My name is Shanu Joshua Taiwo, I want to share what God revealed to me for the world that Jesus Christ gave to me on December 25, 2015 ago. But before I share, read in the book: Luke 12: 35 - 40 "Keep your waist bound and your lamps burning. And be like those who wait for their master to come home from marriage, so that when he comes and knocks at the door, the door shall be opened for him. Blessed are the servants whom his master finds guarding when he comes.
I tell you the truth, he will tie his waist and invite them to sit down to eat, and he will come and serve them. And when he comes in the middle of the night or in the dawn and finds them to be so, they are blessed. But know this: If the host knows what time the thief is coming, he will not let his house be dismantled. Be ye also ready; for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
I want to share with you what transpired on December 25, 2015. On that fateful day, i and my brethren went for a church retreat and when we return from the retreat program, in the evening, Friday, December 25, 2015. We gathered and first rested for a few minutes, and after that we all gathered to watch, while we only praised the Lord.
We worship God for His goodness, because of His faithfulness, for all that God has done in our lives; Therefore we adore His name only on that night Friday night December 25, 2015. After we praised the Lord, we worshiped His holy name as our Lord's helper, then after all, every one of us went to sleep, that day I did not know that God would reveal this great revelation to me, I do not know.
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But before I go on, let me ask you, how do you prepare for eternity? How have you prepared? You live your life to please God or you live your life to please yourself, do you live your life in holiness, do you live your life in piety and fear of God or you live your life in pollution, in filth and filth, search your life today and think about where you will spend your eternity, heaven or hell. Are you saved or lost?
In the vision of that day I saw a Man (Jesus Christ) dressed in white, This man is so beautiful full of glory and good in appearance, but He cries bitterly in great pain and suffering, when I saw him crying very sad and in bitterness, wailing in great pain, it also cause me to cry. I started to cry bitterly, I did not cry because of anything, but the only reason why I also started crying is because I see how this man cries, how he cries in pain, and moans in serious pain.
In fact, I can not explain how this man cried, so I also started crying because of this man's pain, then, when this man wept He used his hand to hold his belly, and he bowed as if he wanted to vomit, as if someone wanted to throw up. The way a person will bow down and this man uses one hand to hold his stomach and he bows down as if he wants to throw up, he cries seriously, he cries in pain.
I can not really describe how this person cried then suddenly, I saw an angel as he flew to where this man (Jesus Christ) was crying, groaning in pain, then this angel now flies to where this man and the angel told the man and said, "Father said you should let his children come home" this is a statement that the angel said.
But the man responded to the angel in great pain and with tears, He answered the angel and said "will my labor, work and sufferings be in vain? I can not come now" He says this with tears "will my labor, my work and my suffering be in vain? I can not come now." When He said so, the angel flew as soon as the man answered the angel, and the man continues to weep seriously but there is nothing to comfort Him.
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He continues to cry He continues to wail He continues to moan in spirit, but I do not see any who will go and meet Him and comfort Him or ask the question why "You are crying, what happened to you? He is the only one crying and moaning in bitterness, after a few minutes the angel comes back again, then the angel holds out something to Him like a scroll, he stretches out to the Man (Jesus Christ).
He told the man once more, and said, the angel repeated the word again and said that the Father said "You should let His children come home" At this point I would like to ask one question and the question is, are you among the children of God that the Father said to His beloved Son to let them come Home or you are one of the categories of those whom the Lord weeps for?
You have to think about this today. Your lifestyle, your character, your way of dressing, your words coming out of your mouth, your personal relationship with God, your approach to people, your personal life and your conscience will tell you the right answer to my question. You know it yourself because I also know myself and God knows better because there is grace of repentance today for you while tomorrow might become too late.
I saw this man (Jesus), when the angel repeated the saying, and when the man heard the saying once again, he raised his voice in great lament, when he saw the angel a second time, told him the same word, He raising His voice in lamentation and weeping.
Our Savior (Jesus Christ) is crying to this day, the Bible says the Lord Jesus suffered on the cross at Calvary, He is crowned with the crown of thorns, we strip Jesus, we strike Him, we spit on Him, He undergoes many trials and many problems in fact much suffering, we mock Him, we rebuke Him, we make bruises of Jesus, He suffers for us, all for our salvation. Instead this man (Jesus Christ) went to His Father's kingdom rest, NO, He did not rest from 2000 years ago, He (Jesus Christ) still begs, weeps for us.
This will be a great tragedy after the suffering of Jesus, after the mourning of Jesus, after the pain that Jesus Christ went through, all because of our interests, if you end up losing rapture. Or if you die and you open your eyes in hell, it will be a great tragedy and lament for you.
When the angel repeated the saying and the man heard it, He did not collect the scroll, but He raised His voice in great lamentation and He opened His garments, and behold I saw the wounds, and the fresh blood in His body, still fresh and then, He looked up into Heaven, with tears and moans of pain.
He said the "Father would my suffering be in vain? Please. He continues to plead with the Father, He continues to cry. He pleads with the Father for us, He pleads, while He pleads and while He speaks with the Father in pain in fact, He stands and bows, He does not stand upright.
He's like being in pain. He felt the pain, and in pain He lifted His head into Heaven and said, "Father, will all My labor be in vain? He was pleading, in pain and suffering, but what I notice there is no sign or voice from Heaven that shows that the Father hears His cry and His pleas.
Remember how He cried out in pain in Matthew 27:46, how He cried out in pain that the Father why You have forsaken Me. When the man (Jesus Christ) realizes this, that there is no sign of an answer at all. It is as if He only speaks, no one responds to Him, when He sees that the Father does not respond to Him.
He cried great, he started crying more than before or more than the first time, he cries moaning and crying in pain, because Father does not respond to Him. His crying made me to cry sadly, my face became swollen, I cried and cried because of Him. I also started to cry; I can not really explain how He cried.
No one comforts Him, His appearance and His circumstances look like someone who really needs comforters, the way He cries, the way He weeps in bitterness, pain. Even He is seen as a person who really needs a helper or comforter, someone who will comfort Him. But I do not see anybody comforting Him.
Someone will comfort Him through his lifestyle, by living a holy life and by exploiting for his kingdom, by winning souls to Him, whenever He looks down from above and sees the evils of man and their corruptions, then He sees faithful children or daughters living according to His word, and then He will begin to smile at that person or in the church or ministry.
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But so far the question is, God is crying in suffering because of you? Is the Lord Jesus weeping in pain because of your lifestyle, because of your sins you still do, notice today, that every time you sin, or whenever you sin, you are beating and you are beating God in His wounds and you are wicked, the cruel fellow God is angry with sinners every day.
God can not keep seeing His beloved Son (Jesus Christ) weeping and wailing in suffering, the evil of this world is enough, God is crying, God the Father no longer happy , about the state of the church, of the wickedness of man, and He can see His son (Jesus Christ) suffering many things on the cross at Calvary still crying years ago until now.
After the cry of Jesus, after the suffering of Jesus, after the mourning of Jesus, if in the end you find yourself left after the rapture or you find yourself in hell, you are disappointed with Jesus.
Let's repent of all sins, and let the blood of Jesus wash you clean, allow His Holy Blood and His precious blood to cleanse you from all sin, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. He still loves you, Jesus Christ still loves you, but He hates sin, he hates the sin you do.
The Lord's Church, the Lord's Servant, and as individuals where we can fall, where we can fail, and fall, with this message, let us rise and awake for the truth, and then return to the Holy God. Your character and your whole life now that keeps sinners away from God, and apostates who should come to God, keep them stubborn because of your character, because your lifestyle, God is unhappy with you, you have to be totally changed.
Christ weeps over His church which he suffers, he exhausts, and he dies because of him. Jesus was crying, when I saw Him crying, when I saw Him crying in pain, I could not help it, I also started crying, the angel said, "Father said let His children come home"
If the Lord Jesus Christ agrees and saying now I have come to take my people from the earth, will you be among those who live holy, will you be among the few that will be saved by grace, check your life today, what particular sin you are still fighting for, confess to Jesus, tell Jesus to help you, leave all your sins, the Bible says, He who leaves his sin will be pitied, confess your sins to the Lord Jesus, go on your knees asking Him to wash you clean with his precious blood.
Jesus weeps because of sinners, come out from among the multitudes who are on their way to hell. Jesus weeps because of sinners and because of the state of the church today. God is weeping because of sinners. How can we stop God from weeping, what should we do to stop Jesus from crying, brothers allow fear of God and God's love in your life.
The way that can stop Jesus Christ from crying is to have God's burning fear and love in your soul, in your mind and in your heart, have the fear of God in your life, have the love of Jesus in your life, if you have the love of Jesus, if you have a sense fear Him in your life, you will do everything to please Him. The Bible says if you love me do all my commandments.
The way we can stop God from weeping is by staying in perfect obedience to God's Word, to His warnings and commands. Jeremiah 7:23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
I and you as individuals have to live a holy life, Holy life every day. God calls us in holiness. 1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
Exploit for the Kingdom of God by winning souls, winning souls for His kingdom. Do you win a soul for Jesus, Matthew 28: 18-20 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
Daniel 11: 32b; but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Pray for God's people, pray for God's servants, pray for sinners and apostates, for your family; and for everyone. God weeps because of sinners. Let's repent today and so change after hearing this message and if now your life ends in hell, you will blame your soul.
This is a message to awaken all people to the truth, very soon the trumpet will sound. God can not keep crying on our behalf, Jesus Christ calls you today to Holiness, let's do all your necessary Restoration, begin to live a perfect life and search your home. Every moment from now, the trumpet will sound.
Are you an apostate, come back to Jesus, are you a sinner, confess your sins to Jesus, ask Jesus to forgive you, repent of all sins and be changed and God's grace will suffice for you, Luke 12:36-40 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.
Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.
And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not"
The true Christian is called to be a soldier, and must behave as such from the day of his conversion to the day of his death. He is not meant to live a life of pious ease, indolence and security. He must never imagine for a moment, that he can sleep and doze along the way to Heaven, like one traveling in an easy carriage.
If he takes his standard of Christianity from the people of this world, he may be content with such vain notions — but he will find no countenance for them in the Word of God. If the Bible is the rule of his faith and practice, he will find his course laid down very plainly in this matter. He must "fight."
With whom is the Christian soldier meant to fight? Not with other Christians. Wretched indeed is that man's idea of religion, who imagines that it consists in perpetual controversy! He who is never satisfied unless he is engaged in some strife between church and church, chapel and chapel, sect and sect, faction and faction, party and party — knows nothing yet as he ought to know.
As a general rule, the cause of sin is never so much helped as when Christians waste their strength in quarreling with one another, and spend their time in petty squabbles. No, indeed! The principal fight of the Christian is with, the world, the flesh and the devil. These are his never-dying foes! These are the three chief enemies against whom he must wage war.
Unless he gets the victory over these three, all other victories are useless and vain. If he had a nature like an angel, and were not a fallen creature, the warfare would not be so essential. But with a corrupt heart, a busy devil and an ensnaring world, he must either "fight" or be lost.
Finally, let us remember that the time is short, and the coming of the Lord draws near. A few more battles — and then the last trumpet shall sound, and the Prince of Peace shall come to reign on a renewed earth. A few more struggles and conflicts — and then we shall bid an eternal goodbye to warfare and to sin, to sorrow and to death.
Then let us fight on to the last and never surrender. Thus says the Captain of our salvation: "He who overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son!" (Revelation 21:7). Let me conclude all with the words of John Bunyan in one of the most beautiful parts of Pilgrim's Progress.
He is describing the end of one of his best and holiest pilgrims: "After this it was noised abroad that Mr. Valiant-for-Truth was sent for by a summons. When he understood it, he called for his friends, and told them of it. Then said he, 'I am going to my Father's house; and though with great difficulty I have got here — yet now I do not repent of all the troubles I have been at to arrive where I am.
My sword I give to him that shall follow me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him that can get it. My marks and scars I carry with me, to be a witness for me that I have fought His battles, who will now be my rewarder.' When the day that he must go home was come, many accompanied him to the riverside, into which, as he went down, he said, 'O death, where is your sting?' And as he went down deeper, he cried, 'O grave, where is your victory?' So he passed over, and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side!"
May our end be like this! May we never forget that without fighting, there can be no holiness while we live, and no crown of glory when we die! God bless you all in the Name of Jesus.
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