I was a mystic master. I reached a very high level in occultism. When I moved to a new neighborhood, in the night I was summoning all the spirits of the inhabitants of my neighborhood to appear and parade before me.

As these human spirits appear before me, they had labels with their databases and identities and their levels of power.

I would know whether the person is a witch, a satanist, or a powerless civilian.

There is a law in the occult that when a mystic arrive in a place, he must test everybody’s power before going to sleep.

You must understand that as Christians, you are tested every day by witches in your street or work, or church. Even when you sleep, you are tested but you are protected by Jesus. They also try to attack you and bewitch you.

I was summoning the spirits of everybody to appear before me in the neighborhood but I noticed that there were 3 spirits of 3 young people that were not responding.

If you are in Christ, your spirit will never answer when you are summoned by Satanists and occultists.

After the investigation, I discovered they were Christians and intercessors.

I was capable of causing people to sleep even in the day by my will. This was usually done by the ray of light shot by my eyes. 

Witches and occultists have hard times staring a man of prayer in the eyes as Christians can release powerful rays of light from their eyes. That is why when a man of prayer stares a witch in the eyes, the witch will become uncomfortable and will try to avoid that eye contact.

Now I had to deal with spirits that were not responding to my summoning and conjuring. I had to check their power and the intensity of their fire or light they were emitting.

You must note that for Christians, apart from the ray of light emitted by their eyes, they also have pillars of fire above their heads. The more fire a Christian has in his pillar, the more rays of light in his eyes.

But there are certain Christians that had little fire in their pillars but strong light in the eyes. Eyes are one of the principal organs by which Satanists bewitch and dominate people.

After my investigation, I found that 1 of these 3 young Christians did not have fire in his pillar above his head although there was light in his eyes. I decided to target him because of that.

Apart from the pillar of fire above their heads and the rays of light in their eyes, Christians also have authority automatically but this is not enough as the Bible says to “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

You can have authority but Satanists can still be around you though you are protected by that authority. But you need to seek power by submitting yourself to God in prayer and you will generate power to resist the devil. That is what they fear. A man of prayer is a man of power. So I decided to attack this third Christian because he lacked power.

I befriended him. Be careful who you befriend as the Bible says bad company corrupts good morals. (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Firstly, I stopped him from attending church because when a Christian attends church, even if his pillar of fire was off, he will come out with more fire in his pillar transmitted to him by the gathering of Christians because a church is like many fires put together.

Later I invited him to join me in my business.

Beloved, whatever proposition comes to you in life, you must be in touch with the Holy Spirit.

My first strategy was to get him away from church. The second strategy was to weaken his prayer life. A Christian is as big as his prayer life in the spirit realm so I got him very busy to stop him from having time for prayer.

Later this Christian joined me in drinking in nightclubs. Let me tell you what happens in nightclubs and bars at night.

Satanists go to the toilet and pee and this is transformed into beer and people are drinking it. Nightclubs and bars are demonic places. Christians should never go there. This Christian backslided.

My goal was to get this brother to deny Jesus Christ and Christians deny Jesus by word and actions every day.

In the spirit realm, actions and gestures matter. You may not speak but a gesture that you make constitutes a prayer.

At the nightclub, I asked for rock music because it attracts many demons. Then I asked this brother, “Between here and church, where are joy and life?”

He answered, “Here.” That answer in itself is a prayer in the spiritual realm.

Then I asked him, “Do you accept to abandon the church and that Jesus?”

As he was already bewitched and under demonic influence, he confessed his rejection of Jesus.

You know in the kingdom of darkness, if you have served Jesus and you backslided and joined them, you won’t have 24 hours to live because they know you might repent. To avoid that, you must be killed. That night after confessing his denial of Jesus, he died of cardiac arrest.


As a mystic, I was living 2 lives. I was living in 2 worlds or 2 realms - the physical and the invisible realm located between heaven and earth called the 2nd heaven.

The Apostle Paul said we are not fighting against flesh and blood but powers in the heavenly place.

Actually when Christians prayed, I was able to see their prayers rising like smoke to heaven and I could equally see God’s response to their prayers in the form of packages coming down from heaven.

But these packages were coming down slowly the more the Christian persevere in prayer, the more the package was gradually descending.

As the realm of Lucifer is located in the second heaven, they are able to see prayers rising like smoke to heaven. They can also see God’s response coming down from heaven in the form of packages.

They are demonic powers operating in the second heaven. Some of them are functioning like post office officers. They can identify where the prayer or the smoke is coming from and they can also verify the quality or condition of that prayer rising to heaven.

These demonic powers in the air do check prayers and they also try to determine the liability of prayers to be stopped or blocked particularly if the believer that is praying has legal issues or sins that are not confessed or forbidden taboo from Scriptures.

These demons also inquire and investigate God’s response and when they see a package coming from heaven and going down to earth, they will investigate to determine who is the recipient of the package and once they establish the identity of the person then they will come up with a strategy to target and overwhelm the believer with all kinds of attacks, oppressions, persecution because they know that a blessing is on its way.

These demons will desperately try to attack this believer with distraction, weakness and heaviness to stop him from continuing his prayer. They will try to bring discouragement to try and stop the believer from praying because they know that a package is on the way.

Every time a decision is taken in heaven, the kingdom of Lucifer will be the first to know. They know in advance what will take place on earth before even men. They can see your blessing coming to you before you know.

Therefore they will make your life tougher. That’s why when you notice that the more you pray, the more it is getting tougher. You got to understand it is likely that a decision was made in heaven and that a blessing is on your way.

That’s why you are overwhelmed by the kingdom of darkness but you must persevere. Despite the circumstances unfolding around your life, you must maintain your confession of faith as the Bible said the righteous shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17)

But if you become discouraged by circumstances around your life and you lose your faith and abandoned your course ignoring that your answer was already on the way and that God has already answered your prayer, then the second heaven will have legal ground and justification to block your package.

The other point is when there is sin in your life that you failed to confess, your prayer may be undermined by these sins that you were supposed to confess. Actually, your prayer will rise in heaven attached to these sins and the powers of darkness in the air may stop it. Despite this sin, God in His mercy may still answer that prayer.

But if you failed to confess your sin, then demonic powers of the air of the second heaven will have legality to divert the trajectory of your package. They can get a hold of it and you will never receive it.


One day I attended an international conference under the Pacific Ocean. You may wonder how? Actually, we were not going there by planes or boats but by concentration and astral traveling and over there, I met the authorities and the elites of this physical world including ecclesiastical authorities.

After that meeting was finished, I took the time to talk to the elite. They said to me that Christians are higher in the hierarchy of human civilization in terms of power but as they don’t know who they are, we must work to keep that status quo.

They said that Christians don’t know their Master Jesus. They have no idea who their Master is and that we should stop them from getting that knowledge and awareness. We should keep them from knowing their power and capacity so that they can operate at a lower level.

In this underwater gathering, we were instructed not to let believers fulfill their Christian commitment, whether it is prayer or reading of the Bible or serving God.

I was capable of seeing the intensity of prayer life of a Christian. I could determine whether it is higher or lower and I was working to stop them from praying and also stopping them from getting their answers or package from God.

Every time I encountered a praying Christian, I had to work to discourage him to get him distracted. I had an obligation to stop the Christian from praying. It was a priority because it is almost impossible to attack a praying Christian as he is covered by the glory of God.


Christians ignore their power and identity. They have power in their mouth and their words. They have creative power. Actually, one day as I was operational in the invisible layer of this planet, I saw a mother in our neighborhood praying. She was doing spiritual warfare prayer and attacking the parallel kingdom. I heard as she said, “I take authority against demons operating in this neighborhood. I bind them all!”

I was observing when suddenly I saw all kinds of demons that were operating in that area being rounded up by angels. These demons were rounded up, disarmed and stripped of their power and made powerless and they were bound in chains by the angels of God because of this woman’s spiritual warfare prayer.

I used to call these demon angels when I was in the occult but they were evil spirits. They were paralyzed by angels of light as a result of this woman’s prayer of authority.

Let me remind you Christians that you have the power in your word and your word can turn the spirit world upside down. You can unleash and start a war in the invisible realm any time through your prayer and spoken word.

Beloved, the devil knows that he does not have time therefore he is not resting. He is working relentlessly to attack the children of God. It is only a life of holiness that will render his attacks powerless.

NEXT: Adolph Mukunz 2 Former Occultist On Christians In Power Encounters




I met a demon who said to me, “Lucifer has a plan for you but you will start as an assistant of a doctor who is an occultist and who does magic in the circus. You will be learning from him until further notice.”

One of this doctor's performances in the circus was changing paper to money. He would take a piece of paper and chew it and when it finished, he would pull money out of his mouth.

But in one instance in the circus by accident, he swallowed a piece of paper. Then his belly started to inflate. He quickly hypnotized the people who could not see what was happening to him and his belly.

After the spectacle ended, we went back to the second planet and when we arrived in the kingdom, there was chaos. People were running here and there.

When they saw us coming, they shouted, “The troublemakers have arrived!!!”

The doctor was arrested and the verdict of that incident in the circus was death. I was told to replace him but the demon failed to tell me the truth of what happened.

Later I came back to earth and I asked the Satanist Adonis who initiated me. He said that the doctor made a mistake. It was an accident.

By accident, he did not know that the paper he was using was that of the New Testament. He transformed it into money. That’s why he ended up in trouble.

Then I asked what was written on that paper. The Satanist refused to talk about it first. Then he said it was talking about Jesus saving the world.

Beloved, I spent 20 years in Satanism. I was seeking powers. I was in the search of a superpower in the occult but I met the Name of Jesus the real superpower. I saw the dark world in turmoil just because the Name of Jesus was written in that New Testament paper.

Christians who are daily reading the Bible and calling upon Jesus are filling themselves with such power that they are causing havoc to the kingdom of darkness.


One day a boy was supposed to sacrifice his father in the kingdom of Satan. The father was a fisherman. I was supposed to carry out the execution.

I traveled to the river. I saw the man in his boat fishing. The boy had already determined the time and manner of his father’s death which was drowning.

I came and deployed or established the field of bewitchment. Once this field is deployed, the victim will think that he is OK and things are normal but in reality, he is already asleep, hypnotized, and neutralized. In reality, you ceased to function or operate but you are under the impression that everything is going on normally although you are already hypnotized and neutralized.

To cause a plane accident or a car accident, we use this field. People on the bus or car or plane will be under the impression that the bus or plane is still moving but in reality, it has already stopped. They will not see it or experience it. It is like a time machine that stopped but as far as the victims are concerned, the bus or plane is still moving. They are already under hypnosis.

So I deployed the bewitching field around that fisherman boat. The man thought he was still fishing though he was already in hypnosis, neutralized and asleep.

I turned the boat upside down. The fisherman was plunged into the river and beneath the water, there were demons in position and waiting to capture him.

Then the man was captured by demons beneath the water but something unexpected happened. The moment demons laid their hands on that man, he shouted the name of Jesus!!!

Beloved, I saw the man propelled out of the river to the riverbank. I was surprised, shocked, and confused.

In the kingdom of Lucifer, if you failed your assignment, it is either death or madness but the favor of God was upon me. I went back to the infernal kingdom to report what just happened.

When I got there, something eye-opening happened. I said to Lucifer that the man was already plunged into the water. He was in the hands of our angels, then he shouted the name of Jesus!!

Beloved, when I pronounced the name of Jesus, Lucifer was thrown out of his throne on the ground.

That day I saw how weak Lucifer was in the face of the name of Jesus. He was like somebody stripped of his power. He was really weak. This is the being that shakes the ground when he speaks but he could not bear the name of Jesus.

The devil cannot be around the name of Jesus. I always feel excited at the mention of the name of Jesus. If only Christians knew the power in that name. Actually, Jesus fights for us in invisible wars when we are not even aware of them.

After that incident on the second planet, I was told not to mention the name of Jesus in the infernal kingdom and not in front of Lucifer again.

Now I had to investigate why I failed. I had to establish who is that fisherman, what is the power behind him, in which mystical order he belongs to so that I can attack him again.

Beloved, when you win a battle against the kingdom of darkness, do not think it is over and that you can rest. Satanists do not give up when they fail for the first time. They will regroup and come for the second time for counterattack because the devil is always looking for new strategies and new methods to outsmart Christians.

When you are the target of the devil, he will not give up until he wins. If all the spiritual strategies are failing, he will end up making a physical confrontation. He can even use your pastor to fight you and bring you down.

I was still confused about what happened on the second planet. Just quoting the name of Jesus caused Lucifer to be thrown on the ground. He said, “My son, do not quote that Name before me again.”

Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

After my investigation, I established that the fisherman was an elder in the church, a born-again Christian.


One day, I was charged to investigate why the communication line between the second planet or the kingdom of Lucifer and a county in my province was not good. Every time Lucifer’s servants were in communication, there were interferences. So I went to investigate by Lucifer’s order.

Initially we thought we were dealing with infrastructure issues. When I arrived in that county, I went to see the main Lucifer representative. I noticed that he had a tie on his neck that was stopping him from speaking correctly.

Then I traveled to the world of witches as part of my investigation. I noticed that all the witches from that county had the same ties on the neck that were always on them.

Later, I gathered the wandering spirits from that county in a meeting. I asked them about this situation. Then they told me that there is a born again Christian who is a prayer leader in the 30th Pentecostal community church. One day he was leading prayer and he gave a prayer point and said, “Because witches are attacking us in the night and strangling us, therefore from today we command ties to be on their necks and strangle them. They will struggle to even speak!! From that day onward all our servants here in this country have difficulty talking. They are all strangled by these ties in their necks.”

The Bible says that God is behind the words of His servants the prophet to fulfill them. Listen, the way you pray depending on your faith, it will happen accordingly.

Isaiah 44:26 Who confirms the word of His servant, And performs the counsel of His messengers;

Now this prayer leader was the brother of the main representative of Lucifer in this county. As there was no solution to this problem, I went to see their family and gathered them. I said to them, "My family member is suffering in his neck. He cannot speak correctly because someone in the family spoke bad words. He may be a witch." 

I mentioned the name of that prayer leader who was present in the family meeting. I accused him of being a witch. He denied that.

After he denied that, I said to the man, “You said negative words that are affecting people.”

Then the prayer leader as he was humble, he said, “If I said negative words affecting people, I retract them.”

The moment the prayer leader canceled his word of condemnation against our servants, we seized his word. As a result, the ties on the necks of our servants, the Satanists and witches were removed.
