***Fathers and Mothers please listen and do not ignore this message***
Last night about 12:00am while I was praying, the Lord opened my eyes and I saw big black birds like Hawks descending from the sky in million they filled the earth and what they were doing is when they descend they pick up chicks (Little chicken) and the fly back into the sky. Some where picking one, two and some where picking three.
Crying and wailing filled the place, women were weeping putting there hands on their heads, children were crying too.
And the Lord said to me this MONTH of MAY is a very dangerous month for children and families.That there will be a lot of recorded death in children, some will sleep and that's it.
Death rate of children will increase in Hospitals.
I began to cry and praying in tongues, asking Lord what should I do? Is it to pray and bind and cast those creatures cos they were so many and I saw the Lord standing in the sky and and he was nodding his head and waving his finger in disapproval.
He said to me:
You can't go in between this creatures to pray, you can not stop them for it is ordained to be so.
We are in the end time, you can not stop it.
And while he was speaking more were descending, picking up chicks and ascending.
And he said to me, there is a solution and I stop crying to listen.
He said tell the people(believers) to declare a day vigil for there children, he said to me tell them to incubate there child/children in prayer for one night in respect to this revelation and I will protect there children.
Even if you have been praying before, get up one night in respect to this revelation and incubate your children in prayer.
When he gave me this solution, he showed again immediately in a vision
A shepherd in a field and the sheep were all laying on the grass very calm and he said to me, this is how I will protect my own
He said to me tell them about this and warn them about this.
Please Mothers and fathers harken unto the voice of God, declare a one night prayer and incubate your children. Don't wait for it to happen first before you start praying.
When you receive this message please don't keep it to yourself alone share it with your friends and families
Copy it and share it, even to your enemies
This is not for fame purposes it a revelation of what to come and if God is revealing this and giving a solution to his people then he is a good God and a Loving Father
Please share share share
God bless you
He that has an ear let him hear
I was asked to share
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