MARRIAGE Secret Plans of the Devil Against Unmarried Singles in the End Time Army
Secret Plans of the Devil Against Unmarried Singles in the End Time Army
The Coming Revival will be prevented by the following ways
(Youth,chidren and adults)
Mission 1 to youth
The devil explained further, “As for the young, here is my plan: Go and marry them. Go into the churches and pretend to be a converted brother or sister. Deceived them in making a fake confession of faith, and whenever you are talking with them look into their eyes. Once your eyes connect with each other, an arrow will strike their spiritual eyes so that they will have fake dreams showing them that you are their chosen husband or wife”. The devil then noted, “Some of you shall be in the position of father or mother for the marriage and introduction”.
The meeting continued, and the devil gave more instructions to the demons and high ranking agents, “Remember our time is short and we must not fail in this mission. So, marry them,and then once you are married, you must silence their calling, dry their anointing, blind their spiritual eyes, cause them to backslide in their prayer life and hate the Bible. Also, always fight with them, stop them from doing spiritual activities, and scare them with divorce. But in some instances, divorce them, because you know if they marry another person, it is adultery and once they remarry, they will blindly fall into Hell. In addition, put my spirit in them which is the spirit of pride so that they will think they are still standing. However, dress holy where it is needed, but dress seductive where it is needed. Also, talk holy where it is needed, but, talk immorally where it is needed. In addition, join the workers in the church, but for the most part,
I want you to join the choir. Remember, we are blessed with sweet voices for we were once a choir for the Holy King, and among other things, deceived them with great deceptions, lure them into fornication, cause them to lust after your beauty, and give them fake dreams sothat they will fall into your trap”.
Appeal to all Holiness and EndTime Ministers
Therefore, be very careful of those who come in the name of a holy brother or sister to marry you. Instead, before you go into courtship, please pray very well to know the mind of God concerning that person, because choosing the wrong partner in this last hour is a time bomb that will explode. Also you must understand that knowing the mind of God does not happen in one day, but serious prayer is needed over a period of time. Even more, whenever you are praying about marriage please do not have anyone in mind, or you may cause yourself to dream of them as your husband or wife (Eccles. 5:3). Instead, set yourself apart by fasting. Moreover, ask for the gift of discernment so that you will be able to know the demons and high ranking agents who are on a mission to silence your calling.
Mission 2 to children
As for the children, I want some of you to handle that by capturing them through cartoons, and others will back you up with my power. This way the children will be rebellious, prideful and disobedient
Mission to ministers
as for the adults who are in the ministry, cause their children to be disobedience so it will disgrace their ministry. Then in.return, these adults will always be angry. Also, attack them with pride, with the love of money,and with self-glorification. In addition, kill their gift of discernment and cause them to lie. Then once you succeed in bringing them down, then destroy them! No wasting time”!
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