My name is Mrs Akintola Rachael. I am a member of Divine Call Evangelical Ministry at Imeko Town. I want all women to listen to my testimony and reflect on the way they live their lives which goes against the Kingdom of God we are pursuing. We Christians, Ladies, Choirs, and especially we wives of ministers of God, this is the question I want to ask us, why is it that we don’t please our creator but instead please our husbands with worldly dressing, do we even remember that we will get separated from our husbands one day without notifying anyone? Do we know who will depart first? If we eventually die, do we know the journey we are about to embark upon?
On the 23/5/2015, this unforgettable experience happened to me. During this period, I was pregnant and it was time for me to give birth. I was feeling birth pains, yet I was trying to take care of the house because of the children I want to give birth to. As I was fetching water, I was also washing my clothes. I was doing all these works so as to make things easy for my Mother-in-law when she arrives. I was doing all these without knowing that I was not going to return to that house. After some time, I couldn’t bear the pain any longer, I put some few clothes into my bags so that the neighbors will not suspect that I want to go for delivery. By the time I would get to the mid-wife, I gave birth to twins, two boys. I was so joyful, people came to congratulate me. My siblings, family members and in-laws all came and we were all celebrating. After that day, during the night when we all slept, something strange occurred. I was told that I shouted suddenly that night while asleep. The whole family in the house woke up, wondering where the noise came from. By the time the midwife got to where I was. They found out I was dead. They tried all means to revive me but it never worked. There was fuel scarcity during that time in the country, so there were no commercial buses on the road. They had to call some men to carry me on their back to a near by hospital. By the time they got to the hospital, they confirmed that I was dead. They took me to another hospital and called my elder siblings. When they got there they asked them at the hospital that why are they carrying a dead corpse from hospital to hospital.
One of my siblings was a devout Christian who had strong faith and began to pray that I won’t die. Immediately, they took me to an hospital at Lantoro. By the time they got to the gate of the hospital at Lantoro, they were pleading that they accept me at that hospital, but they refused because I was dead. All I knew was that I could hear my family members say, please help us admit her. I just discovered my spirit came out of my body where I was laid. As I stood up, I saw two very white bird that looked like an aeroplane. They stood on my shoulders and I began to imagine what was happening but I couldn’t talk. As these birds stood on my shoulders, they stretched my arms and suddenly began to transport me to heaven. I began to shout that, where am I going to, but I saw no one. After some time, these bird landed me under a very big tree. That place was an expanse of land, I couldn’t see the end. No single human or animal was there, not even a thing to behold except the white cloud I could see above. My feet could now touch the ground there, and I began to walk about whether I would see someone who would tell me where I was and how I could get back home.
As I was roaming about and shouting, please is anyone in the neighborhood, but I saw no one. I had roamed about for long where these birds landed me and left, I saw no one there and after some time I stood still. As I was thinking on what to do, suddenly I saw an angel, his appearance was white, everything he wore was white. The Angel came close to me and I asked him, please sir, where am I, I don’t know how I got here. Then the angel told me, you are in heaven, don’t you know that you have died. I said, no I will not die in the name of Jesus, I that just gave birth, I was arguing with the Angel but he was making me to realize that I was a dead person, he said, you are in Heaven. Still I did not agree, I told him I am not dead and my children are at home. As we were arguing, the angel told me, ok for you to believe that you have died, he then pointed his hand to a place, and a big television screen appeared. I could see this television screen project where my dead body was lying on earth and how wool was put into my mouth, nose, ears and my body covered with a white cloth. I could see my mother and my mother-in-law and my husband sit beside where my corpse was laid. My mother carried one of my new born twins, my mother-in-law carried the other, while my husband sat down crying. They were all weeping. As I was watching this event, I could see many crowd at the entrance of our house that were crying, then I began to imagine that could it be real that I have died. The Angel told me to continue watching, then I could see some people digging the ground, they had dug the ground very dip and they were sweating as they were digging the ground. After seeing this, I was afraid and I began to tell the Angel that, please I am not ready to die now, please I don’t know how I got here. I was still pleading when the angel replied me that, young woman, this is the help I can do for you, let me take you to where the dead line up so that you won’t stress yourself too much. As I was pleading that I am not ready to die and that he should show me the way how to go back home, suddenly, the birds that carried me at first had already arrived again and stood on my shoulders. They stretched my arms again and began to carry me up at a very powerful speed I cannot explain. As they were carrying me, I was shouting, please let me go back, I am not ready to die. These birds did not even pay attention to me, by the time we landed where they were taking me to, it was an expanse of land filled with dead people who were on a queue. All the dead lined up on different queues just like students line up on assembly ground. There was a long table at the front, I couldn’t see the beginning nor the end of the table. Angels were at the front of the table with files and books which were on the table. There were numerous angels seated to attend to each queue. The dead I found there were so many that I couldn’t see the end of the queue. The Angels were calling our names one by one. Each queue was attended to by an angel, what surprised me was that each second, another person was added to my back at the queue.
As I was thinking that, what is happening here, suddenly the Angel that meet me at the tree appeared and stood by my side. Then I asked him, what have we come to do here and what are they doing at the front. He then told me that, don’t you know that this is where you will receive judgment, the Angels to judge you are at the front. He showed me a very beautiful broad road at the front and also showed me a very tiny rough road. As the Angels were dropping the files of each person they were pointing to each person to take the broad way. There were now much crowds on that way as wide as it was, to the extent that they were pushing themselves. Then I told the Angel that, instead of these people pushing themselves, why don’t some of them pass through that narrow road so that it will be easy for us all to get to Heaven. Then the angel answered me that, as many the people here are, if two people should pass that tiny road, it will result to celebration in Heaven. Then I asked, why, He told me, don’t you know this wide road is the road that leads to hell. As beautiful as the road is, it is fire that is at the end of it. But that tiny road is the road that leads to Heaven and the end of the road is eternal joy. Then I asked him that, why is it that it is few people that will pass that road. He then told me, it is your works that will determine where you will be directed to when your file is checked. As he spoke that words, I thought in my heart that, Ah! Will I be among the two that must pass here. As I was thinking this in my heart, to my surprise he replied me that, you, with the way you are, the road you are going to be directed to is that broad way. I cried out, Why! He said, you see the hair on your head, the trousers you put on and the earring you put on your ear is what will sentence you to hell fire. During that time I did a weave on hair, and put on a female trousers and also put a little earring and that was how I also appeared in Heaven when my spirit left my body. When the Angel told me that is what will sentence me to hell, he now asked me that, were you not told when on earth that wearing of female trousers, using of weave on and using of earrings are sins that can lead a person to hell. Then I began to plead with him that I never knew I would die on time like this and that I normally thought that by the time my death is getting closer, I will repent. I begged him, but he told me, your judgment is a the front. As he said those words, some things began to speak from my body which I could not see. They began to say, Rachael, Rachael, do you know that the earring on our ear and the hair on our head and the trouser is what will take us to hell. Then another was also talking from my body that, but they told us when we were on earth, or didn’t they tell us. As my conscience was troubling me, I was struggling to at least cut or pull off by force the weaveon on my head. As I was pulling the weaveon, it was getting more longer, the more I tried to cut it off, the more it became shiny and very long. I thought, Ah! What will I do to cut off this weaveon, yet they were calling people and it was about four people left then I would be called. Then I left the weaveon and began to pull the earrings on my ears so as to remove it quickly, but it didn’t remove, instead it became more long and bold to the extent that it had reached my shoulder. I thought again, Ah! What would I do, then I tried to remove my trousers or even tear it on me, the trousers refused to get removed or torn. When I did all these and don’t know what to do again, then I began to shout, please everyone have mercy on me, let me go and tell them that I have died, my parents don’t know that I have died, my children are at home. This was what I was shouting but no one answered me, the angels kept calling names of people. When it was three people left before I would be called, I saw a woman I knew on earth on the line I was, she was the wife of a minister of God. She had died when I was still on earth, and we mourned her. When she was alive, she does not wear trousers, or use weaveon, she always appeared holy and we all had the belief that she had gone to heaven. When I saw her name being called, I said to myself that, assuredly, among the two that must make it to heaven, this woman will be one of them, but as the angels asked her questions and checked her file, the accusation laid against her was that she was keeping malice. They told her that she and her husband had a misunderstanding before the night that she would die though her husband begged her before they slept but she kept the matter in her heart with the intention of retaliating not knowing that she would die that night. This was the only sin that was found on the woman and the angel pointed to that broad way that she should pass there. Then I shouted, Ah! A person that when she was on earth she does not fight, insult anyone, does not use earrings and weaveon and even use to preach to us. I was watching her as she put her finger in her mouth and was crying as she went. Then I said, Oh God, if a person that is holy like this is still sentenced to hell, how will I even escape this hell. There was nothing I could do again, only two were left and I would be called. I then began to shout, please have mercy on me, let me go back and carry my Bible, let me go and carry my Bible, please have mercy on me, I don’t know my time is up, I have not carried my Bible.
It was the Bible I was shouting that I wanted to go and carry. My shout became so loud that the angel could not concentrate on what they were doing. Immediately, someone answered from behind the angels that, what is wrong with that woman that is shouting. Then they replied, she said she wanted to go her carry her Bible. Then He said, were you not told that there is no repentance in the grave. I then told him, I did not know that I would die on time, and that he should please let me go and carry my Bible. As He was talking to those angels, just His words was shaking the whole Heaven and everyone was quaking. Then He told those angels, give her five minutes to go back and take her Bible, if after five minutes she is not back, where ever she is judge her there. As He said this, the angel beside me said, quickly go now. Immediately those birds have arrived and stood on my shoulders. They carried me back to where that big tree was, when they dropped me there, my feet could now touch the ground. Then I began to run with great speed so that at least I could go and put off the trousers, weaveon and earring. As I was running, I discovered that I got to the entrance of my house. When I got there, I saw people outside weeping. Those who were digging the ground had dug it very dip and were sweating seriously. When I got near that pit that was dug, I was shaking my head that so it is true that I have died, but as I was doing those things, no one saw me. Then I saw one of my sister who was an hairdresser who was fixing an hair extension known as attachment for someone. Then I began to rebuke her that, sister, don’t attach something to someone’s hair, it is a sin, that is why I was not allowed to enter Heaven. No one could hear all I was saying, as my sister was attaching the artificial hair to that person’s head, I was seizing it from her hand and beating her hand, but she didn’t even see me. Then I remembered while doing this that five minutes will soon be up. Then I left her and entered the house since she could not see me. When I entered, I saw my dead body on the bed, how wool was put in my nose, mouth and ears. When I saw it, I shook my head seriously and was crying. My mum was sitting on the edge of the bed, by mother in law was there also. I began to call tell my mother, don’t cry, I am here, I am not dead look at me, still they could not see me. I faced my mother in law and called her, grandma, I am here don’t cry again, I told my husband the same thing but no one saw me, they were just crying. I was so troubled and I looked at the time that five minutes will soon be up. Immediately I looked for a blade and cut off the weaveon on my head and also removed the earring on my ears and removed the trousers also and change to another dress. Then I looked at body on the bed, and since no one saw me I was in a haste to go back before five minutes is up. I ran out of the house and was running seriously so as to meet up but to my surprise, as I was running with speed I did not get there, instead I just woke up back to the world.
The day I woke up was the fifth day I had died. They did not bury me on time because they were just praying that if God could just bring me back to life. When I came back to life and stood up, everyone just began to roll on the floor praising God.
When I came back to life, I burnt all the things that hindered me from making heaven like weaveon, attachments, earrings and others. I thank God that he had mercy on me and still allowed me to be alive till this moment. I only obtained mercy because many had died like that. Please let everyone hearing my testimony repent. Abandon anything thing that will hinder you from making heaven.
You are free to copy and paste this testimony on any platform for evangelism purpose.
1 Timothy 2:9
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1 Peter 3:3
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
Jeremiah 4:30
And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life.
Isaiah 3:16-21 Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:
Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.
In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,
The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers,
The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings,
The rings, and nose jewels.
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