This is the second and last part of the testimony of a young South African woman, former devil worshiper, who spent more than half of her life serving the devil.

When I was a graduate, I was also sent to cause plane crashes, planes to Australia, Europe, or anywhere. When there is a plane crash, it is not because the pilot was at fault, all plane crashes I know were caused by us, we were sent, and there was nothing we could do about it, we were slaves, we worked even when we didn't want to and we were told that we would only rest when Jesus had come back. So in the meantime, we must kill so that the chiefs and Satan would get blood and also the new recruits that haven't started working. We also worked with Heads of States, Presidents, I won't mention the name of the president we caught, he is not a devil worshiper, but we were working on him every day. He passed our laws, he allowed prostitution, he allowed abortion and said that children must not be punished. It was our plans that he agreed to unknowingly because we could see that Jesus was about to come back. We used to send incantations to them every day and that the nation must be cursed.

We worked a lot in South Africa, as you can see abortion and other abominations, so that people will be concerned about democracy, but not knowing that Jesus is at the door about to come back. Jesus has to win many souls to Himself, time is almost up. Aborted babies and babies lost in miscarriages are raised to adulthood by us in space. We save these babies for our missions. They were not going to live anyway. We raise them up and we use them to destroy marriages, couples would fight over meaningless things, and divorces, separations and the like would result. These aborted children deal with that. The victims will oftentimes see a snake in the yard or in the house, it would be that baby. They would also cause fights within the family, cause sibling rivalry to the point of death.

In the last plane to Europe I crashed, there was a child of God, who was living a holy life there, so the blood that was spilled there was damaged because the blood of a Christian damages the blood that we need and if we drink it we become weak and unable to operate. That was my last plane crash. I had crashed many before and did all things for Satan there and I was now collecting reports, and doing difficult assignments only at my rank. I was also responsible for bringing down the difficult pastors.

Let me come back to products: Lacoste is not one of our products, but when you wear one you are representing a satanist because the crocodile is one of the animals we use to operate. If I want to do something, I would change into a lizard.

Five stars represent us as devil worshipers, just like the youth in the church are known as the stars of heaven and the light of the world; we also were represented by stars. So if you are wearing something with a star, Satan would go up to heaven to report you and say that this person is walking around the earth representing him and that the person loves him more than God. All stars and Lacoste and everything that has two feet on it, whether it be a t-shirt or pants, represents dishonor to Jesus who is coming back soon. So if you have that on you, you are saying that Jesus is weak. I do not even need to explain that a dragon represents Satan. If you wear anything with a dragon you represent Satan and Satan would go up to God and laugh at Him saying that he is more powerful than Him because people walk around the earth representing him.

In the issue of codes, barcodes represent Satanists, as you can see that everything you buy has a barcode, we pronounce curses on the food, which is why Christians should be acquainted with fasting. All barcodes have 3, 6 or 9 which represent the spiritual realm. If it does not have 3, it has 6, if it does not have 6, it has 9. All these are satanic numbers. Before the food hits the shelves we would pronounce curses on the food.

If you are a Christian and you are using traditional medicines and things prepared by witch doctors and potions, then you are not holy. We would go and accuse you to God and say that you worship created things instead of worshiping the Creator. God said we must have dominion on plants and trees. These things must not be our hope, but Jesus alone must be our hope, and if you place your faith in that potion and not Jesus, you are sinning. Those potions have evil spirits bestowed on them by us or the witch doctors. We immediately write you in our books, because you belong to us.

Beloved, if you are not born again and saved, you will burn in hell, guaranteed. When I was a new recruit I did not know that we were going to burn in hell, but I later discovered. These are the last days and are added because of His grace. We were working hard. The only thing that was left was the 666 registration that is going to happen. Because there were lots of devil worshipers caught in the churches and they were revealing secrets from our camp, we changed our strategy. Instead, there will be numbers that will be considered secret numbers that the government will permit. If you have those numbers on your hand or on your head, then you will not go to heaven, you will be like a devil worshiper, and your blood will be full of satanic codes. It was that registration that was pending when I left. It can be done at any time just like the church could be raptured at any time, even as we speak. But we all don't know when God has hidden that from everyone.

When we have caught the revival pastors, we turn them into our agents without them knowing about it. They become devil worshipers, but they are not separated from their bodies. We put our spirits in them.

When people come for offering, we would pronounce curses on the offering in the spirit. The curse does not rest on the believer but on the church. There is an offering called tithing, this particular form is very important to a believer. It is a tenth of somebody's earnings. We used to prevent people from paying their tithes. We would remind them of things they have to buy or pay for. We would then go and accuse you to God, saying that this person stole His money. We would tell God that this believer's needs are more important than Him. Satan would call you a thief because you stole God's money and you did not pay it all.

I advise you that whatever you owe God, pay it, it's only a tenth of your income. Tithing protects you from accidents and helps keep you holy. It's very important that you pay your tithe first before you take care of your needs. You cannot skip a month and say that you will pay double next month. The skipped month represents a curse and can never turn into a blessing even if you pay to double the following month. If you remember correctly, God gave up His only Son, it was not nice, but He did it so that you may escape hell. You too must give to His work.

When a person is about to die, we would visit him. There are people that think that they will confess their sins and repent when they are sick and about to die. We would then go into them and make them a mute, and then they would not be able to confess their sins. You cannot confess your sins in your heart; you need your mouth to do so as when you are to be born again. You have to confess the Lordship of Jesus with your mouth. If he dies with those sins in him, we would write his name in our book and he would burn with us. The people who die with sins in them, these are the people we use when we come to their relatives. We use their bones in their graves to disguise and appear as the dead relative telling them to do all sorts of things, and the victim would do these things thinking it is in the honor of the dead relative, but it would be us. We would even place money in the backyard and appear to you as your dead relative saying that there is money in the backyard so that people would believe that the dead relative is helping them out. This is how we make people believe in ancestral worship.

If you are a believer we would also visit you; there are believers that fall in their last minute on earth; we would make them fall. At the last minute, they would want an animal to be slaughtered in their honor for the ancestors. We would immediately write this person's name in our book because they died having been defiled by ancestral worship. We would watch everybody before they die and others would fall. If you die in holiness, we couldn't use your bones to fool your living relatives. These are the ones that are going to be resurrected when Christ comes back.

When time went on, there was an anointed pastor called pastor Chiliza from Mandawe. I started following him before I was even a graduate. When I graduated I was assigned to him because he was a tough one. He prays for people with HIV and they receive healing and can pray for a person in a wheelchair and they would walk again. We started telling people that he is a Satanist and is using witchcraft to do these miracles and people would believe us. I was to be awarded a Nissan Navarra if I would succeed in bringing this man of God down. When he falls, he would not stop preaching, we never discourage a fallen pastor to preach, but he would be used by our spirits to promote compromise etc. All newborn in that church would be in a trap because he would start preaching half-truths and whatever we feed him to preach.

When I arrived at any church, I would sit at the back and check out what is going on. I studied his life because if I want to bring down a Pastor, I first studied him. I would search for his weaknesses at work or at home. Once, he had a revival in Sea View, I was still studying him then. He went around evangelizing and I would tag along. In 2008, he had a revival in Fuscadale. That is where I studied him properly, and there was a wall of fire around him. If you are a born again child of God and you regularly fast, you are always protected with a wall of fire around you. I went behind him and went home.

Pastor Chiliza had a revival in Khushwini, and I was forced to get into my fake body because it was near my home. My code was in my blood. I went there with my friend Slindile. She is not a devil worshiper and she did not know that I was a devil worshiper. She was infested with witchcraft spirits, and we were good friends. I was a hairdresser, and we had long hair extensions. I used to plait myself and she had the same hairstyle. Heed my warning when I say that hair fiber(artificial hair) is dangerous.

When we arrived, we came before the man of God. We came by car with other brethren who did not know that I was a devil worshiper, neither did my friend. She was very rude and disobedient at home, that was because she was my friend and I was a bad influence on her. We sat at the back and the man of God came in with his wife. When he entered, he said that there is an evil spirit here, he is also a prophet. My friend jumped and fell down and wanted to run away.

I loved my friend very much and we were arrogant; people in the car we came in were witnesses to how rude we were. I took my friend to the altar to be prayed for because I did not want anyone to touch her because we had so much pride. I was certain of one thing; that I am a graduate and I thought that I would never get caught because I had a very high rank and I could even protect the chief who is a satanist from burning prayers and my code was in me.

In this particular day, Pastor Chiliza asked who was accompanying this lady that fell down, this was before he preached. I answered and told him it was me. He continued preaching, and he repeated his question and I couldn't open my mouth, the Holy Spirit in him had overpowered me. I couldn't even lift up my foot. He asked again and I couldn't answer. He then turned and said to the church "look at this." He then shouted FIRE, Jesus is a consuming fire, when he had said this, in the spirit I could see out of his eyes, mouth, and hands poured out the fire. I fell down, and the demons took me out of my body immediately and I went to space and the demon that occupied my body remained there.

When a demon is in agony because of fire, it would answer any question. Most pastors do not know this, that if you do not burn the code out of someone's body, they remain a devil worshiper even after deliverance. Fortunately, he knew this and asked the demon for the code, and he burned it with the fire of God. As soon as the code was burned, the demons in space had no choice but to let me go. The demon that was in me went back to space. If they hadn't burned the code in my hand, the demons would have been able to call me again because I wasn't called by my name; I was called by my code. The last digit that I received upon my graduation came out with blood. After I was prayed for, I returned to my senses, I made a decision to get saved and I would testify all over the world. I trust in God because I have seen His power. I know He is more powerful than Satan.

Before I forget, after the rapture, the world will not end. There will be a church that everybody will be forced to go to. I will not say the name of that church and it is already active as we speak. People that are not taken to heaven with Jesus will be forced to go to this church to worship the Antichrist, this church exists today. If anyone wants to go to heaven at that time, they would have to be brutally murdered to get to heaven and your family would be raped in front of you and the police will have no mercy. What I can say to everybody is that they get saved while there is still time. There will come a time where they would have to be murdered to get to heaven. So I advise people to get saved now before this dreadful time comes. Take Jesus while His grace is still available.

I am a born again child of God, forgiven of all the sins. I will continue testifying and anyone that wants me to testify in their church is welcome. Some will not believe that I am delivered and some are still afraid of me, thinking I will suck their blood. My Jesus is faithful even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I am not afraid. God bless you all and know that Jesus is about to come back soon to get His church. God is faithful, don't leave His side. Be careful of false prophets. Remain in the love of Jesus. I love you very much. I would like to thank my intercessors and all those who never doubted me but welcomed me and helped me and prayed with me. I also would like to thank the man of God Pastor Chiliza. God bless you.

May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
