human beings that chose to be using those things, and not me. I Timothy 2:9 - 10, I Peter. 3:-4, Ezekiel 44:20.

Jesus said to me, Son, tell the women that their hair must, I repeat, must be as natural as it is created to be. They must not apply any dye or relaxer to it and they must not weave their natural hair with any artificial materials. All they should do is to plait it naturally or be combing their hair and if it grows to the extent that they find it difficult to comb it, then they should scrape it to a level in which they can be combing it.

However, no woman should remove all the hairs on her head because that will be very shameful to her as a woman except in the case where her hair is permed, then she must remove all the hair on her head, and when she does that' she must always tie her head so that no eyes will see that she scrape all her hair. This she must always do until her hair grows up to level in which she can start combing it.

Secondly, tell my people who are married, that any person who is wearing wedding ring should remove it because I am not the one that asks them to be wearing it. It was human beings that decided to be using it as a token of the marriage vows without my approval. I the Lord 1 hate both wedding rings and every other ring. I also hate all earrings because they are manufactured with the same kind of materials and they are idol.

Thirdly, tell my people that watch is used to check time and not for fashion. Therefore, if any person wants to wear watch, he must wear a watch that is plastic belt or leather belt and not chain, and it must be very simple and inexpensive. Nobody should wear expensive things whatsoever because I hate it. I want my people to be very simple always.

Fourthly, the belt that is used to hold the clothes firm to the waist, therefore, if any person should wear belt, it must be very simple, and not fashionable, and it must not be a chain belt. I hate jewelries as a wear. The head of the belt must be very simple and of moderate size; not big.

Furthermore, tell the men that their hair must be equal. One side must not be higher than the other. The same is applicable to their beards. And whenever they have their hair cut, they should not carve it. They must leave their face like that. Leviticus. 19:27-28. Both the female and the male should not wear any clothes that: is tight to their legs. and they must not wear any type of jeans clothes, whether skirt, trousers, shirts or blouses or nicker. I hate it.

In addiction to that, tell the woman that no part of their breast should be seen. They must cover their body very well, and the back of their body should not be seen also. They must not wear skinny tighty dress or short nicker under their skirt because I hate all these things, what they should be wearing are under wears and inner-pants [Please this isn't trouser because pant is also refers as trouser in western countries. This is common tiny inner pants usually worn by both men and women]

The women should not wear brassiere that will make the nipple of their breast to be. noticed, because if they do and a man become seduce by it, the person through whom the man was seduced to immoral thought has committed sin without knowing it. Moreover, the women should not wear any type of clothes that will make their inner-panty line to be noticed because I, Jesus Christ hate such thing.

Having given me all these instructions, Jesus said to me, "Son, you heard what that man did to me when he was alive and you saw where it landed him, if you fail to give my messages the same way I gave them to you, and if you fail to spread the messages round the world, you will see yourself in the same place, and that is hell fire because I will not pity you. I am sending you to the world to tell my people that the time is over. Let he who has ear to hear, hear what I tell my people.

Son, Jesus called me and said, I want you to know that you .are going to be accused of what you didn't do, and there's going to be rumor against you. This is what Satan, the Lucifer has planned against you in order to destroy the messages I gave to you and also to discourage you but don't be discouraged when these things will start happening.

Be courageous and be focused because Satan cannot destroy the messages I gave you. I, Jesus Christ will defend the messages because I gave them to you to deliver my people from going to hell fire, but my anger will rest on any person who will try to destroy the messages. I have told you to be courageous, but if you fail to do so, my soul will have no pleasure in, you.

Finally, Jesus brought me to a certain point and said to me, "Son, my peace I live with you, go back to the world. My peace I live. With you, I am with you always, I will not leave you or abandon you, I will always love you. Go back to the world and do as I have instructed you because My Time is Over, Then he waved his right hand to me which indicated that he was saying bye - bye to me, while I started corning to the world.

When I came back to my house, I saw my body still kneeling down exactly the same it was when I left the house to heaven, and as I was looking at my body, a wind came and push my spirit into my body, and I opened my eyes. When I looked at the time it was 4:02 am.

Having read this book, child of God I want to tell you that my hands are cleaned from your blood. If you go to hell fire, you will have yourself to blame. I wish you heaven at last. Beloved it is out of the Lord’s mercy you have received this message yet to keep this Holiness realities you need to be discipline in order top know how to keep your daily walking relationship with Jesus contact any of the Centers for details.
